RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source
Software Adoption
Oscar Franco-Bedoya
, Xavi Franch
, Angelo Susi
, Maria C. Annosi
Ruediger Glott
, Ron Kenett
, Lidia L´opez
, Fabio Mancinelli
, Pop Ramsamy
Cedric Thomas
, David Ameller
, Claudia Ayala
, Stijn Bannier
, Ron Ben-Jacob
Nili Bergida
, Yehuda Blumenfeld
, Olivier Bouzereau
, Dolors Costal
Manuel Dom´ınguez
, Daniel Gross
, Kirsten Haaland
, Jorge Mart´ın
Mirko Morandini
, Marc Oriol
, Alberto Siena
and Nikolas Galanis
Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech, Spain
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
KPA Ltd., Israel
Ericsson Telecomunicazioni, Italy
University of Maastricht (UMM), The Netherlands
XWiki SAS, France
OW2, France
{cayala, dolors, moriol, ngalanis}@essi.upc.edu,
{susi, gross18, morandini,siena}@fbk.eu,
{ron, nilib, yehudab}@kpa-group.com,
{glott.ruediger, kirstenhaaland, stijn.bannier}@gmail.com,
{pop.ramsamy, manuel.dominguez, jorge.martin}@cenatic.es,
{olivier.bouzereau, cedric.thomas}@ow2.org
Abstract. Open Source Software (OSS) has become a strategic asset in software
development, and open source communities behind OSS are a key player in the
field. By2016 an estimated 95% ofall commercial software packages will include
OSS. This extended adoption is yet not avoiding failure rates in OSS projects
to be as high as 50%. Inadequate risk management has been identified among
the top mistakes to avoid when implementing OSS-based solutions. Understand-
ing, managing and mitigating OSS adoption risks is therefore crucial to avoid
potentially significant adverse impact on the business. This chapter introduces
the RISCOSS decision support platform. RISCOSS develops a risk management-
based methodology to facilitate the adoption of open source code into mainstream
products and services. RISCOSS develops a methodology and a software plat-
form that integrate the whole decision-making chain, from technology criteria
to strategic concerns. Using advanced software engineering techniques and risk
management methodologies, RISCOSS develops innovative tools and methods
to identify, manage and mitigate risks of integrating third-party open source soft-
ware. RISCOSS is the only platform to deliver a complete solution rather than
a piecemeal approach to enable mainstream product developers to safely inte-
grate open source software in their developments. Itself an open source project,
Martà n J., Costal D., Dominguez-Dorado M., ¸spez L., Oriol M., Ramsamy P., Mancinelli F., Bergida N., Blumenfeld Y., Kenett R., Ben-Jacob R., Thomas C., Bouzereau O., Galanis N.,
Franco Bedoya O., Franch X., Ameller D., Ayala C., Annosi M., Susi A., Haaland K., Bannier S., Gross D., Siena A., Morandini M. and Glott R.
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption.
DOI: 10.5220/0006144600560077
In European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020 (EPS Vienna 2014), pages 56-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-101-4
2014 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
RISCOSS is open to third party contributions to help the platform grow in func-
tionalities and make the transition to a fully marketable product or service. The
platform will be validated against a collection of use cases coming from different
types of organizations and emergent small OSS products.
Keywords. Open Source Software, FLOSS, OSS, OS Community, Free Libre
Open Source, Business Strategy, Software Adoption, Risk, European Project.
1 Introduction
Open Source Software (OSS) has become a strategic asset for a number of reasons, such
as its short time to-market software service and product delivery, reduced development
and maintenance costs, and its customization capabilities. Open source technologies are
currently embedded in almost all commercial software, by 2016, they will be included
in 95% of all commercial software packages [1]. Figure 1 shows the growing trend
in OSS projects. In spite of the increasing strategic importance of OSS technologies,
still IT companies and organizations face numerous difficulties and challenges when
making the strategic move to the open source way of working [2]. In fact, according to
the most popular OSS portal, SourceForge, most OSS projects have ended in failure:
58% do not move beyond the alpha developmental stage (22% of them remain in the
planning phase, while 17% remain in the pre-alpha phase, and some of them become
inactive). Among the roots for these failures, it stands that OSS is about freedom and
choice, but freedom and choice introduce risk [3]. The risks that IT companies face
when integrating OSS components into their solutions are not to be neglected and in-
correct decisions may lead to expensive failures. Insufficient risk management has been
recently reported as one of the five topmost mistakes to avoid when implementing OSS-
based solutions [4]. Financial institutions are required to manage such risks under the
Basel III global regulatory standard and their capital requirements are determined ac-
cordingly [5]. With proper risk management and mitigation, failure could be reduced
or negative impact and cost minimized. The RISCOSS project was launched to address
issues raised by communication equipment manufacturers looking to integrate open
source code into their products. While open source software is now recognized as an
indisputable industry asset, many mainstream companies and managers are still uncom-
fortable about making the strategic move to the open source way of working. RISCOSS
not only enables users to collect informed intelligence on open source components, but
also goes one step further by offering risk analysis that adapts to individual business
situations. In the RISCOSS project we are interested in (i) understanding the risks that
lie in the selection of software components, and (ii) putting such risks in relation with
the decision-maker’s business and its objectives. This chapter introduces RISCOSS de-
cision support platform that uses advanced software engineering techniques and risk
management methodologies to help managers and decision makers unfamiliar with the
underlying mechanisms of the open source world, make informed decisions regarding
integrating open source components into their own projects, products or services.
