Speeding up Online POMDP Planning
Unification of Observation Branches by Belief-state Compression Via
Expected Feature Values
Gavin Rens
Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, University of KwaZulu-Natal and CSIR Meraka, Pretoria, South Africa
Online, POMDP, Planning, Heuristic, Optimization, Belief-state Compression, Expected Feature Values.
A novel algorithm to speed up online planning in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) is
introduced. I propose a method for compressing nodes in belief-decision-trees while planning occurs. Whereas
belief-decision-trees branch on actions and observations, with my method, they branch only on actions. This is
achieved by unifying the branches required due to the nondeterminism of observations. The method is based
on the expected values of domain features. The new algorithm is experimentally compared to three other
online POMDP algorithms, outperforming them on the given test domain.
Partially observable Markov decision processes
(POMDPs) (Monahan, 1982; Lovejoy, 1991) can ge-
nerate optimal policies that account for stochastic ac-
tions and partially observable environments. They are
also reward-based, accounting for an agent’s prefer-
ences (to guide its behavior). Unfortunately, optimal
POMDP policies are usually intractable to generate,
and they are even less practical when used in dynamic
A strategy for policy generation in dynamic en-
vironments that deals with this intractability is con-
tinuous planning or agent-centered search (Koenig,
2001). Agents employing this strategy compute fu-
ture actions with only local look-ahead or forward-
search. Recently, algorithms for online planning have
been developed to deal with intractability of solving
POMDPs (Ross et al., 2008).
Two sources for the intractability of solving
POMDPs’ optimally are usually cited in the litera-
ture (Pineau et al., 2003). First is the curse of di-
mensionality, which refers to (in the case of a model
with discrete states) a belief space having a dimension
equal to the number of states. For instance, a domain
modeled with 1000 states has a 1000-dimensional be-
lief space! Several researchers have suggested ways
to compress the state space in attempts to deal with
this problem (Poupart and Boutilier, 2003; Roy et al.,
2005; Li et al., 2007). Second is the curse of his-
tory, which refers to the number of possible belief-
states which must be considered during planning, in-
creases exponentially with the planning horizon. Kur-
niawati et al. (2011) reduce the effective horizon in
robot motion planning by using a particular (offline)
point-based POMDP solver. He et al. (2011) tackle
the horizon problem for online planning for large sys-
tems that need predictions for actions many steps into
the future by using macro-actions. According to Rens
and Ferrein (2013), exponential growth of belief-state
size in the number of steps can be considered as
a third source of potential intractability in POMDP
algorithms—the curse of outcomes. They investigated
several fast and frugal” methods for reducing the size
of belief-nodesgenerated duringonline planning. The
most effective method was what they called the mean-
as-threshold method (explained in § 3).
The search space in online POMDP planning can
be thought of graphically as a finite tree (a belief-
decision-trees), where nodes in alternating tiers rep-
resent (i) belief-states branching on the agent’s choice
of actions to perform, respectively, (ii) perceptions
branching on the environment’s choice of which ob-
servation to supply. An agent’s belief-states can con-
tain anything from a few states to thousands of states
or more. Furthermore, given some action choice, ev-
ery possible observation results in a new belief-state.
I introduce a novel approximate algorithm to
speed up online POMDP planning by generating only
a single most expected state for every action con-
sidered, instead of generating a belief-state for every
possible observation for every action considered dur-
Rens G..
Speeding up Online POMDP Planning - Unification of Observation Branches by Belief-state Compression Via Expected Feature Values.
DOI: 10.5220/0005165802410246
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 241-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-074-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing planning. The method unifies the branches which
are due to the nondeterminism of perceptions, thus
branching only on actions. The unification is based
on the expected values of domain features. The new
algorithm is experimentally compared to three other
online POMDP algorithms, outperforming them on
the given test domain—in some cases, significantly.
The required preliminaries are reviewed in Sec-
tion 2. Section 3 presents the four algorithms which
will be compared with each other, including the new
proposed algorithm. In Section 4, I test the algorithms
on a simple grid-world domain. Some concluding re-
marks are made in the last section.
In a partially observable Markov decision process
(POMDP), the agent can only predict with a likeli-
hood in which state it will end up after performing an
action. And due to imperfect sensors, an agent must
maintain a probability distribution over the set of pos-
sible states.
