5. ETL & OLAP Design: The main tasks in this ac-
tivity are:
• ETL design and implementation, that strongly
depends on features of the semantic engine, on
the richness of the meta-data retrieved by the
crawler (e.g., URLs, author, source type), and
on the possible presence of specific data acqui-
sition channels such as CRM.
• KPI design; different kinds of KPIs can be
designed and calculated depending on which
kinds of meta-data the crawler fetches.
• Dashboard design, during which a set of re-
ports is built that captures the user needs ex-
pressed by inquiries during macro-analysis.
6. Execution and Test: has a basic role in the
methodology, as it triggers a new iteration in the
design process. Crawling queries are executed,
the resulting clips are processed, and the reports
are launched over the enriched clips. The specific
tests related to each single activity, described in
the preceding subsections, can be executed sepa-
rately thoughthey are obviouslyinter-related. The
first test executed is normally the one of crawling;
even after a first round, the semantic enrichment
tests can be run on the resulting clips. Similarly,
when the first enriched clips are available, the test
of ETL and OLAP can be triggered.
The analysis of the outcomes of a set of case stud-
ies (Francia et al., 2014) has shown that the adoption
of a proper methodology strongly impacts on the ca-
pability of keeping under control execution time, re-
quired resources and effectiveness of the results. In
particular the key points of the proposed methodol-
ogy are: (1) a clear organization of goals and tasks
for each activity, (2) the adoption of a protocol and a
set of templates to record and share information be-
tween activities and (3) the implementation of a set of
tests to be applied during the methodology phases.
In this paper we discussed some of the key issues
related to the emerging area of SBI. Although some
commercial solutions is already available, this types
of applications deserve further investigations. SBI
is at the crossroad between different disciplines, this
makes researches more challenging but it potentially
opens to more interesting results.
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