RISCOSS is a collaborative project with funding support by the European Commis-
sion as part of the FP7 program under contract 318249. It develops both a methodology
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Fig.1. Open Source Software; number of projects trends. Source: Black Duck Management we-
binar 2014 in IEEE OSS webcasts series.
and a software platform that integrate the whole decision-making chain, from technol-
ogy criteria to strategic concerns to help managers identify, manage and mitigate risks
of integrating third-party open source software
2 Objectives of the Project
The RISCOSS project is articulated around five main objectives:
Objective O1. Strategic modelling and analysis of OSS-based ecosystems. Com-
prehensive representation of the elements of an OSS-based ecosystem and analysis
techniques to discover relevant properties of this ecosystem with the aim of reusing
it in designing new and more efficient ecosystem
Objective O2. Risk management of OSS projects. Support to the establishment of
practices and processes, based on innovativesoftware engineering and statistical as-
sessment and measurement techniques, for the management of risk in a continuous
and incremental way.
Objective O3. Business models and services for OSS solutions. Support firms ca-
pacities and resources to identify and evaluate the impact of OSS-related risks on
their business models and for the management of OSS across the different business
model components.
Objective O4. Deployment of a software engineering platform for supporting de-
cision making. Construction of an open-source platform integrating the methods,
models and techniques developed in the context of the project.
Objective O5. Industrial validation of project results. Demonstrate the results of the
project in a number of representative use cases, drawn from different application
domains, involving the appropriate actor.
The attainment of these objectives should bring as main benefit the reduction of
the risks, costs and time needed to construct and evolve software systems in todays
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
European society. In the long term this is expected to improve the competitiveness of
European industry, ensuring Europes global leadership in ICT.
3 Business and Software Ecosystem
Our approach basically elaborates around the idea of business and software ecosys-
tems. Moore [6] coined the term business ecosystem to describe “an economic com-
munity supported by a foundation of interaction between organizations and individuals
— the organisms of the business world. This economic community produces goods and
services of value to customers, who are themselves members of the ecosystem. The
member organizations also include suppliers, lead producers, competitors, and other
stakeholders. Over time, they co-evolve their capabilities and roles, and tend to align
themselves with the directions set by one or more central companies. Those companies
holding leadership roles may change over time, but the function of ecosystem leader is
valued by the community because it enables members to move toward shared visions to
align their investments and to find mutually supportive roles”.
Business ecosystems have their equivalent at the technological level. Messerschmitt
and Szyperski [7] used the term software ecosystem to describe the broader commer-
cial, legal (regulatory) and market context in which traditional software systems op-
erate. Companies such as Apple and Google have embraced a network centric view
of software ecosystems, and developed novel business models, with varying degrees
of openness from the adoption of selected open web standards, to the promotion of
key web APIs as ad-hoc standards, to the (more or less) full embrace of open source
software to encourage the emergence of massive global hardware/software ecosystems
surrounding their products and services (e.g. iPhone, Android, etc.). Key arguments
why companies adopt a software ecosystem approach to support their products and ser-
vices offerings include [8], [9]: increase value of the core offering to existing users;
increase attractiveness for new users; accelerate innovation through open innovation
in the ecosystem; collaborate with partners in the ecosystem to share cost of innova-
tion; platformize functionality developed by partners in the ecosystem (once success
has been proven), and decrease total cost of ownership for commoditizing functionality
by sharing the maintenance with ecosystem partners.
When it comes to OSS, both types of ecosystems have their peculiarities. As men-
tioned before, OSS based business ecosystems require business models that take ac-
count of the potential impact of OSS specifics on the production, distribution, costs and
revenues aligned with or derived from OSS-related value propositions. OSS-based soft-
ware ecosystems should address licensing problems, component interdependencies and
frequency of releases, for instance. Helander and Rissanen [10] focus on the co-creation
of value in OSS value networks, thus highlighting an aspect of OSS-based ecosystems
that is important especially for businesses. The authors define value-creating networks
“...as entities consisting of several directly or indirectly connected individual or organi-
zational actors that transform and transfer different kinds of resources in order to create
value not only for the networks end customer but also to themselves. Each actor within
the value network performs those tasks in which he has specific expertise, and together
all partners create added value that finally benefits the end user. There are a number
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
of diverse actors that can form an OSS value network, starting from OSS projects and
developer communities and ending with various end users, and mediators in between.
Each actor is assumed to pursue common as well as particular interests. The links be-
tween more strategic business ecosystems and more IT-oriented software ecosystems is
one of the focal points of our approach [2].
3.1 Modeling the Business and Software Ecosystems
While considering open source adoption in terms of risk management, it becomes clear
that code itself is just the tip of the iceberg. Open source software is defined by the
stakeholders that support it: contributors, communities, users, open source organiza-
tions, etc. The RISCOSS risk-based perspective highlights the role of the business and
software ecosystems. It takes into account both the point of view of the communities
providing the software components and that of the companies looking to integrate them.