Formally (Kaelbling et al., 1998), a POMDP is
a tuple hS, A,T,R,Z,O,b
i with a finite set of states
S = {s
, s
, .. ., s
}, a finite set of actions A =
,... ,a
}, the state-transition function, where
T(s,a, s
) is the probability of being in s
after per-
forming action a in state s, the reward function, where
R(a,s) is the reward gained for executing a while in
state s, a finite set of observationsZ = {z
,... ,z
the observation function, where O(s
,a, z) is the prob-
ability of observing z in state s
resulting from per-
forming action a in some other state; and b
is the
initial probability distribution over all states in S.
A belief-state b is a set of pairs hs, pi where each
state s in b is associated with a probability p. All
probabilities must sum up to one, hence, b forms a
probability distribution over the set S of all states. To
update the agent’s beliefs about the world, a state es-
timation function SE(z,a,b) = b
is defined as
) =
,a, z)
Pr(z|a, b)
, (1)
where a is an action performed in ‘current’ belief-
state b, z is the resultant observation and b
) de-
notes the probability of the agent being in state s
‘new’ belief-state b
. Note that Pr(z|a, b) is a nor-
malizing constant.
Let the planning horizon h (also called the look-
ahead depth) be the number of future steps the
agent plans ahead each time it selects its next action.
(b,h) is the optimal value of future courses of ac-
tions the agent can take with respect to a finite hori-
zon h starting in belief-state b. This function assumes
that at each step, the action which will maximize the
state’s value will be selected. V
(b,h) is defined as
ρ(a,b) + γ
Pr(z|a, b)V
(SE(z,a,b), h 1)
where ρ(a,b) is defined as
R(a,s)b(s), 0
γ < 1 is a factor to discount the value of future
rewards and Pr(z|a, b) denotes the probability of
reaching belief-state b
= SE(z,a,b). While V
notes the optimal state value, function Q
the optimal action value: Q
(a,b, h) = ρ(a,b) +
Pr(z|a, b)V
(SE(z,a, b),h 1) is the value of
executing a in the current belief-state, plus the total
expected value of belief-states reached thereafter.
Algorithm 1 is the basic online POMDP algorithm
to select the next best action. (
at line 10 is a place-
holder for the best action so far returned by the algo-
rithm, but not used there.)
Algorithm 1: Basic.
Input: b: belief-state, h: horizon
Output: an action, the action’s Q value
1 b
: belief-state, initially empty;
2 if h = 0 then
3 return stop, 0
4 if h > 0 then
5 maxVal ;
6 foreach a A do
7 sum 0;
8 foreach z Z do
9 b
SE(z, a,b);
,V Basic(b
,h 1);
11 sum sum+ Pr(z | a,b)V;
12 value ρ(a,b)+ γ· sum;
13 if value > maxVal then
14 maxVal value;
15 bestAct a;
16 return bestAct,maxVal;
3.1 Mean as Threshold
The basic algorithm is augmented by compressing the
belief-states in a very simple and intuitive way. The
idea (Rens and Ferrein, 2013) is to reduce the size of a
belief-state by retaining only a small number of repre-
sentative states. As the number of states in a belief re-
duces, performing belief-update on the ‘compressed’
belief will be significantly faster.
For each belief-node generated in the belief-
decision-tree, a subset of states with probabilities
abovea certain threshold are retained. Using the mean
of the probabilities of the states in b as a threshold
seems to be a reasonable heuristic for selecting states
with probabilities relatively high compared to all the
states in the node. They define the set mp(b) of most
probable states of a set b as {hs, pi b | p µ
The mean-as-threshold (MT) method is then to re-
place b
SE(z,a,b) at line 9 of Algorithm 1 by
= mt(SE(z,a, b)), where
mt(b) = {hs, p/αi | (s, p) mp(b),α =
3.2 Monte Carlo Sampling
Every action leads to a set of observations with a
probability distribution related to the likelihood of the
observation being perceived. Given an action, the
belief-state in which it was performed and a possible
observation, a new belief-state can be generated. In-
stead of expanding the belief-nodes for each observa-
tion associated with each action at each stage during
planning, a relatively small subset of nodes can be ge-
nerated from a relatively small subset of observations
In the approach of McAllester and Singh (1999),
the probabilities Pr(z | a,b) are approximated us-
ing the observed frequencies in the sample: Let
(a,b) = {z
,... ,z
} be c samples obtained from
Z proportional to Pr(· | a,b). Let N
(a,b)) be
the number of times observation z occurs in Z
is an estimate of Pr(z | a, b).
