A Cross-lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging for Malay Language
Norshuhani Zamin
and Zainab Abu Bakar
Faculty of Science and Information Technology,Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Annotation Projection, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Malay Corpus, Dice Coefficient, Bigram Similarity.
Abstract: Cross-lingual annotation projection methods can benefit from rich-resourced languages to improve the per-
formance of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks in less-resourced languages. In this research, Malay
is experimented as the less-resourced language and English is experimented as the rich-resourced language.
The research is proposed to reduce the deadlock in Malay computational linguistic research due to the
shortage of Malay tools and annotated corpus by exploiting state-of-the-art English tools. This paper pro-
posed a cross-lingual annotation projection based on word alignment of two languages with syntactical dif-
ferences. A word alignment method known as MEWA (Malay-English Word Aligner) that integrates a Dice
Coefficient and bigram string similarity measure is proposed. MEWA is experimented to automatically in-
duced annotations using a Malay test collection on terrorism and an identified English tool. In the POS an-
notation projection experiment, the algorithm achieved accuracy rate of 79%.
POS tagging is the first stage in automated text min-
ing. The development of language technologies can
scarcely begin without this initial phase. Automated
POS tagging aims to label or tag each word in the
text with its correct POS tag to reflect its syntactic
and morphological categories. The term “POS tag”
is often used interchangeably with the term “catego-
ry”, “word class” or “lexical category” in many lin-
guistic publications. The POS tags are usually rep-
resented by some abbreviations to indicate word
categories. The research outcome is exemplified in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example Outcome of Proposed Research.
Text-processing tools such as lemmatisers, POS-
taggers, analyzers, stemmers and parsers are availa-
ble for only a few rich-resourced languages, such as
English, German and Japanese. As for the existing
English POS-taggers, there are many advanced ver-
sions that have reached almost up to 98% accuracy
with almost possibility for further enhancement
(Tsuruoka et al., 2005; Indurkhya and Damerau,
Malay is a language spoken by approximately
300,000,000 users in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore
and Indonesia (El-Imam and Don, 2005). It is a type
of Indo-European language. A corpus is a collection
of various written or spoken texts in machine-
readable forms and is usually unstructured. A corpus
plays a vital role in NLP text-based research. Malay
has relatively few resources and limited collection of
corpus. This limitation has been a hurdle for Malay
linguists to investigate the language computationally
(Hassan, 1974).
Malay is inflectional language in which the lan-
guage performs massive affixation, reduplication
and composition (Tan, 2003). The uniqueness of
these characteristics attracts linguists to explore the
underlying challenges and opportunities of the Ma-
lay language. There are three types of word deriva-
tion in Malay – noun derivation, verb derivation and
adjective derivation. New words are created by at-
taching affixes onto a root word. Some of the de-
rived words remain the same meaning with the root
words and some are totally different in meaning.
There are four types of affixes in Malay – prefixes,
suffixes, circumfixes and infixes (Sharum et al.,
2010). This inflectional property gives a unique
Input : Saya datang dari Malaysia.
(Translation: I come from Malaysia.)
Output : Saya /PRP datang /VBD dari/ IN Malaysia/NNP
(NOTE: PRP = Pronoun, VBD = Verb, IN = Preposition,
NNP = Proper Noun)
Zamin N. and Abu Bakar Z..
A Cross-lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging for Malay Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0005150602320240
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 232-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-074-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
identity to Malay morphology. Examples of noun,
verb and adjective derivation for common affixes in
Malay are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Derivation of a New Malay Words using Affixes.