And here is one of the key innovation provided by the RISCOSS solution: it leverages
advanced academic research to create a model of the business and software ecosystems
relating to a target open source component. RISCOSS is based on a foundational on-
tology that links key concepts in business and (open source) software ecosystems [11].
In this context, our first objective is to support the risk assessment processes of OSS
adoption by using i* models as a basis for the analysis of the strategic perspective of
the OSS-based ecosystem that involves the assessment of the OSS project ecosystem
and the adopting organization ecosystem. Figure 2 displays an excerpt of the ecosys-
tem diagram for an OSS ecosystem called XWiki (www.xwiki.org), which is one of the
case studies of the RISCOSS project. It is an i* strategic diagram and this shows the
ecosystem dependencies, (e.g. resources, tasks, goals) between the actors in the busi-
ness ecosystem. These models could be a valuable tool for the adopting organizations,
for having an overview on the OSS project ecosystem and evaluating the risks implied
in a potential adoption [12].
i* Framework. The i* framework [13] is a goal-oriented and agent-oriented model-
ing framework. i* is currently one of the best organizational modeling techniques. Its
main feature is its ability to represent intentional social relations among stakeholders. It
provides the equired infrastructure to model concepts such as actors, roles and agents,
and to develop reasoning mechanisms with them. The i* framework defines two key
models at different level of abstraction: the strategic dependency model and the strate-
gic rationale model. A set of modeling primitives defines the model components and
the relationships among them, where each business element is labeled according to its
XWiki. XWiki is an open source platform for building collaborative applications. It
is developed by a communit. XWiki is publicly developed on the GitHub forge. The
company also has a public wiki, several mailing lists, a bug tracking system and IRC
channels where the community exchange information about the product. Internally we
deal with different clients using almost the same means, but in a private way. The idea is
to provide data coming from these sources as an input to the methodology. Public data
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
Fig.2. XWiki business ecosystem model.
is already available. Client data might require some approval before being examined.
This use case will be run together with the OW2 case, since XWiki is member of the
OW2 association.
4 RISCOSS Consortium
RISCOSS combines knowledge and expertise from universities and companies with
strong background in risk and costs management. The RISCOSS consortium is coordi-
nated by Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya. By bringing together organisations from
ve countries (France, Israel, Italy, Spain and Netherlands), the consortium will have an
effective impact over Europe and beyond. Figure 3 shows the members of the RISCOSS
5 RISCOSS Use Cases
As the composition of the projects consortium shows, it is our firm goal to demon-
strate the feasibility of the RISCOSS approach in a significant number of industrial
use cases. This will help to collect empirical data for assessing the objectives of the
project and thus to further feed scientific work as the project progresses: (1) Ericsson
is producing regulatory products for the Ericsson Corporate, including state-of-
the-art products for data retention and lawful interception, belonging to the regulatory
solutions product family. (2) CENATIC
is the national center for the application of
information technologies and communication based on open source. It is a government
of Spain to promote awareness and use of free software. (3) OW2
is an independent,
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Fig.3. RISCOSS Consortium.
global, open-source software community. The mission of OW2 is to promote the de-
velopment of open-source middleware, generic business applications, cloud computing
platforms technical infrastructure. (4) XWiki
is a for profit organization. Its business
model is based on: open source software strategy and selling high-added value services
to customers and partners installing, deploying and operating XWiki solutions. XWiki
offers both a genericplatformfor developing collaborative applications using thewiki
paradigm and projects developed on top of it. (5)Moodbile
open source project aims
to enable mobile learning applications (and other kinds of applications for education)
to work together with LMSs (Learning Management Systems)
5.1 A Reference Scenario
To better comprehendthe nature of the problem, consider the case of a commercial com-
pany manufacturingcommunication equipment. These products call on a lot of software
manufacturingcompanies are in a complex ecosystem, their product lines manage many
different products composed of thousands of software components including commer-
cial and open source components and components developed in-house. They need to
maintain several versions of each product at the same time for each of the variants, for
instance, two versions in maintenance and another in development. There may be differ-
ent versions or variants of the same product when products are customised to meet the
requirements of specific markets. While a given component is generally used through
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
the different releases of the different products, it may not incorporate all the patches
currently available within the community perhaps because of the interdependencies be-
tween components that need to be properly handled. Such is the situation that managers
need support in order to manage all the risks that appear during the lifetime of the
projects regarding whether to adopt or not a particular component, whether to open
source it or not and whether to upgrade or not at a particular moment or wait for the
next release, etc. In this perspective, we recognize that understanding, managing and
mitigating OSS adoption risks is crucial to avoid potentially significant adverse impacts
on the business, in terms of time to market, customer satisfaction, revenue and brand
image. The objectivesthat the company would want to achieve through RISCOSS could
To gain full control over the OSS components that are integrated into its products.
To design a proper business plan and strategy with open source strategic intents
to achieve wanted effects. Strategic and business perspectives of open source, in-
cluding decision processes as well as support for external community activities, are
greatly underdeveloped not to say inexistent today.
To be perceived as an active community leader/opinion maker and regarded as a
trusted long term player in the OSS arena.
To drive and make contribution in a controlled manner as well as support the use of
OSS code.
