From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO
Emissions: The ECO
Clouds Approach
Usman Wajid
and Pierluigi Plebani
University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
{pierluigi.plebani, barbara.pernici}
Abstract. While the topic of energy efficiency (in cloud and large scale data-
centers) has been attracting significant interest from academia and industry ow-
ing to mainly economic and somewhat environmental implications, reducing
emissions is often side-lined as a consequent benefit. This paper presents a
more direct approach adopted in the ECO
Clouds project for reducing CO
emissions in cloud and scale datacenters. The ECO
Clouds approach relies on
(a) definition of key metrics to enable quantification of CO
footprint at appli-
cation and infrastructure level, (b) CO
aware deployment strategies, and (c)
adaptive management of workloads to constantly minimize the CO
footprint of
applications as well as underlying resources/infrastructure.
1 Introduction
With rapid proliferation of large scale datacenters and cloud facilities, tackling the
issue of energy consumption has emerged as one of the critical research challenges to
be dealt with. In response, a plethora of approaches have proposed ways to achieve
energy efficiency and harvest associated benefits that mostly translate into economic
Besides energy efficiency, a related stream of research focuses on evaluating and
reducing the environmental impact of cloud computing by means of minimizing CO
emissions from cloud and datacenter facilities. The issue of CO
emissions resulting
from vast energy consumption is a growing concern that is generating economic,
social and political pressure. This pressure from different sectors of society is likely to
result in regulations as well as influence consumer selection criteria for outsourcing.
Existing work in this area mostly ranks CO
reduction or environmental impact as a
consequent benefit of achieving energy efficiency. However, CO
derived from the
different energy sources is often not addressed directly, and relatively little attention
is diverted towards effective utilization and optimization of available energy sources.
Hence there are opportunities for addressing environmental implications by adopting
a more direct approach for reducing CO
In this background, the European Commission funded ECO
Clouds (Experimental
Awareness of CO
in Federated Cloud Sourcing) project aims to addressing the envi-
ronmental impact of cloud computing by not only developing methods for quantifica-
tion of energy consumption and CO
emissions at different levels of cloud computing
Pernici B. and Plebani P.
From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO2 Emissions - The ECO2Clouds Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006183200610070
In European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems (EPS Barcelona 2014), pages 61-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-034-5
2014 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(e.g. testbed, host, virtual machine and application level) but also allowing for proper
consideration of gathered data at application deployment and execution lifecycle.
Clouds develops and advocates a reinforcement learning model that relies on
monitoring of ecological parameters in cloud computing and using this information to
improve the way applications are designed and how infrastructure responds to chang-
es occurring at physical hosts, running applications, down to energy mix consumed.
Clouds solution is particularly designed for federated clouds that (a) of-
fer opportunities of utilizing different cloud resources, and (b) enable minimizing CO
footprint of applications by considering energy mix of different testbeds in the appli-
cations deployment decision making model. In this respect, the availability of differ-
ent and geographically separated infrastructure or testbeds allow distribution of appli-
cations on eco-friendly resources, where permitted by testbed and availability of suit-
able resources required by applications.
Clouds is described in Section 2. Section 3 describes how the quantifi-
cation of environmental impact of cloud computing is carried out in ECO
Section 4 presents the deployment and adaptation techniques devised in ECO
in order to minimize the environmental impact of cloud computing. Section 5 presents
discussion of some preliminary results of ECO
Clouds solution. Section 6 concludes
paper with directions for future work.
2 An Overview of ECO
Clouds Approach
Clouds adopts an iterative development approach involving three key phases
namely Measure, Create and Test, shown in
Fig. 1
Fig. 1.
Three phases of ECO
Clouds approach.