Malay Affix Malay Word English Word
ajar + an ajaran teaching
bel + ajar belajar to learn
meng + ajar mengajar to teach
di + ajar (transitive) diajar being taught
di + ajar + kan
diajarkan being taught
mem + pel + ajar + i mempelajari to study
di + pel + ajar + i dipelajari being studied
pel + ajar pelajar student
peng + ajar pengajar teacher
pel + ajar + an pelajaran
subject / educa-
peng + ajar + an pengajaran
lesson / moral of
the story
pem + bel + ajar +
ter + ajar terajar
ter + pel + ajar terpelajar well-educated
ber + pel + ajar + an berpelajaran educated
Unfortunately, annotated textual data in Malay
are currently scarce. In Malaysia, there are few Ma-
lay corpora that have been made available. They are
mainly developed for academic use and not publicly
accessible. They consist of various genres from story
books, novels, and from management studies to po-
litical issues. Examples of private data include the
Malay Practical Grammar Corpus (Abdullah et al.,
2004), the Dewan Bahasa Pustaka (DBP) Database
, the Malay Corpus by Unit Terjemahan Me-
lalui Komputer from the University Science of Ma-
laysia (Ranaivo, 2004; Chuah and Yusoff, 2002)
and, more recently, the Malay LEXicon (MALEX)
(Don, 2010). The freely available Malay Concord-
ance Project Corpus
is a collection of 3,000,000
words extracted from classical Malay texts, ones that
are not related to this research domain. Limited ac-
cess to such important sources of linguistic
knowledge is a major hurdle in Malay NLP research.
Annotating the corpus manually is a laborious
and expensive task. This task is called corpus anno-
tation in linguistic. Some research do provides anno-
tation standards and guidelines for natural language
annotation in various domains such as the research
by Galescu and Blaylock (2012) and Roberts et al.
(2009). Annotations can be of different nature, such
as prosodic, semantic or historical annotation. The
most common form of annotated corpora is the
grammatically tagged one such as the POS tagged
corpus. Annotation projection is a task within paral-
lel corpora where information from Source Lan-
guage (SL) is projected or map onto the Target Lan-
guage (TL). Parallel corpora or bitext are extensive-
ly studied in the machine translation field where the
aligned phrases and words are used to create transla-
tion models. A survey of the literature revealed that
reuse of resources helps to reduce costs and over-
heads in system development (Mayobre, 1991; Bol-
linger and Pfleeger, 1990; Barnes and Bollinger,
1991; Kim and Stohr, 1998). This presents signifi-
cant opportunities to leverage these pre-existing re-
sources from a rich-resourced language, such as
English, to avoid building new text-processing tools
for a totally new language from scratch. The idea to
exploit the linguistic information from one language
to another is proposed.
Annotation projection using pre-aligned parallel
corpus is demonstrated successfully in projecting
coreference resolution in English-Portuguese paral-
lel corpus (de Souza and Orăsan, 2011), relation
detection in English-Korean parallel corpus (Kim et
al., 2010), dependency analysis in English-Swahili
parallel corpus (De Pauw et al., 2009), semantic
roles in English-German parallel corpus (Padó and
Lapata, 2005) and syntactic relations in English-
Romanian parallel corpus (Mititelu and Ion, 2005).
POS tagging is considered as an already solved
problem in NLP study (Søgaard, 2010). The state-of-
the-art in POS tagging accuracy is about 96%-97%,
but for most Indo-European languages such as Eng-
lish, French, Dutch and German and not for others
(Indurkhya and Damerau, 2010). There are three
ways to POS tagging- unsupervised, semi-
supervised and supervised. Christodoulopoulos et
al., (2010) evaluates seven unsupervised POS tag-
gers spanning nearly 20 years of work using Wall
Street Journal (WSJ) corpus. All the existing seven
unsupervised POS taggers were built using different
techniques and algorithms.
The comprehensive review finds that many older
algorithms perform well than the newer algorithms
because the methods used in newer systems do not
suit with POS induction task. Nevertheless, success-
ful rate in POS tagging is mostly contributed by the
supervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms.
For example the fully-supervised Stanford POS tag-
ger (Toutanova et al., 2003), trained on the Wall
Street Journal (WSJ) corpus, records 97.24% accu-
racy (Dickinson, 2007) and the work by Søgaard
(2010) is an attempt at a semi-supervised POS tag-
ger using Support Vector Machine (SVM), trained
on POS-Tagged WSJ has successfully achieved 97%
An error-driven transformation-based tagger for
English, known as Brill’s tagger, automatically
learns and induces tagging rules from a pre-tagged
English corpus (Brill, 1995; Brill, 1992). It is the
first widely used tagger to have an accuracy of
above 95%. A mirror of Brill’s tagger is the latest
version and is known as the CST tagger
. It is cur-
rently made available online.