However, This company is managing a complex ecosystem where several questions
emerge, e.g.:
How to design the possible viewpoints from which one can look at an ecosystem
in order to collect relevant information for managing the evolution for the OSS
products embedded in the companys applications.
How to secure those specific features of OSS do not harm business strategies and
their underlying business models?
How to implement a systematic approach towards understanding and representing
dependencies that involve OSS components for assessing all kinds of risk?
The answer to these questions requires the clear understandingof OSS-based ecosys-
tems from a strategic perspective, with clear identification of relevant strategic depen-
dencies (not just software dependencies) in order to control and mitigate all the risks
coming from the adoption of OSS components along the lifetime of the different prod-
ucts being part of the ecosystem.
6 RISCOSS Analytic Process
According to [14] [15] [2], The RISCOSS analytic process is based on a three-layered
approach to risk management in OSS projects: the first one for the gathering and ag-
gregation of data both from communities and projects by collecting and summarising
available data from different data sources and defining risk drivers. The second layer,
for converting these risk drivers into risk indicators [2]. Finally, the third layer for as-
sessing how these risk indicators impact on the fulfilment of the business goals of the
adopting organisation [16]. Figure 4 summarize this view.
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Measurements Context
OSS community
OSS project
Strategic and Business Model
Layer 3
Business analysis
Layer 2
Risk indicators
Layer 1
Data Gathering
Fig.4. A red approach for risk assessment in OSS adoption.
6.1 Layer I: Raw Data and Risk Driver Measures
In this layer, we deal with data collected from OSS communities and projects that de-
termines the risk drivers. The data has a twofold nature. On the one side it refers to the
characteristics of the OSS components developed by the communities, e.g. Number of
open bugs, Mails per day, Forums posts per day [14]. We gathered the measures from
the available literature using a Systematic Literature Review(SLR) and statistical expert
assessment. On the other hand, measures that highlight the structure of the community
in terms of its evolution (e.g. changes in its roles and members and in the quality and
quantity of relationships between them) which are obtained mainly via social network
analysis techniques [12]. Figure 5 shows an example where centrality measure is vi-
sualized . The data sources for these measures are community repositories, versioning
system, mail lists, bug tracker and forums and from third-party tools such as FOSSol-
ogy, Sonar, Antepedia among others [14].
The raw data collected from communities and projects are aggregating into what
RISCOSS calls risk drivers. These represent summarized data over a specific time
frame. For example, a series of bug report data (raw data) is aggregated into a distribu-
tion of the number of bugs over a given period of time (risk driver). The corresponding
measurement instruments are designed to implement a continuous monitoring process
to report data to the statistical and reasoning engines that are used in the other layers.
However, human intervention may be eventually needed because of: 1) data sources
that may be unavailable for a particular component or community; 2) values that can
eventually be calculated but require a dedicated activity to do so (e.g., evaluation of
some quality aspect like security or performance); 3) values that are not directly acces-
sible or are very costly to compute (e.g., level of expertise of the organization’s OSS
development team) [14].
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
Fig.5. Social network analysis of the structure of the OSS communities and of their evolution.
6.2 Layer II: Risk Indicators and Models
In this layer, we define the set of indicators of possible risks and models that allow
linking these risks to the possible objectivesof the adopting organization.The indicators
are variables extracted via the OSS community data analysis obtained from OSS project
measurements and OSS community measurements as described before or via expert
assessment [14]. Several categories of indicators can be observed e.g.:
Project indicators: Related to the particular OSS project can be grouped following
some criteria such as Reliability and Maintainability of the code
Community indicators: Related to the communities that may be extracted thanks
to the community measures. These allow to build indicators such as Community
activeness, or Community cohesion.
Contextual indicators: Can be that mainly depends on the objectives of the orga-
nization, such as OSS business strategy, or the Type of project in which the OSS
component hast to be introduced.
Here, statistical analysis, Bayesian networks and social network analysis are ex-
ploited to determine risk indicators. In particular:
Statistical analysis of data from OSS communities allows determining the trends
and distributions of data.
A Bayesian network (BN) is essentially a directed acyclic graph, together with the
associated conditional probability distributions. BN are efficient models for (auto-
mated) reasoning under uncertainty by fusion of data and domain expert knowl-
edge [17]. In RISCOSS project, Bayesian networks are used to link the community
data gathered from the community data sources and the community measures to the
risk indicators using data generatedby experts assessment based on their experience
in OSS adoption and community context. In particular, simulated or real scenarios,
described via the values of the OSS measures, are presented to experts and they
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Risk Indicator
Timeliness Risk Drivers
High 38%
Low 34%
Medium 28%
Month: when the commit was make
High 33%
Low 33%
Medium 34%
Hour: when the commit was make
High 34%
Low 35%
Medium 32%
Weekday: when the commit was make
High 32%
Low 26%
Medium 42%
Month day: when the commit was make
S1: below 14 23%
S2: 14_44 27%
S3: 44_74 25%
Bug fix time
S4: 74_up 25%
S1: below 27 37%
S2: 27_46 19%
S3: 46_62 31%
Bug fix time for critical & blocker bugs
S4: 62_up 15%
State1 20%
State2 20%
State3 20%
State4 20%
State5 20%
S1: below 33 24%
S2: 33_62 33%
S3: 62_93 28%
Commit frequency/week
S4: 92_up 15%
Fig.6. Example of a Bayesian network data-to-risk linkage.
are asked to rate risk indicators with respect to each scenario [12]. Figure 6 illus-
trates how the RISCOSS process leverages the Bayesian network approach with a
highlight, on the community timeliness risk indicator [16].
