Internet Shopping Optimization Project (IShOP)

Bernabe Dorronsoro, Jacek Blazewicz, Jedrzej Musial, Johnatan Pecero



E-commerce (or even e-business) is becoming a part of modern society. The continuously growing implementation of technology (e.g., cloud computing, mobile devices - smartphones, tablets) into our daily business and administrative operations make it necessary to adapt to this inevitable evolution. One of its essential parts is Internet shopping, which becomes more and more popular with every upcoming year. Access to the service industry is now also offered through internet portals, ranging from cloud computing to translation services. Shipping costs, quantity discounts and early booking, among others, allowed for the creation of value added-services based on brokering. This project proposes innovative and realistic models for different typical online shopping operations, supported by strong mathematical and operational research fundamentals, and well balanced with lightweight computational algorithms. These models are designed in order to allow the optimization of such transactions. Finding accurate solutions to the defined problems implies both lowering customer expenses and favouring market competitiveness. Therefore, the outcome of the project will be extremely beneficial for the society; particularly taking into account that online shopping already comprises a large percentage of the actual commerce (in 2013, 50% of European consumers will be making purchases online). One of the main aims of this project is to model and formulate new advanced and realistic flavours of the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem (ISOP), considering discounts and additional conditions like price sensitive shipping costs, incomplete offers from shops, or the minimization of the total realization time, price, and delivery time functions, among others. The models will be mathematically and theoretically well founded. Moreover, the challenge of defining and addressing a multi-criteria version of the problem will be addressed too. Other important contributions will be the mapping of ISOP to other new challenges. One of them is the design of a novel business model for cloud brokering that will benefit both cloud providers and consumers. Providers will be able to easily offer their large number of services, and to get a fast answer from the market to offers (e.g., when infrastructure is under-utilized). Additionally, customers will easily benefit from offers and find the most appropriate deals for his/her needs (according to service level agreements, pricing, performance, etc.). Modelling some of these aspects and coupling it with an optimization tool for the brokering of cloud services among various providers would be a key contribution to the field. Finally, a wide set of optimization algorithms will be designed and developed for the addressed problems. They include from fast lightweight specialized heuristics to highly accurate parallel and multi-objective population-based metaheuristics. They all will be embedded in a software framework for their practical applications, and validation.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Dorronsoro B., Pecero J., Musial J. and Blazewicz J. (2014). Internet Shopping Optimization Project (IShOP) . In European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020 - EPS Vienna, ISBN 978-989-758-101-4, pages 16-33. DOI: 10.5220/0006144400160033

in Bibtex Style

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in EndNote Style

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