enhancement of the proposed model. Empirical
studies like those carried out by Spaite et al. (2002)
found high correlations between the decreases in
waiting time intervals and improvement in patient
satisfaction. From the mathematical point of view
this correlation can be modelled by using a logistic
regression model, where the satisfaction s is a
function of the waiting time t (Hackl and Westlund,
; t = waiting time.
The parameter c models the patients reactivity on
waiting and is randomly assigned to the patient
agent which cumulates the waiting times t
of each
station. Thus, some patient will show a bad temper
after waiting only a short time at one unit whilst
others will keep their head although they have high
waiting times at all units (Pruyn and Smidts, 1993).
If then an individually assigned threshold value i.e.
s=0.7 is passed, this could prompt the patient agent
to file a complaint to the hospital. Since the
incoming complaints increase, this leads to quality
measures to lower the service times at the units by
increasing the lambda-values. This would lead to a
model with a feedback loop, which can be used to
simulate special scenarios like queuing of elderly
patients (Andersson et al., 2011).
Apart from the analysis of waiting times, such
models can also provide useful insights when being
used e.g. to simulate patients’ drug compliance and
behaviour in outcome studies. Such a system for
planning, management and decision support of
clinical trials has recently been proposed by Heine et
al. (2005).
I would like to thank Georg Johann, University of
Osnabrück, Germany for his support in
programming the model in Quicksilver.
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