6.3 Layer III: Business Goals
The same second layer approach is used in the third layer to derive any potential impact
on business risk/goals, mapped from risk indicators through a second type of qualitative
validation called the strategic workshop. By linking the resulting distribution of busi-
ness risk/goals with the different i* models of the business and software ecosystems,
RISCOSS enables adequate business-driven risk management of adopting open source
software [14].
Business goals of the organization that adopts OSS are exposed to several types of
business risks. In general, they are summarized in four categories:
Strategic risks: Mainly related to the company’s strategy and plan, such as Pricing
pressure, Failures in comply regulation, industry or sector downturn, or Partner
Operational risks: Such as Poor capacity management or Cost overrun.
Financial risks: Such as Assets lost, Debts or Accounting problems.
Hazard risks: Related to, for example, Macroeconomic conditions or to Political
These generic risks need to be tailored to specific application instances in order to
provide added value to decision makers. Business goals are included in models that rep-
resent the ecosystem that blends together communities, OSS adopter organizations and
other key actors. The key relationships between these actors are represented through
dependencies in goal-oriented models expressed in i* Reasoning is based upon differ-
ent techniques, and in our layered context, we are particularly interested in bottom-up
evaluation, since the leaves are directly linked to the risk model.
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
2008 2009 2010
Timeliness R
High 38%
Low 34%
Medium 28%
Month: when the commit was make
High 33%
Low 33%
Medium 34%
Hour: when the commit was make
High 34%
Low 35%
Medium 32%
Weekday: when the commit was make
High 32%
Low 26%
Medium 42%
Month day: when the commit was make
Layer I
Risk Indicators
Layer II
Business risks and goals
Layer III
Fig.7. The 3-layers: in layer i the measures from the oss project and communities, in layer ii the
bayesian network to identify the business risks and in layer iii the buisness goals.
6.4 An Integrated View
Figure 7 provides an integrated view that synchronizes the three different layers. In
Layer I the raw measures are retrieved and the basic distributions of these data are
computed. Layer II will use the Bayesian networks that exploits the measures from
Layer I and produces the evidence of the existence of business risks. Finally, in Layer III
the Business risks are connected to the Business goals of the organization represented
via the i* diagrams. The overall strategy of the RISCOSS work plan is described in
Figure 8 [18].
7 The RISCOSS Platform
This section introduces the architecture of the RISCOSS platform. The platform is the
embodiment of the methodology into a open source software. Software implementation
of the methodology is designed to support the whole process, from the collection of
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Scientific Coordination
WP4. Architecture and Integration
WP2. OSS Risks
WP1. Ecosystem
Modelling and
WP5. Evaluation: Use Cases
SW Implementation
WP7. Dissemination, Communication and
WP6. Project Management
Fig.8. Overall methodology of the RISCOSS work plan.
open source projects raw data to the provision of decision guidelines for a givenadopter.
The platform is a web application available for download and that can be deployed in-
house or accessed as an online decision support service.
7.1 Platform Scope
The RISCOSS platform is intended to be operated within an ecosystem of resources and
stakeholders. RISCOSS takes into consideration the perspective of the project ecosys-
tem, including communities of developers and contributors and that of the adopter, most
likely to be a company looking to integrate an OSS component into a product or service.
The major functions include modeling of the ecosystems and the risk profile of the
adopter organization, collecting relevant data from the projects, processing models and
data by applying innovative statistical and risk processing techniques and then deliv-
ering results to users in a useful manner and providing support for selecting between
The platform is highly flexible and can be customized depending on user profiles,
preferences and business conditions. It draws data from tools used by open source com-
munities of developers and contributors, leverages data analysis tools and takes into
account the behavior of community members and users. Tools used by communities
to manage their projects are, with some exceptions, publicly accessible. Users of the
RISCOSS platform are development teams within companies. The system they use to
manage their projects and activities can be considered functionally equivalent to those
found in open source communities, with the difference that they are not accessible from
outside the company. The RISCOSS Platform provides the interfaces to interact with
these systems and to provide outputs to users looking to run risk analysis in a context
of open source component adoption.
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
Fig.9. Architecture overview of the RISCOSS platform.
7.2 Platform Architecture
In this section we describe the architecture of the RISCOSS Platform. The RISCOSS
Decision Support platform comprises an extensible application that runs on the XWiki
platform. The RISCOSS application is designed to be extensible. In its current version,
it is comprised of a number of functional components. There are two main families of
components:those that are used across the whole platform and those that are used within
a domain. Figure 9 presents the overall architecture and all its major components [11].
