A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical
Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
Joseph E. Johnson
Department of Physics, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC, 29208, U.S.A.
Abstract. Numerical measurements have little meaning without the associated
units of measurement, level of accuracy, and defining metadata tags. Yet these
three associated items are scattered in rows, columns, references, the title, and
other positions in data tables separated from the values themselves and usually
immersed in unstructured text. Thus unambiguous electronic readability is not
possible but requires human preformatting to link these three data components
to the value for computer processing. This paper proposes a tight linkage among
numerical values, units, accuracy, and meaning as a string expression that
provides a numerical standard which we call a “metanumber” along with a set
of requirements for this structure. We require that this metanumber string object
be instantly readable by both humans and computers. Our work then develops
the requisite algorithms for automated computer processing of the metanumber
expressions resulting in a new metanumber where (a) all units and dimensional
analysis are automatically processed, (b) numerical accuracy of results are
computed, and (c) unlimited metadata tags and structures provide a trace of all
historical operations with component meaning providing both the exact
evolutionary path of each computed number, and a unique name (as an internet
path) for every single measured v4alue. We also propose a flexible table-like
structure for archiving all numerical data as metanumbers that allows the
automated sharing of data among users. This structure can serve as a foundation
for high –speed data exchange removing the costs, errors, and time delays
required with human preprocessing and thus serving as a critical component in
Big Data processing and as a foundation for advanced artificial intelligence.
Other features are explored including an optional proposed expansion of the
base units for the SI (metric) system as well as user defined units that are
natural for users with commercial, industrial, medical, and scientific problems.
These components offer a transformational increase in computational power in
every domain of inquiry.
Keywords. Units, Dimensional Analysis, Metadata, Numerical Uncertainty &
Accuracy, Metanumber, Error Management, Data Tags, Numerical Information
Standards, Si & Metric Units, Big Data.
1 Introduction
Numeric data by itself, except for pure numbers, is meaningless without three
associated components: a. units of measurement, b. accuracy level (numerical
uncertainty), and c. the associated defining and modifying information. All these are
requisite for the unambiguous meaning of numerical values. Yet in every domain,
numerical data tables have these three components scattered in the title, row &
Johnson J.
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values.
DOI: 10.5220/0006156400140030
In European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health and Sports (EPS Rome 2014), pages 14-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-154-0
2014 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
column headings, and footnotes. Sometimes such auxiliary data is just assumed to be
apparent. There is no universal standard for the attachment of such metadata to
numeric values or even a unique computer readable symbol structure for these
components. The resulting arbitrary positions, fonts, and formatting styles prevent
unambiguous automated electronic reading and requires that all data must be
manually converted to a useful form by each user prior to their computer processing
each and every time it is used thus incurring substantial costs, time delays, and
associated errors. The reason we believe that no standard has emerged is that no
single convention seems preferable or natural. Also storage space, in both print and
electronic representation, has historically always been a primary consideration, so the
compressed formats that are currently used were historically optimal for printing,
direct human viewing, and to minimize electronic storage. A substantial component of
this problem is that the units, accuracy, and defining tags are not only separated from
the values, they are also embedded in text thus making it extremely difficult to extract
their content by computer algorithms. Those space considerations are no longer an
issue with current technology. Having a numerical metadata standard for automatic
electronic data processing would not only remove all of these problems and lead to
fully automated sharing and processing of all numerical data, but could lay the
foundation for far more advanced and intelligent automated analysis and decision
systems, that will not require human preprocessing or intervention. The
standardization can be implemented automatically from the initial observation or
measurement device when the data is originally recorded. Such a solution is essential
for the emergence of a new level of artificial intelligence. When any numerical value
is retrieved, using a unique name, it arrives with units, uncertainly level, and complete
metadata so that logical and numerical processing is executed not only for
dimensional and error analysis but also with advanced metadata tag management and
tracing of the historical evolution of numbers. So there are two problems that have to
be simultaneously addressed: (a) create a standard for such integrated metanumber
formats so that they are easily read by both humans and computers, and (b) create the
algorithms for mathematical and logistic processing that evaluates all expressions
among such objects.
2 Proposed Solution
The author here proposes standards for attaching the units, error, and all other
descriptive metadata, to numerical values along with the associated three software
algorithms that mathematically processes such extended information [1]; [2], [3]; [4].