The advancement of supervised learning algo-
rithms so as to reach the level of inter-annotator
agreement is due to the massive volume of labelled
training data which serve as the input to the tagger.
However, manual labelling of data is highly expen-
sive and involves laborious preparatory work. On
the other hand, an unsupervised POS tagger appears
to be a more natural solution. Such a tagger does not
make use of any pre-tagged corpora for training but
only makes use of a sophisticated computational
method to automatically induce word groups. One of
the earliest POS tagging researches in this manner
was from Merialdo (1994) who used Maximum
Likelihood Model to train a trigram Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) tagger. Banko and Moore (2004)
proposed an improved framework using a discrimi-
native model rather than an HMM. Goldwater and
Griffith (2007) presented a Bayesian-based tagger
and a standard trigram HMM with accuracy closer to
most discriminative model.
In recent years, there have been a few attempts
on the development of unsupervised POS taggers for
less-studied languages, with accuracies reaching up
to 76.1% (Christodoulopoulos et al., 2010). Hence,
this study is conducted to help bridge the gap be-
tween the supervised and unsupervised algorithms.
The aim of this research is to overcome the shortage
of NLP resources in Malay language by utilizing
existing computational linguistic resources in other
languages. As NLP has made rapid progress over the
last decades, it seems realistic to apply an existing
POS tagger to a bilingual corpus (English and Ma-
lay) as a ‘bridge’. The resulting annotations are pro-
jected to the second, the resource poor language i.e.
Malay using the proposed word alignment algo-
rithm. The projection algorithm for resource induc-
tion requires an aligned parallel corpus or bilingual
As the initial phase, it is significant to test the
performance of some existing POS taggers over the
English terrorism corpus. The corpus has been pre-
viously created through the translation of Google
Translate. It is the best statistical translator found
thus far for Malay language. However, as the
Google Translate often produces translation that
contains grammatical errors, the assistance of human
expert is required to correct the errors.
The comparative study involved three most ad-
vanced open-source POS taggers (i.e. CST, CLAWS
and Stanford) over their capacity to recognize some
standard word classes in the 25 selected news arti-
cles of Indonesia terrorism. These POS taggers are
selected for the comparison because they are public-
ly available. Out of these three, the best POS tagger
is chosen based on how accurate it performed com-
pared to human annotations.
CST Tagger was built based on the methodology
proposed by Brill (1992, 1995). It is said as the mir-
ror image of the original Brill’s Transformation-
based Learning tagger. Brill’s tagger was trained on
Brown Corpus. The corpus was compiled in the
1960s at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Is-
land as a general corpus (text collection) in the field
of corpus linguistic (Kučera and Francis, 1967).
Next candidate tool is the CLAWS tagger for Eng-
lish part-of-speech tagging
. This linguistic tool is
developed by a group of linguists at the University
of Lancaster, UK known as the University Centre for
Computer Corpus Research on Language (UCREL).
CLAWS stands for the Constituent Likelihood Au-
tomatic Word- Tagging System. CLAWS is the ma-
jor UCREL’s achievement. It is a stochastic tagger
that uses 134 tagsets trained on human tagged Brit-
ish National Corpus (BNC)
of multiple genres with
accuracy rate between 96% and 97% (Garside, 1987;
Garside and Smith, 1997; Leech et al., 1994). The
system used the frequency statistics drawn from the
BNC corpus.
The third tool in the comparative study is the
Stanford POS Tagger
. It is a state-of-the-art sto-
chastic tagger using the Maximum Entropy algo-
rithm and trained on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) cor-
pus, a collection multiple genres news articles with
Penn Treebank
tagsets (Toutanova et al., 2003).
Tagged sentences are extracted and split into train-
ing, development and test data sets. Stanford POS
tagger recorded 97.24% of its best accuracy.