Platform Components. These components provide services to all users and all do-
mains of the platform whatever the configuration. On the left side there’s everything
that exists and that is used by Open Source communities to manage their projects and
activities. Usually what we find here is publicly accessible (with some exceptions). In
the bottom we find companies, and in general users of the RISCOSS Platform, with the
systems they use to manage their project and activities. This can be considered func-
tionally equivalent to what we find in the Open Source communities with the difference
that they are not accessible from the outside of the company. In the middle we find the
RISCOSS Platform that can interact with these systems and provide functionalities to
users in order to perform risk analysis of OSS component adoption. The architecture
comprises the following components:
Domain Manager. This components the central element of the RISCOSS Platform;
it provides isolation for activities performed in the RISCOSS platform. A domain is
a container for all the data related to a given context. An entity using the RISCOSS
platform will have its own domain isolated from the others. In each domain, users can
specify their own models, layers and roles, and store relevant data for performing spe-
cific or customized risk analysis, for example, depending on certain business models or
providing certain risk reports. A benefit of the RISCOSS architecture with domains and
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Domain Manager is that it allows for interesting deployment alternatives. For exam-
ple, a service provider can deploy a RISCOSS-as-a-Service platform where it manages
different domains for different customers on a single RISCOSS platform while a com-
pany that wants to use RISCOSS in isolation will just create a single domain on its
privately deployed RISCOSS platform. A third deployment option could be for an open
source organization such as the Apache Software Foundation or the OW2 Consortium;
in this case, the RISCOSS platform is completely public and each open source project
is allocated its own domain where it publishes its own data.
Risk Data Collectors. Risk Data Collectors are stand-alone components able to collect
raw data, which RISCOSS calls Risk Data, from a variety of relevant sources. Their
task is to post process this Risk Data and prepare it for consumption by the RISCOSS
platform. The component is partly outside the RISCOSS platform because it can be
controlled by users foreign to the RISCOSS platform. For example, imagine a Risk
Data Collector that is able to aggregate data on the distribution of bug-fixing time. In
one scenario this component could also be run by an open source community willing
to provide this kind of information periodically to a public installation of a RISCOSS
Data Collector Manager. This component manages the Risk Data Collectors available
in the platform. Via an API, it provides information on what is available, and the pa-
rameters they require. It also manages, for example, the execution, the scheduling of
the Risk Data Collectors. The Risk Data Collector Manager also provides the means to
link the “entities” created in the Domain Manager (see below) to the data collected by
Risk Data Collectors. When the User Layer Manager (see below) creates a component,
it is The Risk Data Collector Manager that asks the user how to configure the Risk Data
Collectors that must be run to collect Risk Data for that entity. The Risk Data Collector
Manager triggers the data collection process and associates the collected data to the
right entity in the Risk Data Repository.
Risk Data Repository. This component provides storage and query facilities for storing
and retrieving Risk Data. Risk Data Collectors use the exposed APIs to send and store
the extracted Risk Data into the RISCOSS platform. It is possible to have multiple Risk
Data Repositories deployed within the RISCOSS Platform. Some can store publicly
accessible data, while others can be used to store private data accessible only from
particular contexts. The former is useful to build a public knowledge base while the
latter is necessary for using RISCOSS in the context of a company, for example, where
some data must be protected. The Risk Data Repository also allows the user to query
historical data in order to understand how risk data evolve overtime.
Risk Analysis Engine. This component contains all the logic for performing the risk
analysis using the data available in a given domain. This component also include, for
example, business goal impact analysis. In essence, this component provides all the
intelligence for computing everything made possible by the RISCOSS Methodology.
The Risk Analysis Engine consists in an API that allows configuring and launching the
risk analysis and retrieving the results. It loads risk models forming the knowledge base
of the engine.
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
Authorization and Authentication. This component provides authorization and authen-
tication functionalities to the RISCOSS platform. The Domain Manager uses it in order
to grant access or not to the resources stored in a domain to a given user. The Authoriza-
tion and Authentication component is also used within a domain in order to define the
access rules to the data stored there. This can be useful within a company, for instance,
where not all personnel can access all information.
Event Notification System. This component provides the functionalities for tracking
activities and sending notifications when particular events occur, for example, when
a new risk report is created. Events can be notified to users either via the RISCOSS
platform user interface or email.
Domain Manager Components. The Domain Manager is a macro-component that
manages all data to be manipulated in a given domain. It comprises the following sub-
Layer Manager. This component provides the means to define and manage which lay-
ers are actually present in a given domain. In particular it provides a way to create a
hierarchy of layers, and define the structure of an entity belonging to a layer. A layer in
this context, represents the type of a set of entities (e.g., OSS Components, Products,
Projects, etc., and the relationships among them).
Role Manager. A role defines a class of users, and is used to define the rules for access-
ing data, and functionalities. This component provides the means to define and manage
which roles are actually present in a given domain. A role defines a class of users, and
is used to define the rules for accessing data and functionalities.
Risk Analysis Manager. This component provides the means to define and enforce
the process for performing risk analysis in a domain. For example, the Risk Analysis
Manager handles controlling and providing information on the status of a risk analysis
session in which many users are participating, according to a specific workflow. The
Risk Analysis Manager also handles interactions with the Risk Analysis Engine and
required interactions with users via the user interface. These interactions can include,
for example, requests for further information on certain aspects of the analysis.
