Table 2: Entity matching rates.
Recall (%) Precision (%) Fmeasure (%) Runtime (sec/doc)
EROCS (Chakaravarthy et al., 2006) 67.58 54,09 60,09 69.5
(+OCR error tolerance) 71,05 53,89 61,29 70.8
(+filtering) 71,05 54,77 61,86 6.2
(+entity resolution) 73,36 69,58 71,43 4,4
by segments in OCRed document. The extensions on
term matching and segment restructure of EROCS are
proven effective for OCRed documents which have
altered content and structure. A filtering step based
on data labeling reduces the runtime from 70.8 sec
to 6.2 sec per document. The pre-processing step of
entity resolution on the database improves the match-
ing rates with 2.31 points for the recall and 14.81
points for the precision and it decreases the runtime
with about 1.8 seconds by document. The results on a
dataset of 500 documents are promising and achieve
about 73% for recall and about 70% for precision.
The future work is to solve the problem of non-
contiguity of elements composing an entity. In case
of incomplete entity, we will choose from distant la-
beled elements those they complete correctly the en-
tity. The choice will be focused on the elements in-
creasing the matching score. Furthermore, we will
plan the use of other datasets, limited in this study to
supplier entities, in order to enlarge the field search
to all elements (close and distant) with more complex
spatial relations. The idea is to integrate the physical
and logical structures of the document and to exploit
them in the element searching. Another prospect is to
apply other methods for OCR matching and correc-
tion. A dictionary that maintains spell variations of
fields, such as abbreviations and character variations,
will be used.
We would like to thank our collaborator ITESOFT for
providing real word data (images, OCRed documents
and database) for test.
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