Whereas computing
Pr(z | a, b) =
,a, z)
T(s,a, s
exactly is in O(|S|
), estimating it by looking at the
frequency of zs occurrence in the set of samples is
only in O(log|S| + log|Z|). McAllester and Singh
(1999) relate sample size c to the optimality of this
approximation in a theorem. Determining a desirable
value for c theoretically is beyond the scope of this
paper. “[...] a few samples is often sufficient to ob-
tain a good estimate as the observations that have the
most effect on Q
(b,a) (i.e. those which occur with
high probability)are more likely to be sampled” (Ross
et al., 2008). In the experiments, I found that using
even only one sample produces good returns. Plan-
ning time becomes impractical when using more than
three or four samples.
A disadvantage of this approach is that actions
cannot be pruned (Monte Carlo estimation is not guar-
anteed to correctly propagate the lower and upper
bounds up the tree). Thus, each action executable in a
belief-state must be considered. That means that the
Monte Carlo approach may be difficult to apply in do-
mains where the number of actions |A| is large (Ross
et al., 2008).
The Monte Carlo (MC) sampling approach is thus
to replace lines 7 to 10 of Algorithm 1 by
foreach z Z
| N
(a,b)) > 0 do
,V MC(b
,h 1,c)
sum sum+
where MC(···) is the modified basic algorithm.
3.3 Real-Time Belief Space Search
Branch-and-Bound (BB) pruning is a general search
technique used to prune nodes that are known to be
suboptimal in the search tree, thus preventing the ex-
pansion of unnecessary lower nodes in lower parts of
the tree. To achieve this, an estimate is maintained on
the value Q
(a,b) of each action a, for every belief-
node b in the tree. These estimates are computed by
first evaluating an upper bound heuristic for the fringe
nodes (at the fixed depth D) of the current tree. The
bound is then propagated to parent nodes according to
the following equation:
δ(b,h) =
Hr(b), if h = 0
(b,h), otherwise
with (b,h) is defined as
[ρ(a,b) + γ
Pr(z | a, b)δ(SE(z, a,b),h 1)],
where heuristic function Hr(b) is an over-optimistic
estimate on V
(b). Similarly, heuristic function
Hr(a,b) is an over-optimistic estimate on Q
Of course, Hr(b) and Hr(a, b) are domain-specific
The idea behind Branch-and-Bound pruning is as
follows. If a given action a in a belief b has an upper
bound Hr(a, b) which is lower than the current value
of b determined so far using δ(b,h), then we know
that a cannot be on the path yielding the best value,
meaning that a is suboptimal in belief b. Hence,
all belief-nodes reached from b via action a will be
pruned from the tree (Ross et al., 2008). The heuristic
function used in the experiments is
Hr(a,b) =
where Q
(s,a) is the QMDP approximation—an
upper bound on the Q-value of a in s. According
to V
(b) = max
(a,b), the function Hr(b) is then
Hr(b) = max
I implemented a version of Real-Time Belief
Space Search (RTBSS) first proposed by Paquet et al.
(2005). It follows the branch-and-bound strategy to
prune suboptimal states from the tree. The 0 at line 3
of Algorithm 1 is replaced by Hr(b). Replace foreach
a A at line 6 by foreach a Sort(b,A). Sort(b, A)
is a list of the actions in {a
,... ,a
}, sorted such
that if i < j, then Hr(a
,b) Hr(a
,b). Actions are
sorted in this manner in an attempt to prune branches
as soon as possible (Paquet et al., 2005). And finally,
the procedure corresponding to lines 6 to 14 are exe-
cuted only if Hr(a,b) > maxVal.
3.4 Observation Unification
The OUCEF algorithm (2) is my contribution. It came
about due to the following insight. Suppose a per-
son’s beliefs about his/her current situation were com-
parable to a POMDP state. One could imagine that
in a real-time/online setting, when considering future
courses of action (including perceptions), one does
not consciously maintain different sets of belief-states
for the possible observations one could perceive af-
ter some action. Rather, one can imagine, that given
(mental) models of stochastic actions and observa-
tions, a single projected state is formed (for every ac-
tion considered). That is, only the most expected state
is considered, given a sequence of actions.
Our idea for unifying all belief-states which would
have been generated for each observation in Z =
,... ,z
} after action a performed in belief-state
b is to select, for each feature, the feature value clos-
est to the expected value of the feature (note that
the expected value may not exist). Let s( f) be the
value of feature f in state s. Formally, given a set
B(a,b) = {b
,... ,b
} of projected belief-states,
the expected value ˆv(a,b, f) of feature f is
ˆv(a,b, f) =
( f)Pr(z | a,b)p
( f)Pr(z | a,b)×
,a, z)
Pr(z | a, b)
(from (1))
( f)O(s
,a, z)
T(s,a, s
As mentioned in the section about the Monte Carlo
Sampling approach, computing Pr(z | a,b) is in
), a relatively intensive computation. Notice
that it has been cancelled out of the calculation of
ˆv(a,b, f).
Recall that Pr(z |,a,b) can be viewed as the probability
of reaching belief-state b
from b.
Algorithm 2: OUCEF
Input: b: belief-state, h: horizon
Output: an action, the action’s Q value
1 if h = 0 then
2 return stop, 0
3 if h > 0 then
4 maxVal ;
5 foreach a A do
6 ,V = OUCEF({hcef(a, b), 1i}, h 1);
7 value ρ(a,b) + γ ·V;
8 if value > maxVal then
9 maxVal value;
10 bestAct a;
11 return bestAct,maxVal;
Every state s S is defined by the value the state
assigns to the set of features F considered for the do-
main. Let {v
,... ,v
} be the finite set of discrete
values that feature f can take. Hence, a state s can be
expressed as {( f,v
) | f F,v
I propose that the most expected state s
= cef(a,b),
given some action a is executed in some b, is identi-
fied by determining the feature values closest to the
expected feature values:
cef(a, b)
= {( f,snapTo( ˆv(a,b, f)) | f F},
where snapTo(ˆv(a, b, f)) is the value in
,... ,v
} closest to ˆv(a,b, f).
If a feature f
is qualitative, then its values
can be converted to numbers for the period of
calculation of ˆv(a,b, f
). For instance, given a
POMDP with only a ‘direction feature dir with
possible values in {North,East,West, South}, one
can associate 1 with North, 2 with East, 3 with
West and 4 with South. If there are two observa-
tions, then there are two possible new belief-states,
each with four states, for any action executed in
any belief-state. Assume, for example, that the
two new belief-states are b
= {h{(dir,1)},0.1i,
h{(dir,2)}, 0.2i, h{(dir, 3)},0.3i, h{(dir, 4)},0.4i}
and b
= {h{(dir,1)},0.3i, h{(dir,2)}, 0.3i,
h{(dir,3)}, 0.3i, h{(dir,4)}, 0.1i}, due to per-
forming some a
in some b
and perceiving z
some probability p
, respectively, perceiving z
with some probability 1 p
. Also assume that
the probability of reaching b
is 0.4 and of reach-
ing b
is 0.6.
The expected value of dir is thus
,dir) = 0.4(1 × 0.1 + 2 × 0.2 + 3 × 0.3 + 4 ×
0.4) + 0.6(1 × 0.3 + 2 × 0.3 + 3 × 0.3 + 4 × 0.1) =
2.52. 2.52 is the closest to dir = 3 and we es-
timate that the agent should believe it is facing
In the following calculation, Pr(z | a,b) is used to sim-
plify the example. Else, defining and using the observation
and transition functions would be necessary.
West after a
performed in b
. Hence, cef(a
) =
{(dir,snapTo( ˆv(a
,dir))} = {(dir,West)}.
Algorithm 2 summarizes the approach.
To assess the proposed algorithm, four sets of ex-
periments were performed in a six-by-six grid-world.
In this world, the agent’s task is to collect twelve
randomly scattered items. States are quadruples
(x,y,d,t), with x,y {1,· ·· , 6} being the coordi-
nates of the agent’s position in the world, d
{North,East,West, South} the direction it is facing,
and t {0,1}, t = 1 if an item is present in the cell
with the agent, else t = 0. The agent can perform
ve actions {left,right,forward,see,collect}, mean-
ing, turn left, turn right, move one cell forward, see
whether an item is present and collect an item. The
only observation possible when executing one of the
physical actions is obsNil, the null observation, and
see has possible observations from the set {0,1} for
whether the agent sees the presence of an item (1) or
not (0).
The same reward function is used in all cases. The
value of the reward function is essentially propor-
tional to the inverse of the Manhattan distance from
the cell in which the agent is currently located to the
nearest item to be collected. The agent also receives
rewards for executing a collect action when there is
an item in the same cell.
Next, I define the possible outcomes for each ac-
tion: When the agent turns left or right, it can get
stuck in the same direction, turn 90
or overshoots by
. When the agent movesforward, it movesone cell
in the direction it is facing or it gets stuck and does
not move. The agent can see an item or see nothing
(no item in the cell), and collecting is deterministic
(if there is an item present, it will be collected with
certainty, if the agent executes collect). All actions
except collect are designed so that (i) the correct out-
come is achieved 95% of the time and incorrect out-
comes are achieved 5% of the time or (ii) the correct
outcome is achieved 80% of the time and incorrect
outcomes are achieved 20% of the time. So that the
agent does not get lost too quickly, I have included an
automatic localization action, that is, a sensing action
returns information about the agent’s approximate lo-
cation. The action is automatic because the agent can-
not choose to perform it or not to perform it; the agent
localizes itself after every regular/chosen action is ex-
ecuted. However, just as with regular actions, the lo-
calization sensor is noisy, and it correctly reports the
agent’s location with probability 0.95 or 0.80, else the
Table 1: Results for h = 3 and sf = 0.8.
Algorithm ic/s s/a ic
MT .62 0.29 6.52
MC (c=1) .12 1.21 5.18
MC (c=2) .10 1.68 5.84
MC (c=3) .07 2.39 6.16
RTBSS .12 1.27 5.50
OUCEF 1.48 0.09 4.80
Table 2: Results for h = 4 and sf = 0.8.
Algorithm ic/s s/a ic
MT .17 1.33 7.98
MC (c=1) .02 6.67 5.06
MC (c=2) .01 12.57 5.52
MC (c=3) .01 15.22 5.56
RTBSS 0.03 4.60 4.52
OUCEF .40 0.38 5.42
Table 3: Results for h = 3 and sf = 0.95.
Algorithm ic/s s/a ic
MT .97 0.26 9.04
MC (c=1) .15 1.17 6.44
MC (c=2) .11 1.67 6.90
MC (c=3) .08 2.36 6.78
RTBSS .17 0.95 5.96
OUCEF 1.69 0.09 5.48
Table 4: Results for h = 4 and sf = 0.95.
Algorithm ic/s s/a ic
MT .20 1.26 9.04
MC (c=1) .03 6.87 6.98
MC (c=2) .02 11.11 6.96
MC (c=3) .01 15.57 6.96
RTBSS .04 3.94 5.18
OUCEF .60 0.37 7.94
sensor reports a location adjacent to the agent with
probability uniformly distributed over 0.05, resp., 0.2
For each experiment, 50 trials were run with the
agent starting in random locations and performing 36
actions per trial. The look-ahead depth is set to either
h = 3 or h = 4, and for MC, the sample size is set
to c = 1, c = 2 or c = 3. Only results for c = 1 are
reported here, because MC was most effective in this
Let sf denote the stochasticity factor; it corre-
sponds to the percentage correct outcomes of actions
and observations. I thus set sf = 0.8 or sf = 0.95.
For each experiment, I measure the average number
of items collected (ic), the average time (in seconds) it
takes to plan for one action (s/a) and the average num-
ber of items collected per second (ic/s). ic/s is taken
as the performance measure in these experiments. Ar-
guably, ic could have been used as the performance
measure, however,I feel that speed of planning should
be considered when measuring performance of online
algorithms. Tables 1 thru 4 report the results.
I presented a novel online POMDP algorithm which
performs at least twice as good as the other algo-
rithms on a particular grid-world problem. The basic
algorithm with mean-as-threshold belief-state com-
pression always collected the most items (ic). How-
ever, because it takes more than twice (for h = 3) or
three times (for h = 4) as long as OUCEF to select
the next action, its effectiveness is significantly be-
low OUCEF’s (w.r.t. ic/s). OUCEF’s nominal perfor-
mance (ic) is comparable with that of the other algo-
rithms over the four experiment parameter combina-
The effectiveness of the OUCEF algorithm is due
to (i) unifying the branches due to nondeterministic
observations by collecting all belief-nodes at the ends
of these branchesinto one set B, and then (ii) selecting
the state most representative of B, by calculating the
expected values of the features of the states in B.
The aspect of this work most in need of attention is
to validate the approach on different benchmark prob-
lems. It might be the case that the OUCEF algorithm
is well suited to the kind of grid-world problems pre-
sented here, but to few other problems. Or it might
be suited to many kinds of problems. This paper is,
however, a first step in introducing and testing the al-
gorithm. At the very least, the new ideas presented
here might lead other researchers to new insights in
their online POMDP algorithm. A theoretical analy-
sis of the optimality of OUCEF is also required and
could lead to interesting insights.
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