We call such objects “metanumbers” to denote their informational completeness. Our
integrated algorithm satisfies our criteria that these metanumbers must (A) be easily
readable both by humans and by computers, (B) require the minimum of storage, (C)
process at the fastest possible speed, (D) be easily extensible to allow for user defined
units, and (E) support computation at all levels from simple calculations as web
“apps” on internet devices to unlimited “Big Data” applications in large scale
computing. It must also (F) automatically manage all computations among
metanumbers with dimensional analysis to trap invalid unit combinations as well as
(G) compute the associated accuracy (numerical uncertainty) of the result using error
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
analysis with user selectable means of combining error. It must (H) provide a simple
rapid means for the one-time initial formatting of data into the requisite metanumber
format, and (I) allow one to easily retrieve and use all past results. Finally, (J) the
algorithms must allow unlimited metadata to be linked to numerical values and still
manage that attachment with the absolute minimum number of characters and without
any reduction in the processing speed. The author has developed a methodology for a
simple one-time reformatting of numerical data sets into such a standardized
metanumber form that, with the algorithms we have developed, will satisfy each and
all of the listed requirements and still provide unlimited traceability of all metadata
linkages and origins.
3 Historical Development & Current Status
Early versions of the author’s unit and dimensional management software were built
and deployed on a web site that has been in use for over a decade and is still used by
students in several university courses but it was limited. Recent developments by the
author led to (a) a new optimized design methodology that vastly extends numerical
operations with units and dimensionality analysis including (b) the reuse of any
previous expression, (c) improved means for output of an expression in any desired
units by using a resolution of the identity, (d) an improved means for users to define
personal units for their specialized domain of work, (e) a new method of error
analysis with an awarded U.S. patent to the author, and (f) a new innovative design
for optimally managing unlimited metadata attachments to numerical values. This
new algorithm can also support a ten-fold increase in processing speed using a
parallelization of the code over multiple processors for Big Data problems. Then a
future stage will support a dedicated accelerator chip for ultra-fast processing. The
author has completed the full design, programming, and testing of both the units and
metadata management components along with several important metanumber tables
in a fully operational system. This software and methodology is now fully tested and
operational on our central server as a cloud application available from any internet
device. The central server approach is necessary in order to support multiple users,
rapidly deploy code upgrades, and, most important, to share a rapidly growing
interdisciplinary standardized library. Such a cloud system allows use by any internet
linked device, (tablets/iPads, smart phones, PCs) as well as large central systems. The
software has been developed in the Python language which is open source with
extensive additional components, and is a widely accepted very modern framework
for rapid development. The addition of a Python algorithm for the processing of
numerical accuracy has also been fully integrated using the “Python Uncertainty”
system developed by Leibigot and associates. The final phase of building user
interface tools is currently active. We will discuss each of these three active
components separately.
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4 The Units (Dimensional Analysis) Algorithm
4.1 Units Introduction
There are a large number of ‘unit conversion programs’ and some that can process
expressions containing multiple units. Our algorithm however is optimal with both
maximum speed and minimum space whereby one simply attaches unit names as
variables within any valid algebraic expression such as (4.3*ft/s+7*meter/hour). The
‘value’ of each unit and constant provides the instantaneous requisite conversion with
effortless readability for humans. With this algorithm, each unit name or constant is a
unique variable defined in terms of the foundational metric (SI) system units. The
units algorithm contains most normally encountered units (over 800 units and
essential fundamental constants). It also supports the introduction of other units as
defined by users in terms of existing units and constants (such as the lightyear). These
results have led us to change a number of traditional notations.
4.2 Units Standards
In order to be compatible with modern computer languages and optimal electronic
processing without ambiguity, we define all units in lower case with standard
alphanumeric characters, without Greek characters, without superscripts or subscripts,
and without any other special characters, symbols, or fonts. The past denotations for
unit names and constants lead to ambiguities in different computer languages and thus
we seek unit and constant names that are expressible in simple lower case
alphanumeric characters. Specifically we remove the capitalization of all proper
names assigned to a unit and thus we write “newton” or “nt” rather than “Newton” or
“Nt” because the value of a variable in modern computer languages is case sensitive
for alphabetical symbols. Likewise the potentially ambiguous encoding of units and
constants with multiple fonts, superscripting and subscripting, and of foreign
alphabets is removed. Thus we use “ohm” rather than  and hb (h-bar) for Planks
constant divided by 2 Pi is likewise written as pi rather than as . Our motives are
format consistency, adherence to modern software convention (variables are lower
case), the use of only standard alphanumeric characters for variables, and to remove
the ambiguity that can result from font and format imbedded information. Although a
few of the most common units are allowed in the plural form, we generally restrict the
spelling to only the singular form thus removing some ambiguities in spelling and
simultaneously making the underlying code shorter. Our core units algorithm is
essentially the same in any language (C/C++, Java, Ruby, Python…) and can be
easily enhanced by parallel processing on a dedicated accelerator chip [5]. Our
algorithm catches all exceptions for dimensional errors, and returns expressions in
standard format for use in subsequent expressions. These in turn, can be referenced
with a unique name for insertion in any future expressions and are functionally valid
although they are expressed in different units. All computational history is maintained
for each user.