Risk Configuration Manager. The Risk Configuration Manager provides the means to
manage all the artefacts needed for a risk analysis. This component takes into account,
and organizes rationally all the artefacts’ needed by the Risk Analysis Engine, as de-
scribed in the RISCOSS Methodology. This includes, for example, goal models, impact
models, etc.
Risk Report Manager. This component provides the means to manage the results of
Risk Analysis performed in a given domain.
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Form/Questionnaire Manager. This component provides the means to define and man-
age user input forms that help users insert information that is needed by the Risk Analy-
sis Engine. Some of the information can come directly from data previously stored in a
Risk Data Repository, but in general, users may be required to manually enter some data
- either because it’s not possible to retrieve it using Risk Data Collectors or because they
want to override some previously collected data. The Form/Questionnaire Manager can
also be used to create custom-made forms to support qualitative data collection from
field experts.
Feedback Manager. This component provide the means to manage user feedback on
data managed in a domain. Such feedback can be provided,for example, on risk analysis
reports. Feedback is then used to improve the models used by the Risk Analysis Engine
for performing the risk analysis
8 Current Implementation
In this section we shows some screenshots of the current state of the RISCOSS platform
implementation. Figure 10 shows the main page of a domain. A domain is a container
for all the data related to a given context. An entity using the RISCOSS platform will
have its own domain isolated from the others. In each domain, users can specify his
own models, layers, roles, and store relevant data for performing risk analysis (e.g.,
business models, risk reports, etc.). Figure 11 shows the layer manager menu with the
functionalities for creating new layers, entities and for displaying the existing layers
and entities defined in the system. A layer in this context, represents the type of a set
of entities (e.g., OSS components, products, projects, etc., and the relationships among
them). Figure 12 shows the risk analysis session definitions. This component provides
the means to define and perform risk analysis sessions on an entity in a given domain. A
risk analysis session is started by choosing the corresponding item in the risk analysis
menu. At this point the user is show a list of entities with the available risk configura-
tions. He can the select which entity to analyse with which configuration. Once this is
done, the user can start the evaluation. At this point the RISCOSS Platform will invoke
the Risk Analysis Engine to perform the evaluation and presents the results as shown
in Figure 13. The results shows the evidences of risk exposure in the form of positive
and negative evidences. Depending on the risk model a different representation of the
results might be displayed, as shown in Figure 14.
9 Conclusions
The RISCOSS platform is architected from the ground up to help bring the benefits of
open source to the entire enterprise development department. RISCOSS not only en-
ables users to collect informed intelligence on open source components, but also goes
one step further by offering risk analysis that adapts to individual business situations.
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
Fig.10. Domain main page.
Fig.11. The layer design window.
Fig.12. Risk Analysis Session definitions.
Based on a unique methodology specifically designed to model business and software
ecosystems in the world of open source software, and an extensive architecture able to
integrate entire portfolios of dedicated functional components such as the Risk Data
Collectors, RISCOSS is the only platform to deliver a complete solution rather than a
piecemeal approach enabling mainstream product developers to safely integrate open
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
Fig.13. Risk Analysis Session results.
Fig.14. Risk Analysis Session results.
EPS Vienna 2014 2014 - European IST Projects - The Quest for Excellence Towards 2020
source software in their developments.
RISCOSS is a research-oriented project that is set to become a reference solution in fa-
cilitating industry-wide open source adoption.An open source project itself, RISCOSS
is open to third-party contributions to help the platform grow in functionalities and
make the transition to a fully marketable product or service.
RISCOSS support the industry ability to correctly manage OSS asoption risks. It is a
very important challenge for an OSS community and the earliest these risks are identi-
fied and quantified, the better a fighting chance the community will have to guarantee
the survival and the success of their product.
Download RISCOSS and join the community at www.riscoss.eu.
10 RISCOSS Related Scientific Publications
1. Ayala, C., Franch, X., L´opez, L., Morandini, M., Susi, A.: Using i* to represent
OSS ecosystems for risk assessment. In: Proceedings of the 6
International i*
Workshop in CAISE’2013. (2013)
2. Costal Costa, D., Gross, D., L´opez Cuesta, L., Morandini, M., Siena, A., Susi,
A.: Quantifying the impact of OSS adoption risks with the help of i* models. In:
Proceedings of the 7
International (iStar) Workshop,iSTAR’2014. (2014)
3. Franch, X., Kenett, R., Mancinelli, F., Susi, A., Ameller, D., Ben-Jacob, R., Siena,
A.: A layered approach to managing risks in OSS projects. In: Proceedings of the
Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, Springer (2014), 168-
4. Franch, X., Susi, A., Annosi, M.C., Ayala, C.P., Glott, R., Gross, D., Kenett, R.,
Mancinelli, F., Ramsamy, P., Thomas, C., et al.: Managing risk in open source
software adoption. In: Proceedings of the 8
International Conference in Software
Technologies ICSOFT 2013. (2013) 258-264
5. Franco-Bedoya, O., Ameller, D., Costal, D., Franch, X: QuESo a quality model for
open source software ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the 9
International Confer-
ence on Software Engineering and Applications,ICSOFT-EA 2014, (2014), 209-
6. Franco-Bedoya, O., Costal, D., Hidalgo, S., Ben-Jacob, R.: Expert mining for eval-
uating risk indicators scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and
Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE , (2014), 205-210
7. Galanis, N., Casany, M., Alier, M., Mayol, E.: Building a community: the Mood-
bile perspective. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and Applications
Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE, (2014), 211-216
8. Kenett, R., Franch, X., Susi, A. & Galanis, N.: Adoption of Free Libre Open Source
Software (FLOSS): a risk management perspective. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2014, (2014), 171-
9. L´opez, L., Franch, X.: Applying Business Strategy Models. In: Organizations Pro-
ceedings of the 7
International (iStar) Workshop, iSTAR’14, (2014)
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption
10. L´opez, L., Costal, D., Ayala, C., Franch, X., Glott, R., Haaland, K.: Modelling and
applying oss adoption strategies. In Yu, E., Dobbie, G., Jarke, M., Purao, S., eds.:
Conceptual modeling. Volume 8824 of lecture notes in computer science. Springer
International Publishing (2014) 349-362
11. Morandini, M., Siena, A., Susi, A.: Risk awareness in open source component se-
lection. In: Abramowicz, W., Kokkinaki, A., eds.: Business Information Systems.