This comparative experiment processed 25 news
articles which consist of 263 sentences and 5413
words and the results are presented in Table 2 fol-
lowed by discussions and justifications. The evalua-
tion metric used are Precision (P), Recall (R) and
F1-Score (F1).
Table 2: A comparative study between CST, CLAWS and
Stanford POS Tagger on English Terrorism Corpus.
P R F1
2353 275 317 0.88 0.80 0.84
1981 193 419 0.83 0.80 0.79
2426 550 722 0.77 0.66 0.71
Although, most recent research in automated
POS tagging have explored stochastic algorithm, the
results show that the rule-based CST Tagger outper-
formed other stochastic taggers with 84% accuracy.
Accuracy represents the percentage of correctly
identified matches the proposed algorithm detects
from the possible matches. The success of CST Tag-
ger lies within the rule-based algorithm to tag un-
known words. CST Tagger obtained high accuracy
because the linguistic information is captured indi-
rectly through its Transformation-based Error-driven
Learning into a small number of simple non-
stochastic rules. In this experiment, CST Tagger
performed reasonably well on terrorism news arti-
cles probably because it was trained on the Brown
Corpus which contains 500 samples of English-
language texts, totalling roughly one million words,
compiled from works published in the United States
in 1961. Among these samples are sample texts on
Political Science and Government Documents which
might describe the cases, stories or issues on terror-
MEWA is a hybrid method using heuristic and prob-
abilistic approach that aligns English to its corre-
sponding Malay word, thus projects the part of-
speech (POS) of the English word which was as-
signed by the off-the-shelf POS tagger to the newly
aligned Malay word.
In detailed, MEWA uses a probabilistic approach
i.e. N-gram scoring method for two characters which
is commonly referred as bigram and is integrated
with a heuristic approach, Dice Coefficient function
(Dice, 1945) in order to calculate the probability
distribution of letter sequences between Malay and
English texts. This is a hybrid method which never
been applied in any research involving the Malay
4.1 Dice Coefficient Function
Dice Coefficient is a heuristic alignment method
which differs from statistical alignment. It uses spe-
cific associative measures rather than pure statistical
measures. The function applies basic heuristic rule –
a word pair are chosen as the aligned words if the
pair has the highest co-occurrence score. It is a sim-
ple and intuitive estimation approach for word
alignment (Moore, 2004). The Dice Coefficient
Function is shown in Equation 1.
The Dice Coefficient is calculated by counting the
number sentences where the word co-occur (
the number of occurrences of the English word (
and the number of occurrences of the Malay word
). The measure is always between 0 and 1. The
use of the Dice Coefficient function in bitext align-
ment research is inspired by the research of Dien
4.2 Bigram String Similarity Measure
Bigram is a simple probabilistic method to measure
the string closeness of two different texts and often
generates good results. Bigram method performs
well on languages of different structures and are
widely implemented in much text-mining research
as shown in Jiang and Liu (2010), Tsuruoka et al.,
(2005), Tan et al., (2002) including the pioneer of
text projection research, Yarowsky et al., (2001). A
bigram is also referred as the first-order Markov
model as it looks one token into the past and a tri-
gram is a second order Markov model while N-gram
is the N
order Markov model (Jurafsky and Martin,
2000). N-gram has been widely demonstrated in
early research for word prediction (Jurafsky et al.,
1994; Jurafsky et al., 1997). The successful of an N-
gram model is measured by its perplexity. A better
model has the lowest perplexity value.
In most of the word prediction research, by far,
both the bigram and trigram approach show a great
success. However, a bigram model is suggested if
the training data is insufficient (Gibbon et al., 1997).
A bigram based model is faster and smaller at
matching two languages with dissimilar patterns
(Dunning, 1994) and performs better than the se-
quence of morphemes algorithm as experimented in
(Florian & Ngai, 2001). Based on these facts, the
research chose to work on bigram probabilistic mod-
el without any prior evaluation done.
Additionally, bigram model of two characters is
proposed to improve the limitations found in the
bitext project research of Dien and Kiem (2003).