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
4.3 Units Features
Mathematical expressions of values are returned in metric unless other units are
specified using the format “(expression) ! (units desired)” . The speed of light in miles
per minute would be written as c!(mile/min). Formally the algorithm multiplies the
expression by (desired_units / desired_units) which is technically unity and does not
change the value. The software divides the value of the expression (in default units)
by the desired_units and then writes the final expression as “final_expression *
desired_units”. The effect is to both divide by the desired units then multiply by the
desired units. So although the value is numerically different when expressed in
different units, it is computationally equivalent to the original value since it is now
multiplied by different output units and either expression will evaluate equivalently.
For example 35*acre*!(ft2) would give the value of 35 acres in square feet and then
multiply that value by square feet (ft2).
4.4 Units Base Si System
The units algorithm is defined and based upon the SI (metric) system in terms of
meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, and candela. All the other primary units and
core constants are then defined in terms of these allowing also for altered spelling and
abbreviations such as m for meter, sec and s for second, etc. Dimensionless prefixes
(kilo, mega, centi, million, dozen, etc. can be mixed with units in any mathematically
valid manner thus eliminating the need for joined definitions. The 800 or so primary
units and physical constants are then each defined in terms of previous units,
sequentially back to the fundamental metric units. Values assume the accuracy level
of the computational environment while the accuracy is indicated as the median value
with an associated accuracy (uncertainty).
4.5 Powers of Base Units
In the original definitions we also define m2= m*m; and m3=m*m2 up to the fourth
power in order to assign basic unit variables that have these multiple powers in an
abbreviated manner. We likewise define the inverse powers of the base SI units as
m_2 = 1/m2, m_3 = 1/m3 also up to the inverse fourth power. If any mathematical
expression is then well formed using unit names then the result will be returned in SI
units by default. Thus (34.6*acre*(1.2*ft+7.2*inch-3.4*cm)) will give the computed
volume (numerically) in cubic meters (m3). In order to obtain that volume in gallons,
one would instead enter: (34.6*acre*(1.2*ft+7.2*inch-3.4*cm)) ! gallon.
4.6 Standardized Metanumber Data Tables
The core fundamental constants and primary units are defined within the metanumber
program. All other numeric data, user defined units, and special constants are defined
in tables of various dimensionalities using the format [server-path_ directory-
path_table-name_row-name_column-name…)]. For example the elements table
(which has the unique abbreviated name of “e”), contains all elements in rows, with
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
and Sports
columns providing over 50 associated properties. This path name (currently using our
default server) of [file_row_column] can itself be used as a variable to retrieve that
metanumber value from the stored data tables. Thus [E_Gold_Density] /
[E_Silver_Density] computes the ratio of the density of gold to that of silver. All
stored data is to be standardized and retrievable by its unique internet path name as
here described.
4.7 Unique Path Names
These internet path names are unique, and thus exactly define the metanumber of
interest as well as provide an unambiguous name for that single unique metanumber.
Furthermore the [ … ] structure can be used as a variable in any mathematical
expression, function, or algorithm to retrieve that metanumber. For the file name, row
name, and column name, the comparison is made with all white space removed and
all case changed to lower case. We envision that all numerical data be standardized as
metanumbers in tables appropriate dimensionalities: zero dimension (a single value),
or one dimension (a list of values such as the masses of objects), or two dimensions
such as the elements table, or even other data tables of any higher dimensionality. The
metanumbers in each of these tables are to be stored in comma separated values
(CSV) formats thus allowing easy viewing and editing in spreadsheets such as Excel
and avoiding any extraneous symbols in any type of markup language which could be
problematic with the retrieving algorithm.
5 The Metanumber Algorithm
5.1 Metadata Overview
By “metadata” we refer to the collection of all information (other than units and
accuracy) that describe, define, and explain the meaning of the associated
metanumber. By “metanumber” we refer to a single numerical value with attached
units, accuracy level, and its metadata that describes it. We propose that all numerical
data be standardized as metanumbers and stored in archived tables as described here.
In the last section we concluded that the units are to be attached as variable names in
valid mathematical forms to the numerical value as for example with the velocity of
3.759e4*m*s_1. Here we discuss the metanumber archive tables as mentioned above
with greater detail on how metadata is stored and associated with a value. When one
normally stores structured numerical data, it can be as a single value, a list of values, a
rectangular table of values, or an array of higher dimension (such as when economic
data has an associated date or location). Our methodology applies to data arranged in
any dimensionality. But data which is laid out as a two dimensional table is the most
common with a format like “Entity vs Property”. The “ Entity” might be the 110
chemical elements corresponding to the rows, and where the “Property” might be any
of 40 to 50 different properties given in columns, such as density, atomic number,
atomic mass, thermal or electrical conductivity, heat capacity, melting point, boiling
point , etc. Likewise, the rows might specify a person’s ID and the columns might be
properties such as medical data for each person such as DOB, weight, pulse, blood
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
pressure ... We will use the two dimensional table as an example. The format is to be
in rows of comma separated values. This is the most common and open format, and it
is easily imported and exported from Excel and other editors as well as read by
Python. It is also structured so that at any point it can be automatically loaded easily
into any relational database such as Oracle, or SQL if desired by a simple program
and fully automated.
