Table 2: Final accuracy and cost according to different
Relabel Discard
Optdigits dataset
Accuracy 97.49% 96.21% 96.43% 96.66% 97.21%
290 432 359 412 364
92 0 20 0 20
Pendigits dataset
Accuracy 98.11% 94.02% 97.31% 96.36% 97.88%
307 464 420 420 363
105 0 20 0 20
Letters-recognition dataset
Accuracy 85.98% 53.95% 66.79% 80.26% 85.52%
914 1242 956 1537 1344
211 0 20 0 20
Documents dataset
Accuracy 96.1%5 81.84% 90.61% 94.46% 96.0%
406 413 424 701 646
104 0 20 0 20
belling” strategy. However, by taking into consider-
ation the cost induced by relabelling the mislabelled
instances, the ”full relabelling” strategy will have a
higher overall cost than the other strategies, since all
the instances that are identified as being mislabelled
are relabelled.
Finally, we can conclude that although the ”hy-
brid weighting and relabelling” strategy has a low re-
labelling cost, it achieves a final classification accu-
racy which is close to the one achieved by the ”full re-
labelling” strategy. Therefore, if a limited relabelling
budget is available, then this budget should be devoted
to relabelling instances with a high informativeness I.
In this paper we addressed the label noise detection
and mitigation problem in stream-based active learn-
ing for classification. In order to identify the po-
tentially mislabelled instances, we proposed a misla-
belling likelihood based on the disagreement among
the probabilities and the quantity of information that
the instance carries for the predicted and the queried
class labels. Then, we derived an informativeness
measure that reflects how much a queried label would
be useful if it is corrected. Our experiments on real
datasets show that the proposed mislabelling likeli-
hood is more efficient in characterizing label noise
compared to the commonly used entropy measure.
The experimental evaluation also shows that the po-
tentially mislabelled instances with high conflicting
information are worth relabelling.
Nonetheless, one limitation of the current hybrid
label noise mitigation strategy is that it requires a
threshold on the informativeness measure I which de-
pends on the data and its automatic adaptation con-
stitute one of our perspectives. As future work, we
want to minimize the correction cost by defining and
optimizing a multi-objective function that combines
together (i) the mislabelling likelihood, (ii) the infor-
mativeness, and (iii) the cost of relabelling instances.
Also, in the current work we observed that manually
relabelling few instances chosen according to their in-
formativeness I can improve results, but figuring out
the number of labelled instances that are required to
achieve closer accuracy to the case where all instances
are relabelled still constitute one of our future work.
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