The Measure phase focuses on quantification of energy consumption and envi-
ronmental impact of cloud computing, the Create phase develops techniques and
software artefacts to help realize awareness of the environmental impact of cloud
computing by making improvements in the reduction of energy consumption and CO
emissions, and the Test phase tests the outcome of previous two phases on an existing
FIRE ( facility known as BonFIRE (
The three phased approach addresses important research questions such as quanti-
fication of environmental impact of cloud computing, enacting deployment and
runtime adaptation actions that can decrease the energy consumption and CO
Te st
EPS Barcelona 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems
print of cloud computing and considering environmental implications in the design
and subsequent execution of cloud applications.
Fig. 2. Implementation of ECO
Clouds approach.
Fig. 2 provides an overview of implementation and execution aspects of
Clouds approach where the workflow is triggered by an application deployment
request. A deployment request typically entails the availability of certain number of
virtual machines with certain characteristics (e.g. CPU and Memory requirements).
The deployment of virtual machines is determined by the ECO
Clouds Scheduler, a
key decision making component in the system. The subsequent step involves the col-
lection of eco-metrics by Scheduler from different levels of the cloud infrastructure.
Eco-metrics is a term used in ECO
Clouds to refer to parameters that provide infor-
mation concerning energy consumption and CO
footprint at different levels of cloud
infrastructure. The information provided by eco-metrics is used in the eco-aware
scheduling of applications on the federated cloud resources, as shown in step 3. Once
deployed the applications are constantly monitored along with the way the underlying
infrastructure behaves e.g. how spikes in resource utilization, deployment of new
applications and termination of already running applications provide opportunities for
further improvements in energy consumption and CO
footprint of available re-
sources. The monitoring information is taken into account while deciding and trigger-
ing certain adaptation actions that can reduce the energy consumption and CO
print of running applications as well as the underlying infrastructure. After the execu-
tion of applications, the detailed monitoring information is compiled in an eco-report
for user.
The report informs the user (e.g. application designer and developer) about total
energy consumption and CO
footprint of their applications. Based on the reinforce-
ment learning model of ECO
Clouds the user is encouraged to use the information
from eco-report to improve the design and execution aspects of their applications in a
From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO2 Emissions - The ECO2Clouds Approach
bid to make them more energy efficient and eco-friendly. Furthermore, it is envi-
sioned that the awareness about energy consumption and CO
footprint can enable the
application designers and developers to better tune their applications e.g. by more
effectively utilizing the available resources or by choosing adequate resources for the
deployment and execution of application.
3 Quantification of Environmental Impact
As the final goal of the ECO
Clouds project is to reduce the environmental impact of
applications running on a federated cloud infrastructure, it is crucial to properly quan-
tify and monitor such an impact.
The energy consumed by an application is usually taken as a primary metric: the
more the application consumes, the more impact the application has on the environ-
ment 2. Although calculating the energy consumption is important, this captures only
a fraction of the real impact. Indeed, it is also important to evaluate which are the
sources that provide such energy: Nuclear plants? Coal plants? Renewable sources?
As a consequence, CO
emissions are usually taken as a good metric for evaluating
the real impact, so that, an application that consumes an amount of energy coming
from a renewable source is preferable to an application that consumes the same
amount of energy coming from a coal plant.
It is worth noting that, although considering the CO
emissions during the execu-
tion is reasonable, the computation of CO
emission could be tricky. For instance,
renewable sources are correctly considered as zero-emission sources. This is true if
we consider the emission during the energy provisioning. On the contrary, if we con-
sider the complete life cycle of renewable sources as hydro-power plants or wind
farms, the CO
emission cannot be considered zero as some energy coming from CO
emitting sources is required to build, and it will be required to dismiss, the plants.
This issue becomes more important when considering nuclear plants. Indeed, CO
emissions of this kind of plants are almost zero, by contrast the energy required to
build for the decommission of a nuclear plant is incredibly high 3. As at this stage it is
very difficult to really compute this holistic CO
emission, the ECO
Clouds approach
quantifies only the CO
emitted when producing the required energy. Anyway, infor-
mation about the energy sources are considered in order to increase the awareness of
the user about the kinds of energy sources involved when the application required are
On this basis, the ECO
Clouds project proposes a layered approach to monitor the
environmental impact of the applications, the virtual machines, and the sites as shown
in Fig.
