additive mixture of components is of particular
importance in addressing overfitting problem.
However, contemporary unsupervised
decomposition methods require label (diagnoses)
information to select component with cancer
relevant variables. Such component is useful for
biomarker identification studies but it does not
suffice to learn diagnostic model. In addition to that,
most of existing unsupervised decomposition
methods assume linear additive mixture model of a
sample. Herein, we have proposed an approach for
variable selection by decomposing each sample
individually into sparse components according to
nonlinear mixture model of a sample, whereas
decomposition is performed with respect to a
reference sample that represents negative (healthy)
class. This enables to select cancer related
components automatically and use them for either
biomarker identification studies or learning
diagnostic models. It is conjectured that outlined
properties of proposed approach to variable selection
enabled competitive diagnostic accuracy with small
number of variables on cancer related human gene
and protein expression datasets. While proposed
approach to variable selection is developed for
binary (two-class) problems its extension for multi-
category classification problems is aimed for the
future work.
This work has been supported through grant
9.01/232 funded by the Croatian Science
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