5.2 Metadata for a Table as a Whole
Some metadata values are associated with (a) an entire table, while other metadata is
associated with just the (b) entries in a given column, (c) or entries in a given row, or
(d) perhaps only associated with a specific value (such as longitude and latitude or
date-time). To capture metadata associated with the table as a whole, we standardize
the first two rows of each table with row one containing the names of fields
describing the table, while their associated values are contained in the second row in
the corresponding column. This ‘table metadata’ will contain the table name, a unique
table abbreviation, the source(s) of the data such as a web address, the table creator’s
name, and email address, date created & last updated, security level and codes,
references, footnotes, and other associated data related to the collective data in the
table as a whole. All of this data is metadata that pertains to every metanumber in the
table. Thus this data is applicable and linked to all values in that table.
5.3 Metadata Associated with Specific Rows and Columns
The first column (beginning in row three) is to contain the unique row (entity)
name/index identifier (such as the element name of gold) while row three will contain
a unique column (property) name/index identifier (such as Thermal Conductivity).
Other columns (after the first) and other rows (after the third) can contain other
metadata associated with that row or column. For example if the third row has an
entry of “Thermal Conductivity” for a given column, then several of the rows beneath
the heading of Thermal Conductivity could contain references to the source(s) of
those data values, web links to discussions of thermal conductivity, associated
equations and web links to explanatory videos or notes. Units would preferably be
attached to the end of each numerical value or one could have row or column
headings labeled as “*units” in which case the units in that column or row would be
distributed by multiplication over the values in the associated row or column. The
reference [E_Gold_Thermal Conductivity] will find the unique table named “E”
referring to the elements, then find the row labeled “Gold” in column 1, and the
corresponding column labeled “Thermal Conductivity” in row three. The metanumber
string for gold’s thermal conductivity will then be retrieved from that table, that row,
and that column and the metadata that pertains to that table, associated with that row
and that column are linked to the value without having to be transferred into
expressions. Although the heading is Thermal Conductivity, the search will compare
the name with all case lowered and all white space removed. And thus it would match
‘thermalconductivity’. A comparison of lowered case with removed white space is
used for all components of the [table_row_column] lookup. Tables of metanumbers
cannot contain any set of the symbols “, _ {}()[ ]” as each of these has a reserved use.
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
and Sports
When metadata occupies a row or column, this is to be indicated by having the name
of that row or column prefixed by a “%”. If the metadata values are unique and could
be used as an alternative index then the prefix is to be “%%”. An example with the
elements table is that both the atomic number and the symbol are unique metadata and
thus those columns are labeled as %% Atomic Number and %% Symbol.
5.4 Metadata Associated with Individual Values
Finally, there are times when specific metanumbers have an associated metadata just
for that one value such as a longitude-latitude or date-time of measurement. This
value specific metadata is encoded in the format {var1=value1|var2=value 2|…}
which multiplies the associated metanumber and which always evaluates to unity in
any mathematical expression and thus disappears. Thus this expression serves as a
wrapper to carry any information to be attached to a specific numeric value. By using
the reference [E_Gold_Thermal Conductivity] as a variable, one has therewith a
unique name for every archived metanumber along with potentially vast associated
metadata that is linked but not transferred until requested.
5.5 Data Archived on Other Servers
When data is stored on other servers (as opposed to the central cloud system in the
default directory) then the table name is to be preceded with “(the web address of the
server) _ (director path to the file)” followed by a double underscore ‘__’ and then
“(the table-name_row_name_column-name)”. This gives unlimited capacity to the
coding for data retrieval as is done with web addresses with a unique name for every
single metanumber value.
5.6 A Distinct Pathname for every Metanumber
A powerful feature of the reference string […] is that it gives a unique name to each
metanumber via the unique internet path to each separate value of metadata in the
table. Thus the metanumber name links to the table metadata, row metadata, and
column metadata without having to include that metadata with the value in the
expression. This is a critical concept. Furthermore, as all computational history is
archived, this structure supports an essentially unlimited unique line of tracing the
meaning, method of measurement, and unlimited other metadata via the indirect
reference to the numerical value. This can be of great value with the properties of
pharmaceuticals, where the non-numeric metadata can give critical associated data
such as batch and expiration data, or in accounting for the tracing of the origins of
funds and the means by which they were processed to give the current value. A
separate application easily reformats existing data tables. Once this conversion to
standard metanumber form is done, one can operate with the data at a speed and
accuracy never before possible with full automation and no human intervention. This
is especially critical with extremely large data sets and even more so when there are a
very large number of data tables from multiple sources. Finally, if data is formatted
this way as it is created, by that creator, then it can be subsequently used and shared at
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
maximum speed and confidence by everyone.