3. For each of the layers, a set of metrics to be monitored has been identified 1.
Each of these sets of metrics captures not only aspects about the environmental im-
pact, but also the performances of the system. This allows our solution to mediate
between improvements with respect the environmental sustainability and the perfor-
More specifically, starting from the bottom, the infrastructure layer includes met-
rics that measure the behavior of the single physical machines and the entire site.
Especially for the energy metrics, this layer is fundamental, as it is the place in which
the power can be physically measured using PDU (Power Distribution Units). Along
EPS Barcelona 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems
Fig. 3. Layered architecture in ECO
with the classical eco-metrics as PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness), the environmen-
tal impact is taken into account by measuring the GEC (Green Energy Efficiency) 4:
i.e., the percentage of the power coming from renewable source. Yet, availability of
the resources (CPUs, memory, and storage) is also measured to monitor the possibil-
ity to deploy application on a site.
Moving to the next layer, the VM layer focuses on the metrics able to evaluate the
status of the VMs running on the physical host. At this layer, most of the metrics are
derived from the metrics measured at the infrastructure layer. Focusing on the envi-
ronmental impact, here the energy consumed to run a VM is computed by considering
the amount of resources reserved and really used by the VM in order to properly sub-
divide the energy consumed by the physical host among the VMs running on it.
At the top-most layer, there are the metrics that evaluate the applications running
on the VMs. Assuming that an application can be distributed among several VMs and
these VMs can live on different sites, the metrics included at this layer, compute the
environmental impact as well as the performances starting from the metrics at the
lower levels. For instance, the energy consumption of the application is obtained
considering the execution time and the energy consumed by all the VMs required by
the application. At this level, it is worth noting that metrics inspired by the usual met-
rics included in the infrastructure layer are also included. For instance, the A-PUE
(Application PUE) has been inspired by the classical PUE. As the latter is defined as
the quantity of power used by the site divided by the power really used by the IT
devices, the A-PUE is defined as the quantity of power used by all the VMs involved
in the application divided by the power really used for running the application. This
parameter has been considered as, usually, when running an application on a VM
several other processes are running as well. Some of them are required (i.e., operating
system processes), some other starts automatically when the VM boots but they are
not really needed (i.e., a mysql deamon or an http server even if the application does
not need them). Goal of this metric is to make the user aware of this fraction of power
Application layer
VM layer
Infrastructure layer
CPU utilization
Site utilization
Site infrastructure
Site saturation
CPU usage
I/O Usage
Storage usage
Memory Usage
Task execution
execution time
Response time
From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO2 Emissions - The ECO2Clouds Approach
that is not consumed specifically for the application. More details on the set of metrics
and the facilities involved to monitor them can be found in 1.
4 ECO-Aware Application Deployment and Adaptation
At primitive level the ECO
Clouds solution is driven by the Scheduler, a central enti-
ty or service responsible for determining eco-friendly deployment of application and
later runtime adaptation of deployment configurations based on the availability of
4.1 ECO-Aware Deployment
Clouds Scheduler implements different application deployment policies and
allows system administrator to switch between the policies using a simple REST
interfaces. The deployment policies that can be characterized as eco-aware heuristics
perform decision making at two different level i.e. at testbed and physical host level.
Keeping in view the federated cloud infrastructure, once a deployment request is
received, the first Scheduling step is to select a suitable testbed. This step is realized
by the switching the Scheduler in one of the following modes:
Individual Deployment Mode performs selection of a testbed for each individual
VM in the deployment request. In this respect, the VMs in a single deployment re-
quest (representing a distributed application) may be deployed on different testbeds,
for example after the allocation of a single VM the suitability of a testbed may
change, thus the next VM in the same deployment request may be allocated to another
testbed that fits the suitability criteria.
Bulk Deployment Mode performs selection of testbed for all VMs in a particular
deployment request. In this mode, all VMs (belonging to an application) will be de-
ployed on a single suitable testbed.
