Table 1: Experimental results for checking weak homeosta-
sis of networks (i.e. we have no assumptions of environ-
mental inputs). Columns ’E’ and ’I’ respectively show the
numbers of external propositions and internal propositions.
Column ’S’ shows the size of a formula. Column ’T’ shows
the time of analysis (in seconds). The lower half of the table
shows the result of approximate analysis.
Network E I S T
Fig. 4 2 30 679 >3600
Fig. 4 (sub1) 2 24 572 >3600
Fig. 4 (sub2) 2 19 459 408.87
Fig. 5 1 46 869 >3600
Fig. 5 (sub1) 1 23 449 >3600
Fig. 5 (sub2) 1 13 269 0.10
Fig. 4 (appr.) 2 18 448 176.80
Fig. 4 (appr.) (sub1) 2 14 354 8.35
Fig. 4 (appr.) (sub2) 2 10 278 0.752
Fig. 5 (appr.) 1 30 692 11.07
Fig. 5 (appr.) (sub1) 1 16 379 0.17
Fig. 5 (appr.) (sub2) 1 9 231 0.04
gene x is easy to be ON and afterward gene z
be ON. However, malT is the gene necessary to acti-
vate gene x, and its expression can be controlled by
the network. Thus the network can control malT to
be OFF so that gene x cannot be ON. Therefore the
property is homeostatic. Similar informal reasoning
shows that the property for the network of Fig. 5 is
also homeostatic.
We show the results of each analysis in table 1.
These experiments are performed on a computer with
Intel Core i7-3820 3.60GHz CPU and 32GB mem-
ory. We used Shimakawa et al.’s strong satisfiability
checker (Shimakawa et al., 2014) for this experiment.
In example analyses reported in table 1, non-
approximated analyses were successful only for the
smallest network specifications (subnetwork2 for
both networks). In approximated analyses, however,
all specifications were successful. By comparing the
results of the network specification Fig.4 (sub2) and
its approximated version, we see that approximated
method improves the analysis speed by 540 times.
These results show that our approximate method is
In this paper we presented an approximate method for
analysing homeostasis of gene networks using net-
work motifs. We are investigating that whether our
approximate analysis method can be used to check
not only strong satisfiability but also realisability of
LTL to enable approximate analysis of homeostasis
based on the formulation by realisability (Ito et al.,
2014). For further improvement, we are interested in
whether Ito et al.’s modular method (Ito et al., 2013a)
is available in analysing (weak) homeostasis of gene
networks. Since modular analysis can be used in com-
bination with the approximate analysis, we further ex-
tend the limits of tractable networks. Using these re-
sults, we now should try to solve real problems in bi-
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 26730153. We also appreciate the help of
Dr. Masaya Shimakawa and Dr. Takashi Tomita for
checking proofs and giving invaluable comments.
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