5.7 User Defined Units and Archived Results
A users submitted expressions are always archived into a single table under the user’s
name. This “user’s archive table” is created for each user and contains the values:
Seq#, DateTime, Submitted Expression, Resultant MetaNumber, and UnitID. The
Seq# is the unique submission sequence number for that user: 1, 2, …. The DateTime
is in the format YYYYMMDD:HHMMSS. The Submitted Expression is the string
that is submitted for evaluation. The Resultant MetaNumber is the metanumber that
results from the evaluation of the submitted expression. The UnitID is an integer
consisting of 10 single digits that contains a code for the powers of the fundamental
metric units in a given order and thus which is unique for each combination of units.
This integer is thus representative of the resulting concept and can be used for
different types of analysis, classification of results, tracking of work done, and the
creation of networks among users, metadata tabs, and concepts studied. One recalls
that any string that is bounded by {} will evaluate to unity (1) and thus can multiply
any metanumber at any position although the formal structure places it at the end of a
metanumber to denote the specific metadata such as Lon Lat for that value. If one
prefaces a submitted expression with {= expression name} such as {= Physics 211
Lab problem 4.38}, then later analysis of that users work, when downloaded to a PC
into Excel, can be used to filter and sort different computational efforts. Within
Metanumber, one can also reference the result as [my_expression name] in order to
use it in other expressions. One can also reference past work as [my_ seq#]. More
advanced features and operations are also possible. This means that all metanumbers
that are used, whether they are tables using [name_row_column] or past input results
as [my_name or #] provide unique names for every possible metanumber. In a sense,
the ability to create a (one dimensional) table with [my_name or #] means that a users
work creates a standardized table of all evaluated expressions by each user. As the
form {=name} is maintained as part of the input expression, it follows that it as well
as all component parts of the input expression with other metadata can always be
searched for content. If one is careful to use unique neumonic names, then such
results can constitute a user’s own set of ‘units’ as units are simply values of
metanumbers. It is easy to add additional user defined personal units and constants to
the system by prefixing any metanumber expression with {=unit or constant
name}*(metanumber expression) such as {=bluetruckvolume}*38*m3. A full
discussion of these advanced features would take us beyond the scope of this
introduction. The expression “[my_string]” is executed by the substitution of the users
unique PIN address for “my” and then all the previous discussions on archived table
data apply. Thus the term “my” is automatically replaced by the users PIN when used
and thus is kept private for that person. Data and special units for a company or
government agency can also be kept secure and private and thus shared only among
members of a closed user group. The system allows the use of any previous result
with the unique sequence number “i”, referenced as [my_i] , in a new expression as a
variable. Thus all the linkages back to the origin for every numerical value are
maintained among contributing users and their work. The software can peel back
layer after layer of how a given value was created along with all associated metadata
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
and Sports
tags, assumptions, equations, accuracy levels, literally everything, in manufacturing a
product, pharmaceutical, account, and scientific measurement, thus supporting levels
of artificial intelligence never before possible and thus providing the complete
evolutionary history of every number.
5.8 Current Archived Data Tables
Our interdisciplinary team has been creating sample metanumber data tables in
several disciplines as examples for training. It is the identification of those tables and
that data that is most generally utilized and shared among groups that will enable
highly innovative computations crossing multiple disciplines supporting both research
programs and student course work. Optimizing our methodology for these tables has
been the main research thrust in parallel with refining our algorithms, notations, and
user tools.
5.9 Conclusions
To conclude the metadata descriptor section, we have shown that by standardizing all
metanumbers in tables with unique file, row and column names, that the internet path
to the metanumber [file_row_column …] provides a unique name for entering the
metanumber into a mathematical expression and also makes all action sequences fully
traceable. The same functionality applies also to each users past work with [my_name
or seq#] although this table is private to the user unless more advanced actions are
executed for the sharing of data among users.. But an equally important feature is that
all table, row, and column metadata is linked by that name enabling intelligent
systems to form networks among tags, concepts, dates and locations, units, special
constants, and even computational actions. Metadata for pharmaceuticals can describe
side effects, dosages, batch numbers, expiration dates, and other metadata which can
be automatically linked to recipient patients without the specific transfer of such
extensive metadata in the computational process as one only needs the internet path.
We will discuss these potential networks in the following.
6 The Numerical Accuracy Standard and Algorithm
6.1 Numerical Accuracy Overview
The most complex domain is the automated processing of numerical uncertainty
which is a core research area of the author and is too technical for a full presentation
here. The author has jointly published this research with a university colleague and
also presented it in the AMUEM international conference on numerical uncertainty in
Sardagna, Trento Italy [6] and has been awarded a U.S. patent for this algorithm.
Numerical “accuracy” or equivalently “uncertainty” can be computed by several
methods: A numerical accuracy algorithm could (a) treat the metanumber value as
being exact. But with the exception of the integer counting of objects, values that are
represented by real numbers cannot be either measured or represented exactly.
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
However there are a few “real numbers” that are by definition established as exact
such as the speed of light or the number of cm in an inch. We could (b) treat the value
with an uncertainty following the last listed valid digit when expressed in scientific
notation and follow the standard statistical rules for determining the accuracy of the
result for each operation given the accuracy of the operands. This method has the
advantage that if one intercepts the raw data prior to processing, then one can count
the number of digits present. We could (c) assume a normal (Gaussian) distribution to
the value and combine the standard deviations of operands thus basically treating each
value as a distribution instead of a real number which is done in the most exacting of
cases and which is the most accurate. But the problem with this is that one almost
never knows the actual standard deviation. Most measurements are made once or
twice and time, effort and cost are not available to reasonably determine the standard
deviation of the value except when different scientific teams expend a great effort
over many measurements as with the NIST fundamental constants. It is furthermore
an assumption that such normal probability distributions accurately represent the true
distributions without skewness or kurtosis. Furthermore normal distributions do not
close under operations other than multiplication and division meaning that the mean
and variance as a pair do not close mathematically except in approximation. This is in
contrast to the complex numbers which do close mathematically. We must choose the
method of combining values where the accuracy level is simply indicated by an
uncertainty of one in the last digit since that information is known and the standard
deviation is not known. This method of representing error is always known as one has
only a fixed number of valid digits in the value which is always observable. We will
choose this method because it is always known and displayed. When a more accurate
representation of uncertainty of the probably distribution such as standard deviation is
available, the algorithm is able to utilize that framework. The very complex patented
technique of the author is so exacting that the supporting information is almost never
available and it will not be offered in this release version.
6.2 Use of Accuracy as Measured by Significant Digits
Even this method is in general very complex because one is now representing each
numerical value with a pair of values: the known value as represented by a sequence
of digits along with an uncertainty value. However it is essential that this error of the
last digit be captured in the algorithm at the point when the number is introduced
either (a) keyed in by a user or (b) listed in a data table. This is because all
mathematical operations between the value of interest and other values in an
expression will erase the knowledge of the accuracy of each and provide results of
operations that only indicate the limit of accuracy being kept by that computer
software. Computer generated results, without an accuracy algorithm, always generate
a great overrepresentation of the true accuracy with excessive digits for the value as
one can see when dividing say 17 by 3 when the result might only be accurate to one
digit. Even this method of accurately computing the number of significant digits of
the result is very complex algorithmically as different operations and different
functions follow different rules for accuracy combinations and thus the expression
must be parsed for the correct operational sequence and the values themselves cannot
now be just real numbers but must be a new mathematical class of objects. Here we
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
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are extremely fortunate that several such algorithms have been created for inclusion
with the Python language.
6.3 Python Uncertainty Package
We will use the Python Uncertainty package which can be found at
http://pythonhosted.org/uncertainties by Dr. Eric O. Lebigot [2]. Our procedure is
this: Each data value when loaded from MetaNumber tables, or a keyed entry by the
user must be immediately captured (using python code and ‘regular expressions’
methodology) and converted to a new type of object which is defined as a “ufloat” of
a string which contains the known digits. Once this is done then this uncertainty
algorithm evaluates the component values and maintains both the full accuracy of the
result as though there is no error and simultaneously gives the resulting uncertainty of
the numerical result. This algorithm also correctly mediates the operations between
the ufloat values and the other values which are known exactly. To utilize the Python
Uncertainty algorithm values, they must be identified by the software in order to be
converted to the ufloat class of objects or must be identified as exact and thus treated
as an exact standard value with no error. Our technique is to identify all uncertain
values by numbers which contain a decimal point such as 5.793e5 where the value of
5.793 will be identified via the decimal point and converted to a ufloat and then
multiplied by 1e5. An exact value must therefore be entered without a decimal by
adjusting the exponent to remove the decimal as 5.793e5, if exact would entered as
5793e2 and thus stored as an exact real number. This methodology requires no new
symbol or other indicator and is fully automatic. Thus the coding of numerical
certainty or uncertainty does not need an explicit coding but rather uses this implicit
coding methodology of our capture algorithm. This algorithm must act on all numeric
values in both the data tables as values are brought into an expression and on keyed
values that are entered by the user.
6.4 Conventions for Exact & Uncertain Values
We will take all unit conversions to be exact. The current algorithm automatically
converts all table values to ufloat objects along with automatic conversion of all user
keyed numerical components to ufloat based metanumbers when there is a decimal
present as well as decimal present values that are keyed in by the user. For exact
values, the user will only need to remove the decimal point by altering the associated
exponent in the scientific notation in order to enter a value as exact, either in the
tables or in the keyed values. Thus 3.2e4 becomes 32E3 with no decimal in the value
to indicate that the value is exact. Keyed or table values that have a decimal present
will be assumed to be ufloat objects. Any expression that contains a missing value
will automatically return a missing metanumber with the metanumber code. Thus the
result of this convention on encoding uncertainty is that no explicit notation is
required other than the presence or absence of the decimal point in the value to get the
value to be treated as uncertain or exact respectively.
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
7 Network and Cluster Analysis
7.1 Networks and Cluster Identification
Networks represent one of the most powerful means for representing information
interrelationships (topologies) among abstract objects called nodes which are
identified by sequential integer 1, 2,... Cluster analysis on these networks can uncover
the nature of those structures. We have been able to link objects in this numerical
standardization using our past research on the mathematical classification of networks
and associated cluster analysis. A network is defined as a square (sparse) matrix (with
the diagonal missing) that consists of non-negative real numbers, and which normally
is very large, that represent the connection degree between node i and node j as C
The mathematical classification and analysis of the topologies represented by such
objects is one of the most challenging and unsolved of all mathematical domains.
We have built some far-reaching extensions of the metanumber system that can be
constructed on the foundation laid by the standardization described above. Let us first
consider the standardization of numerical data as metanumbers in tables with units,
accuracy, and metadata descriptors linked as described above. Next consider how
each number in such a design has a unique reference name (such as [server
path_dir_table_row_column_...]). Likewise there is a unique name for every past
computation of each user (such as [my_ref#]), as well as a link for each shared
computational path by a project team under a given subject name (or
[subject_user_ref#]. We suggest that the resulting system supports vast and powerful
automated networks which can be constructed as described in 7.3 and 7.4 below.
7.2 Mathematics Underlying Our Network and Cluster Discoveries
This section will provide a very brief overview of our mathematical results that
provide a new foundation for network and cluster analysis. In previous work the
author discovered a new method of decomposing the continuous general linear (Lie)
group of (n x n) transformations into a Markov type Lie group (with n
-n parameters)
and an Abelian scaling group (with n parameters). Each is generated as is standard, by
exponentiation of the associated (Markov or scaling) Lie algebra. The Markov type
generating Lie algebra consists of linear combinations of the basis matrices that have
a “1” in each of the (n
-n ) off-diagonal positions with a “-1” in the corresponding
diagonal for that column. When exponentiated, the resulting matrix M(a) = exp(a C)
conserve the sum of elements of a vector upon which it acts, but can take a vector
with positive components into one with some negative components (which is not
allowed for a true Markov matrix). However, if one restricts the linear combinations
to only non-negative values then we proved that one obtains all discrete and
continuous Markov transformation of that size. This links all of Markov matrix theory
to the theory of continuous Lie groups and provides a foundation for continuous
Markov transformations.
Our next discovery was that every possible network (C
) corresponds to exactly
one element of the Markov generating Lie algebra (those with non-negative
combinations) and conversely, every such Markov Lie algebra generator corresponds
to exactly one network! Thus they are isomorphic and one can now study all networks
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
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by studying the associated Markov transformations and Lie algebra and associated
groups. Our subsequent recent discoveries are (a) all nodes in any network can be
ordered by the second order Renyi entropy of the associated column in that Markov
matrix thus representing the network by a Renyi entropy spectral curve and removing
the combinatorial problems so that now one can both compare two networks (by
comparing their entropy spectral curve) as well as study the change of a networks
topology over time. One can even define the “distance” between two networks (as the
exponentiated negative of the sum of squares of difference of the Renyi entropies).
We recently showed that the entire network topology of any network can be
represented by the sequence of the necessary number of Renyi entropy orders. This is
similar to the Fourier expansion of a function such as for a sound wave where each
order represents successively less important information. Our next and equally
important result was that an agnostic (assumption free) identification of the n network
clusters can be found from the eigenvectors for this Markov matrix which not only
show the clustering of the nodes but actually rank the clusters using the associated
eigenvalues thus giving a name (the eigenvalue) for each cluster.
Our final recent development that is important for the current issues is that one can
generate two different networks from a table of values T
for entities (such as the
chemical elements in rows) with properties (such as density, boiling point, …) for
each element in columns. To do this we first normalize the table by finding the mean
and standard deviation of each column and then rewrite each column value as the
number of standard deviations (represented by the table value), divided by the mean
for that column, away from the norm. This process also removes any units that are
present as the results are dimensionless. We then define a network C
among the n
entities (here the elements listed in rows) as the exp of the negative of the sum of the
squares of the differences between T
and T
= exp-
- T
. This gives a maximum connectivity of ‘1’ if the values are
the same and a connection of ‘0’ if they are far apart as would be required for the
definition of a network. We form a similar network among the properties for that
table. One then, as before, adjusts the diagonal to be the negative of the sum of all
terms in that column to give a new C, forms the Markov matrix M(a) = exp (aC) and
finds the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for M to reveal the associated clustering. The
rationale for how this works can be understood when the Markov matrix is viewed as
representing the dynamical flow of an invisible conserved substance among the
nodes. This methodology includes and generalizes the known methodology with the
Lagrange matrix for a network.
