acteristics of the newborns population (Ramsden and
Reynolds, 1987). Software systems to extract ventila-
tion parameters and to provide decision support dur-
ing mechanical ventilation has been previously stud-
ied (Ciurea et al., 2011; Tehrani, 2011; Schulze et al.,
1984). However, very little research is done to un-
derstand the different initial situation of manual posi-
tive pressure ventilation during resuscitation at birth.
In this previous group work (Vu et al., ), we have
analysed ECG signal from the novel Laerdal New-
born Resuscitation Monitor (LNRM) developed by
Laerdal Global Health to investigate effects of venti-
lation parameters during initial resuscitation on heart
rate changes.
In this work, by using signal analysis of wave-
forms in the recorded biophysical signals, we detect
and parameterize events defined as inflations from the
start of pressing the bag to the end of exhalation. Fur-
thermore we propose a data explorative approach to
identify ventilation parameters which might be deter-
minant for beneficial neonatal outcome.
2.1 Dataset
This exploratory analysis is based on data from the
“Safer Births” project at Haydom Lutheran Hospital
in Northern Tanzania. Haydom is a resource lim-
ited rural hospital with a great shortage in health care
staff. During the study period, basic newborn re-
suscitations (i.e. stimulation, suction, and bag mask
ventilation) and Apgar scoring were predominantly
conducted by midwives, always observed by trained
research assistants recording the findings on a data
collection form. The implementation of the research
project was approved by National Institute for Medi-
cal Research (NIMR) in Tanzania and Regional Com-
mittee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK)
in Norway.
The Laerdal Newborn Resuscitation Monitor
(LNRM) is a resuscitation monitor designed for re-
search use in low resource settings where newborn
resuscitations usually are performed by a single care
provider. The whole set up is presented in figure 1.
LRNMs were employed in the labour ward of
Haydom to measure various physiological data such
as ECG signals through dry-electrode ECG measured
on the thorax, CO
concentration, airway pressure
and flow signals. ECG signal was sampled at 500
Hz, CO
signal was sampled at 20 Hz, pressure and
flow signals were sampled at 100 Hz. A flow-sensor
(Acutronic Medical Systems AG) is arranged between
the face mask and the resuscitator bag. The air-
way adapter also connects two plastic tubes with the
LNRM: one tube draws a small sample of exhaled air
(50 ml/min) for standard CO
measurement (Masimo
Sweden AB), and one tube is used for standard pres-
sure measurement.
The dataset contains recording of 218 infants col-
lected between July 2013 to June 2014 with complete
signals. Quality control and management of all re-
search data were performed on a daily basis by local
research staff.
2.2 Processing and Parameterization of
Ventilation Signals
To characterize the ventilations given by healthcare
workers, we detected bag-mask ventilation events by
using two signals: the airway pressure and the flow
signals from the ventilation sensors. We define five
ventilation parameters: average ventilation frequency,
average peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), average ex-
pired volume, initial peak inspiratory pressure, and
ventilation time percentage (the percentage of time of
ventilation sequences in the total time of ventilation
including pauses).
Airway Pressure Signal
In this paper, the term “ventilation event” corresponds
to pressing the ventilation bag. The start of one ven-
tilation event is detected when the value of pressure
increases from baseline then exceeds a threshold of 5
mbar. The PIP of each ventilation event is the maxi-
mum value of the pressure signal as illustrated in fig-
ure 2.
A “pause” is defined as the period of time when
the pressure signal value is lower than 5 mbar for
more than 3 seconds. A “ventilation sequence” rep-
resents several continuous ventilation events without
pauses. This is explained in the figures 3 and 4. The
“total ventilation time” is the time from the first to
the last ventilation event including pauses as shown
in figure 5. Among the five ventilation parameters,
four of them are derived from the pressure signal and
can be described as follows:
• The average ventilation frequency ( f
) is the ra-
tio of total number of ventilation events (n
) over
the sum of duration of each ventilation sequence
). This parameter represents how fast healthcare
workers press the ventilation bag.