Volume 176 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer Inter-
national Publishing (2014), 241-252
12. Morandini, M., Siena, A., Susi, A.: A Context-specific definition of risk for enterprise-
level decision making. In: Proceedings of the 8
International Workshop on Value
Modeling and Business Ontology (VMBO 2014), (2014)
13. Oriol, M., Franco-Bedoya, O., Franch, X., Marco, J.: Assessing open source com-
munities’ health using Service Oriented Computing concepts. In: Proceedings of
the 8
Research Challenges in Information& Science (RCIS), 2014 IEEE, (2014)
14. Siena, A., Morandini, M., Susi, A.: Modelling risks in open source software com-
ponent selection. In Yu, E., Dobbie, G., Jarke, M., Purao, S., eds.: Conceptual Mod-
eling. Volume 8824 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International
Publishing (2014) 335-348
15. Vergne, M., Susi, A.: Expert finding using markov networks in open source com-
munities. In Jarke, M., Mylopoulos, J., Quix, C., Rolland, C., Manolopoulos, Y.,
Mouratidis, H., Horkoff, J., eds.: Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Vol-
ume 8484 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing
(2014) 196-210
16. Yahav, I., Kenett, R., Bai, X.: Risk based testing of Open Source Software (OSS).
In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and Applications Conference Work-
shops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE, 2014, 638-643
This work is a result of the RISCOSS project, funded by the EC 7th Framework Pro-
gramme FP7/2007-2013 under the agreement number 318249. We would also like to
thank the contribution of EOSSAC project, founded by the Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness of the Spanish government (TIN2013-44641-P).
1. Driver, M.: Hype cycle for open-source software. Technical report, Gartner Group (October-
2. Franch, X., Susi, A., Annosi, M.C., Ayala, C.P., Glott, R., Gross, D., Kenett, R., Mancinelli,
F., Ramsamy, P., Thomas, C., et al.: Managing risk in open source software adoption. In:
Proceedings of the 8
International Conference in Software Technologies ICSOFT 2013.
(2013) 258–264
3. Driver, M.: Critical strategies to manage risk and maximize business value of open source in
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4. Driver, M.: Five mistakes to avoid when implementing open-source software. Technical
report, Gartner Group (November-2011)
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6. Moore, J.F.: Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition. Harvard business review 71
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8. Bosch, J.: From software product lines to software ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the 13th
International Software Product Line Conference. SPLC ’09, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Carnegie
Mellon University (2009) 111–119
9. Qualipso: http://www.qualipso.org, last visited march 14th (2013)
10. Helander, N., Rissanen, T.: Value-creating networks approach to open source software busi-
ness models. Frontiers of E-Business Research 2005 (2005) 840–854
11. Franch, X.: An overview of the riscoss decision support platform methodology and architec-
ture. Technical report, RISCOSS Project (2014)
12. Ayala, C., Franch, X., Lpez, L., Morandini, M., Susi, A.: Usingi* to represent oss ecosystems
for risk assessment. In: Proceedings of the 6
International i* Workshop in CAISE’2013.
13. Yu, E.: Modeling Strategic Relationships for Process Re-Engineering. PhD thesis, Depart-
ment of Computer Science,University of Toronto. (1995)
14. Kenett, R., Franch, X., Susi, A., Galanis, N.: Adoption of free libre open source software
(floss): A risk management perspective. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2014. (2014) 171–180
15. Franch, X., Kenett, R., Mancinelli, F., Susi, A., Ameller, D., Ben-Jacob, R., Siena, A.: A
layered approach to managing risks in oss projects. In: Proceedings of the Open Source
Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, Springer (2014) 168–171
16. Franco-Bedoya, O., Costal, D., Hidalgo, S., Ben-Jacob, R.: Expert mining for evaluating
risk indicators scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Software and Applications
Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE. (2014) 205–210
17. Galanis, N., Casany, M., Alier, M., Mayol, E.: Building a community: The moodbile perspec-
tive. In: Proceedings of the 38
Computer Softwareand Applications Conference Workshops
(COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE. (2014) 211–216
18. Consortium, R.: Riscoss: Description of work. Technical report, RISCOSS Project (2012)
RISCOSS: Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption