normalization would have bought the feature to a
subject-specific level, which is an important step in a
discrimination method (Vaseghi, 2008).
A limitation of the present validation consists in
the use of the the Oxford scale as validation criteria
for a correct discrimination. The Oxford scale
describes a subject’s ability to contact maximally the
PFM and was assed once. Each subject conducted 4
MVC protocols on 2 different days. Since the
outcome of each protocol has not been rated
separately, unsuccessful completion of the protocols
for healthy subjects may have occurred. The
histogram of the central frequency estimated by the
proposed approach (see Figure 3) shows that healthy
subjects have a very compact cluster. In contrast,
weak PFM subjects have a histogram with a long tail
into the high frequency domain (> 60Hz).
Discrimination errors are due to a misclassification
of weak PFM subjects from this marginal tail of the
histogram as healthy subjects. Thus, the limitation
related to the Oxford scale should not have an
influence on the performance of the proposed
algorithm presented herein.
Wavelet decomposition together with AR-modeling
provides a method for discrimination between
healthy and post-partum subjects with weak PFM
capabilities that outperforms classical FFT-based
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