services should be strengthened under the
aggregator supervision.
Local skilled entities should be preferred for
hiring for aggregation and other services.
Legislation must support private sector
involvement in energy business on distribution
level to support, manage, own and operate a
suitable size of consumers.
Renewable energy based generation must be
encouraged at the local level by incentives.
Spot pricing mechanism must be incorporated
with suitable price update time and should be
decreased with innovations available.
Distribution networks should be made more
reliable by connecting consumers in meshed
form, upgrading the present protection systems.
Consumer’s awareness should be enhanced
through print and electronic media, and any other
mean to adopt smartness.
A consumer-centric business model can be
implemented using cellular microgrid structures with
consumer’s involvement. Small enterprises will
strengthen the business structure by enhancing
consumers comfort in the competitive environment.
This business will also generate local job
opportunities. There are regulatory issues in the
implementation of such a structure, so local
investment should be allowed with all kinds of feed
in tariffs. Some recommendations are given in
previous section to make this model more evolving.
An economic study will be carried out in future
work to strengthen the point of view on the cellular
business model for microgrids.
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