forming real-time detection of the region of interest
of the target skin lesion. In this work we also present
a methodology to automatically segment skin lesions
from dermatological images acquired via mobile de-
vices. The method was applied in 80 smartphone-
acquired images, achieving a mean Jaccard index
result of 81%, mean True Detection Rate of 96%
and mean Accuracy around 98%, confirming the
adequacy of the suggested automatic segmentation
In order to expand this study in the near future,
we consider that is important to have a testing dataset
with more skin lesion images acquired via mobile de-
vices, manually segmented by different specialists in
the area and also investigate if the methodology is ro-
bust for different brands of mobile devices.
Above all, it is our goal to develop a mobile ap-
plication easily accessible for the general population,
with the aim of raise awareness and help both patients
and doctors in the early diagnosis of skin cancers.
This work was done under the scope of the project
“SMARTSKINS: A Novel Framework for Super-
vised Mobile Assessment and Risk Triage of Skin
Lesion via Non-invasive Screening” with reference
PTDC/BBB-BMD/3088/2012 financially supported
by Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
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