Their research proposed a word alignment algorithm
using Dice Coefficient function, a dictionary look-up
and Vietnamese morphological analyzer to automat-
ically align Vietnamese and English bilingual corpo-
ra. The position of the words in each pair of sentenc-
es is pre-aligned by an existing tool called GIZA++
(Och and Ney, 2000). The accuracy of word align-
ment of Vietnamese-English was approximately
87% (Dien, 2002). The English corpus is tagged
using the fnTBL-toolkit (Florian and Ngai, 2001).
The similarity of morphemes between the source
word (English) and the target word (Vietnamese)
retrieved from a dictionary look-up is calculated. A
morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a lan-
guage that cannot be further divided. For example,
the word unbreakable consists of three morphemes:
un (signifying not), break (the base word) and able
(signifying can be done). In order to obtain the mor-
pheme, morphological analyzer is required. They
have generalized the Vietnamese POS tagsets
against the tagsets used by the fnTBL-toolkit, the
adopted English tagger.
To date, there is no relevant research found that
is related to bitext alignment involving Malay except
a research by Al-Adhaileh et al., (2009) and
Nasharuddin et al., (2013). Al-Adhaileh et al.,
(2009) proposed a text alignment algorithm to align
Malay and English text using Smooth Injective Map
Recognizer (SIMR) and Geometric Segment Align-
ment (GSA) algorithm. Both the algorithms were
successfully used to align French-English, Korean-
English and Chinese-English in previous research.
The hybrid methods were experimented on 100,000
words Malay-English extracted from books of mul-
tiple genres.
MEWA works by aligning one Malay word to the
most probable translated English word at a time. The
overall process flow of MEWA is depicted in Figure
Consider an example of POS annotation projec-
tion in Malay. We start with a source text, a Malay
sentence Polis Indonesia mendakwa empat lelaki
bersenjata. The text is translated to English using
Google Translate and then tagged using CST Tag-
ger, we get Indonesian/NNP police/NN ac-
cused/VBN four/CD armed/ VBN men/NNS. MEWA
uses both texts and information from Malay-English
lexicon and produces a tagged Malay sentence.
MEWA works by aligning one Malay word at a
time. Let’s illustrate the process to align the word
mendakwa. D
is a Malay-English lexicon which
consists of terrorism related words in Malay and its
possible translation in English. Lexemes for dakwa
are stored and their translation is the thesaurus of the
word as exemplified in Figure 3.3. The main use of
lexemes in the lexicon is to avoid the laborious pro-
cess to lemmatize the massive inflectional words of
the Malay language.
Figure 2: MEWA process flow.
Figure 3: Sample lexicon entries for the Malay word
Both the input texts are tokenized into Malay
word vector, W
and tagged English word vector,
as illustrated follows:
= {Polis, Indonesia, mendakwa, empat, lelaki, bersenjata}
= {Indonesian/NNP, police/NN, accused/VBN, four/CD,
armed/ VBN, men/NNS}
= {E
, E
, E
, E
, E
, E
For each word in W
we need to find the matching
word in W
. Taking a word from W
, we use D
find the possible English translations for the word
}. The morpheme similarity of each word d
each of the English words in W
is now calculated
with using the Sørensen-Dice function (Sørensen,
1948) as formulated in Equation 2.
= A set of Malay vector;
= A set of
tagged translated English word vector;
= The
translation(s) of the Malay word; E
= The transla-
tion(s) of the English word.
The lexicon search for the Malay word men-
dakwa finds the equivalent translation available
from the manually prepared Malay-English lexicon.
The word mendakwa is originated from the base
word dakwa. From the lexicon, we get
(mendakwa) = {claim, accuse} = {d
}, where
= claim and d
= accuse. Next, each of the words
and d
is compared with each of the words E
, E
, E
, E
, and E
. For example, the first iteration is
to compare E
= Indonesian against d
= claim and
= accuse and we get the following calculation:
Sim(mendakwa, Indonesian) = max{Sim(claim, Indonesian),
Sim(accuse, Indonesian)}
= max{Sim({cl,la,ai,im},
Sim({ac,cc,cu,us,se}, {In,nd,do,on,ne,es,si,ia,an})}
= max{Sim(2x0/(4+9)), Sim(2x0/(5+9))}
= max{0,0} = 0.