In the above two modes, the suitability of a testbed is determined by a combination
of multi-criteria optimization and load balancing functions. The multi-criteria func-
tion takes into account a number of eco-metrics at testbed level with particular em-
phasis on energy consumption, CO
footprint (determined from energy mix consumed
by the geographically distributed testbeds), PUE and GEC. Once a testbed is selected,
the following deployment policies can be used to determine physical host level de-
ployment configuration of new VMs/applications.
Max-Utilization or Task Consolidation tries to maximize the utilization of individ-
ual physical hosts by deploying VMs on minimum number of hosts (e.g. hosts with
most CPU utilization and highest energy consumption) while keeping as many hosts
idle as possible. The idle hosts can be switched off or switched to hibernate mode
provided adequate support by the underlying cloud infrastructure.
Min-Utilization or Task Dispersal, which tries to minimize the utilization of indi-
vidual hosts by deploying VMs on least used hosts (e.g. hosts with most free-CPU
EPS Barcelona 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems
and lowest energy consumption) in order to balance the workload across available
The combination of deployment modes and policies help in determining an eco-
ware deployment configuration for cloud applications. The experimental evaluation of
the above deployment modes and policies is yet to determine their effectiveness over
each other, however the consideration of environmental impact (by means of consid-
ering energy consumption as well as CO
emission derived from energy sources) is a
step forward in realizing ecologically aware cloud computing.
4.2 Eco-Aware Adaptation
Clouds adaptation is referred to a process of change that makes applications
and underlying cloud infrastructure more energy efficient and environmentally friend-
ly. In ECO
Clouds adaptation occurs at two different levels:
Infrastructural level adaptation: the ECO
Clouds Scheduler drives the adap-
tation by properly managing the VMs.
Application level adaptation: the Application Controller, an application de-
pendent module, drives the adaptation by distributing the workload among
the VMs or by requesting the allocation and the release of VMs.
4.2.1 Adaptation at Infrastructure Level
Clouds the deployment decision making entity i.e. Scheduler only works at
the VM level and has no control over what go on inside a VM (or an application). In
this respect, the adaptation driven by Scheduler tries to achieve the minimum energy
consumption and CO
footprint at the infrastructure level without interfering directly
with the running applications. The overall objectives of adaptation at infrastructure
level are:
Efficient utilization of available resources in order to keep the energy con-
sumption and CO
footprint of cloud infrastructure to a minimal level
Fulfilment of requests from running applications
The above objectives are achieved by enacting the following actions at infrastruc-
tural level:
Supporting applications in starting, freezing and restarting VMs based on
applications’ internal adaptation criteria
On request (from running applications) allocation and termination of VMs
Improve the detail of observation of one metric (e.g. change granularity of
metric by varying the frequency of sampling)
During the runtime of applications, informing users about the potential of
moving certain VMs on more energy efficient and/or CO
friendly resources
such as testbeds and physical hosts.
From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO2 Emissions - The ECO2Clouds Approach
4.2.2 Adaptation at Application Level
Adaptation at infrastructure level is based on information regarding the status of the
physical hosts and virtual machines. Another source of useful information that needs
to be considered is at application level. For example, at infrastructure level, the
Scheduler notices that a VM has a low CPU load and it might need to ask, the infra-
structure layer, to move the VM to another physical host so the one in which the VM
is currently running can be switched off. Although this choice sounds reasonable, the
Scheduler cannot be aware of the fact that the status of low CPU load is only tempo-
rary and in no more than 10 minutes the CPU load will drastically increase.
To realize application level adaptation ECO
Clouds prescribes that cloud applica-
tions implement an internal management module or Application Controller (AC). AC
is envisioned as a complementary component responsible for providing a set of facili-
ties for accessing the eco-metrics related to the application and enabling the adapta-
tion at application level. The application designers can implement the AC based on
the nature of their applications and best possible adaptation scenarios.