7.3 User-data Type Networks
Users (using the PIN#), can each be linked to (a) unit id (UID) hash values of the
results of their calculations, as well as to (b) the table, row, and column names of each
value. These linkages can be supplemented with linkages of each user to those
universal constants that occur in the expressions which they evaluate. The resulting
network links users to (a) concepts such as thermal conductivity, (b) substances such
as silver alloys, and (c) core constants such as the triple point of methane, the
Boltzmann constant, Planks constant, or the neutron mass. The expansion of this
network in different powers, giving the different degrees of separation, can then link
A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
users via their computational profiles, (the user i x user j component of C
) as well as
linkages among substances, metadata tags, and constants. The clustering revealed in
different levels of such expansions then reveals groups of users with linkages that are
connected by common computational concepts. Users working on particular domains
of pharmaceuticals and methodologies are thus identified as clusters as well as groups
of astrophysicists that are utilizing certain data and models. At that same time, the
clustering can identify links among specific substances, models, and methodologies.
Our current research is exploring such networks and clusters as the underlying
metanumber usage expands.
7.4 Table Generated Networks among Entities and also among
The methodology for converting a table to a network among row items or among
column items was briefly discussed above. We are currently exploring the clusters
and network analysis that can be generated from the tables of standardized
metanumber values. We have done this for the elements table which was very
revealing as it displayed many of the known similarities among elements. The cluster
of iron, cobolt and nickel was very clear as well as other standard clusters of
elements. We are currently analyzing a table on the properties of pesticides and we
have just obtained a table of 56 nutrients for 8600 natural and processed foods. The
study of clustering in foods based upon their nutrient and chemical properties as well
as the clustering among the properties themselves will be reported as available on the
www.metanumber.com web site. As usage of the metanumber system expands, we
will also report the results of clustering among similar scientific investigations. These
results are expected by the end of August 2015.
7.5 Multiuser Collaboration Application
Often with more complex computations and multi-tier problems, it is useful for a
number of engineers, scientists, students, or business workers to collaborate on a
problem. This requires that comments be shared as explanatory of the work that is in
progress as well as questions and responses to others in the collaboration. This is even
true for a user who wishes to document his or her own work. The metanumber
application supports documenting text which is archived as an entry just like an
expression that is to be evaluated. All that is necessary is to enter a “#” as the first
character (similar to the method of entering a remark or comment line in python or
other languages). When the “#” is seen, then all processing is bypassed and all text up
to the end of that entry (cr lf) is archived as a string. Then when a user’s past history
is exported or read or shared, then these text entries are seen correctly positioned
among the computations giving explanations or recording ones technique. The
collaboration part is achieved by entering a command {subject = ‘some name’|PW}
where ‘some name is the name of the subject to be shred. A file is created with that
name (in lower case with white space removed and with the attached password. The
creator of the subject must then share the name and password (if any) with users in a
closed group. The subject stays active until the end of the session or until one enters
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
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{subject = }. While the subject is active, each user with such an active subject has
each line that is entered to be written to that new (subject name) file in the form:
UserPIN, Seq#. This is all that is needed in the shared file because each user can then
open that file to read only all of the entries from other in the group. More information
will be available from www.metanumber.com help screens.
8 Conclusions
The use of these algorithms with the approximately 800 units and fundamental
constants, can support a standardization of all numerical data. This metanumber
environment also presents all data in human and machine readable formats and
satisfies the listed set of 10 essential requirements. The resulting system provides a
vast saving of time, costs, and a removal of associated errors by supporting the
instantaneous use of data without preprocessing. This system can support new levels
of artificial intelligence and improved human interaction. It can also support new
methods for the creation of novel networks [9] in numerical data that in turn can
support new methods of cluster analysis [10].
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7. Johnson, Joseph E., 2006 Apparatus and Method for Handling Logical and Numerical
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8. Johnson, Joseph E. 1985, Markov-Type Lie Groups in GL(n,R) Journal of Mathematical
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9. Johnson, Joseph E. 2005 Networks, Markov Lie Monoids, and Generalized Entropy,
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10. Johnson, Joseph E. 2012 Methods and Systems for Determining Entropy Metrics for
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11. Johnson, Joseph E, & Cambell, William 2014, A Mathematical Foundation for Networks
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A Numerical Data Standard Joining Units, Numerical Accuracy and Full Metadata with Numerical Values
12. Johnson, Joseph E. 2014, A Numeric Data-Metadata Standard Joining Units, Numerical
Uncertainty, and Full Metadata to Numerical Values, EOS KDIR Conference Rome Italy
EPS Rome 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Systems Engineering for Health
and Sports