This calculation continues for the word E
(police) in
the second iteration. The iteration continues until E
has been evaluated. The third iteration which com-
pares E
= accused against d
= claim and d
= ac-
cuse, returns the highest correlation score as exem-
plified below:
Sim(mendakwa,accused)= max{Sim(claim, accused),
Sim(accuse, accused)}
= max{Sim({cl,la,ai,im}, {ac,cc,cu,us,se,ed}),
Sim({ac,cc,cu,us,se}, {ac,cc,cu,us,se,ed})}
= max{Sim(2x0/(4+6)), Sim(2x5/(5+6))}
= max{0,0.91} = 0.91.
In this example, the word accused is considered to
be the most probable translation of the Malay word
mendakwa as it returns the highest similarity score,
0.91. After all words in W
and W
are statistically
compared, the bitext are mapped. Finally, the anno-
tation i.e. the POS tag of each English word is pro-
jected to its corresponding Malay word so as to cre-
ate the annotated Malay terrorism corpus, Polis/NN
Indonesia/NNP mendakwa/VBN empat/CD
lelaki/NNS bersenjata/VBN, as as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Malay-english bitext mapping.
MEWA is evaluated using an English – Malay paral-
lel corpus of 25 news articles on Indonesian terror-
ism, with 263 sentence pairs and 5413 word tokens,
was used to evaluate the framework. The Malay
texts were manually tagged by a human annotator
using a standard tagsets, which were made equiva-
lent to Brill’s tagsets. The test tagsets are purposely
reduced to six which refer to the broad categories of
Brill’s tagsets in order to simplify the human verifi-
cation task. In this work, all variants of verbs,
nouns, pronouns, cardinal numbers and adjectives
produced by the CST Tagger are generalized as VB,
CN, PN, CD and ADJ respectively to ease the evalu-
ation process. These entities are significant for the
later development. Regular words and delimiters
were removed in the Malay corpus leaving only
3466 prominent word tokens. The experiment is
divided into three sub-experiments:
Experiment I: To test a small corpus of 50 ran-
domly picked sentences from the collection of
news articles.
Experiment II: To test on a larger scale corpus
consists of 263 sentences.
The result is shown in Table 3. In the Experiment II,
a total of 263 sentences were extracted from a set of
25 Malay news articles on Indonesian terrorism. The
system performance against human annotation re-
sults is shown in Table 4.
In both experiments, the numbers of correct,
wrong and missed tags between the output produced
by system and those annotated by our human experts
were manually counted for all words. The results of
the Experiment II demonstrated that the system
achieved 86.87% in Precision, 72.56% in Recall and
79.07% in F1. These results indicate that the tagger
attains slightly better annotation accuracy than in the
Experiment I (refer to Table 3). The reason for this
could be that the size of the corpus is 12 times larger
than the previous size. The experiments show that
the performance increases proportionally with the
size of data. Observations have found that the size of
Table 3: Experiment I – Test result for 50 sentences.
# Sentences # Word # Correct # Wrong # Missed P R F1
50 646 432 140 70 76 % 67% 71.2%
Table 4: Experiment II – Test result for 263 sentences.
# Sentences # Word # Correct # Wrong # Missed P R F1
263 5413 2515 380 571 86.87% 72.56% 79.07%
the dictionary look-up also increases proportionally
with the size of the tested corpus. Consequently, the
probability of an English word getting correctly
aligned with a Malay word is increased. A total of
1444 pairs of Malay-English words in the dictionary
look-up have been collected from these experiments.
The results indicate that this implementation works
well when the sentence pair is good, i.e. when there
is no data sparsity problem.