The role of the Application Controller is to read the application level metrics and
to find the best configuration in order to optimize the energy efficiency, reduce CO
footprint and avoid wasting of resources. This can be done by properly distribute the
workload among the several VMs reserved for an application, changing the state of
running VMs based on application specific conditions, or to ask to change the number
of VMs in case they are either too much or not enough. In this way, the application
controller tries to avoid as much as possible, situations in which energy is wasted and
resources are underused.
5 Discussion
Clouds solution is implemented as an extension of the BonFIRE platform.
This BonFIRE platform provides a federated cloud infrastructure for deploying and
running VMs of different sizes (e.g., according to the usual nomenclature: small,
medium and large). The platform also provides a monitoring system based on Zabbix
to evaluate the metrics at infrastructure and VM level. In ECO
Clouds, this set of
metrics has been extended to cover the requirements introduced in Section 3.
When running an application, ECO
Clouds platform is able to monitor and collect
the values of all the metrics presented before. Some of the values can be viewed in
4. Here two application level metrics, i.e., Application Throughput and the Appli-
cation Energy are compared to identify possible energy wasting. Indeed, the user is in
charge of improving the application and can figure out when there is a discrepancy
between the trend of the energy consumed and the effective work done. In this case,
the evaluation can be only qualitative as these two metrics are not directly compara-
In some other cases, the metrics can be compared and some adaptation decisions
can be taken. For instance, Fig.
5 shows the trend of the power consumed by the two
VMs used by an application. In this case, we have again some wastage as the
EPS Barcelona 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems
Fig. 4. Throughput against energy chart (best viewed in color).
Fig. 5. VMs and Application power chart (best viewed in color).
power of the application is constantly zero (as shown in the legend). As evident in the
figure, during in the reported period the VMs are running but no useful work for the
application is done since the application parts deployed in the VM are not running. In
such situations, when the VMs are running uselessly, the Application Controller can
take an adaptation decision e.g. by requesting the Scheduler to change the state of the
VMs or switch them off in order to conserve energy and make resources free for other
applications. In both cases, the adaptation actions will directly contribute towards
reducing the energy consumption and subsequent CO
footprint of applications.
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Clouds project adapts a more direct approach towards tackling environmen-
tal impact of cloud computing by considering not only energy consumption but also
From Reducing Energy Consumption to Reducing CO2 Emissions - The ECO2Clouds Approach
footprint in its cloud sourcing model. The emphasis on CO
footprint and envi-
ronmental impact (primarily derived from energy sources) makes ECO
Clouds ap-
proach stand out from many other efforts that only focus on energy efficiency and
single site cloud infrastructures.
Current ECO
Clouds is going through final stages of the development and imple-
mentation phase. The initial testing of some components has been already initiated.
The next step will be to deploy system level tests, which will prove the effectiveness
of the overall solution and its ability to achieve the ambitious objectives of reducing
the energy consumption and CO
footprint of cloud computing, as set out in the pro-
ject plan.
For further details and updates concerning ECO
Clouds, the readers are referred to
project website: www.
This work has been partially supported by the ECO
Clouds project
( and has been partly funded by the European Commission's IST
activity of the 7th Framework Program under contract number ICT- 318048. This
work expresses the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the European
Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of
the information contained in this work. The authors thank all the participants in the
project for common work and discussions.
1 C. Cappiello, S. Datre, M.G. Fugini, P. Melia, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, M. Gienger, A.
Tenschert: Monitoring and Assessing Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Cloud-
Based Systems. SMC 2013: 127-132
2 Greenpeace: How Clean Is Your Cloud? 17th April 2012. Available on line:
3 M. Lenzen, Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear energy: A review.
Energy Conversion and Management 49: 2178–2199, 2008
4 The Green Grid Consortium: Harmonizing global metrics to measure data centre energy
efficiency. Oct 2012. Available on line:
center_energy_efficien cy_2012-10-02.pdf
EPS Barcelona 2014 2014 - European Project Space on Information and Communication Systems