The performance was also contributed by the
CST POS Tagger’s expressive set of rules which is
able to solve ambiguity problems in English. Ambi-
guity is among the challenging problems in word
tagging (Dickinson, 2007). Tagging ambiguity is
when there is a word with more than one POS tags
exists. This occurs more frequently in English than
Malay as in the example We can can the can. The
three occurrences of the word can correspond to the
auxiliary, verb and noun categories respectively. As
for Malay, there are limited words that carry different
meanings in different contexts.
Consider this example: Muzium Perang itu
berwarna perang. In this example, the former perang
means war while the latter means brown. The whole
statement means The War Museum is brown in col-
our. This is an adjective clause where the latter
perang is an adjective that describes the noun perang
in the proper noun Muzium Perang. In the Experi-
ment II, there were 571 missing words which fall
under the “Missed” category. “Missed” means
skipped or not processed by the system. It was found
by observation that a word was missed due to either
it not being in the dictionary / lexicon or it being as-
sociated with a many-to-one entity.
Clearly, system performance can be increased
further by adding those missing words to the diction-
ary / lexicon. On the other hand, ambiguous tagging
results returned by Brill’s tagger contributed to re-
ducing system performance. Figure 5 shows an erro-
neous tagging produced by the CST POS Tagger.
Words given the wrong tag are underlined.
Dulmatin/NNP ,/, 39/NNP ,/, is/VBZ among/IN three/CD
suspected/VBN militants/NNS who/WP were/VBD shot/NN
Figure 5: CST Tagger’s tagging errors.
The word suspected in this context is supposed to
be classified as adjective and given the tag JJ while
the both the word shot and dead are tagged as verb
(VBD) and adjective (JJ) respectively. However, am-
biguous tagging results were found only in 112
words which is about 29% from the total wrong
tagged words. Meanwhile, it is also observed in the
dataset that there exist a conflict between the sys-
tem’s output and human’s annotation in some word
classes. As for example, the human annotators agreed
that an adjective preceding a noun is also classified
as a common noun (CN) as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Contradiction between MEWA’s tagging and
Human’s tagging.
CST-tagged: anti-terror/JJ laws/NNS
System-tagged: undang-undang/NNS antikega-
Human-tagged: undang-undang/CN antikega-
CST-tagged: mountainous/JJ areas/NNS
System-tagged: kawasan/NNS pergunungan/JJ
Human-tagged: kawasan/CN pergunungan/CN
A new method to automate POS-tagging for Malay
using parallel data from a rich-resourced language is
devised. As far as the research is concerned, no pre-
vious work has studied the alignment of a Malay cor-
pus with an English corpus by projecting tags using
hybrid algorithms. The bitext alignment method ap-
pears to be a powerful unsupervised learning algo-
rithm mapping two dissimilar languages at minimum
computational cost. MEWA has successfully mapped
and project POS annotation from English to Malay
corpus using existing English resource at fairly accu-
rate rate. MEWA is the first attempt for cross lingual
language research in Malay.
Finally, MEWA heavily reduces the labour re-
quired to annotate a Malay corpus, and generate
quick results.
Limitation in this research is outlined in this section
to be considered as topics to broach in our future
research to improve the performance of MEWA.
Some visible limitations that have been observed
during the experiments are the disagreement with
human’s annotations. As shown in Table 4, the hu-
man annotators agreed that an adjective preceding a
noun is also classified as a common noun (CN).
However, the existing English tagger keeps it as ad-
jective due the semantic of the word that uniquely
described the noun. This contradict piece of categori-
zation has decreased the system’s performance.
Difficulties are identified in one-to-many, many-
to-one and many-to-many word association. This is a
common problems link with Machine Translation
(MT) research for many years. A many-to-one asso-
ciation is the most common kind of association
where an object can be associated with multiple ob-
jects. However, these problems can be resolved using
rules. For a complete application, it is recommended
to put the focus on the automated lexicon builder.
The compilation of such lexicon (interchangeable
referred to as dictionary look-up or gazetteer) is often
a stumbling block in Natural Language Processing
(NLP) research. Machine learning methods especial-
ly the rule-based algorithm is often used to perform
this process. An advanced algorithm using the words
extracted from Wikipedia has been greatly explored
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