mative depending on the descriptors probability dis-
The results obtained encourage further work in
this direction. Concatenation is a very simple and fast
(practically zero cost) method of combination, but it
does not make any distinction between the different
representations involved, even if they perform badly
with certain kind of images. A deeper research on
ensemble methods could prove to be fruitful.
Other way to look the results is that there are sev-
eral families of descriptors that can contribute with
rich information, but the a specific sampling method
detects only a few of these families. To identify
these sets of complementary descriptors and to de-
velop methods to extract them is another rich field of
This work was supported by the following research
and fellowship grants: Fondecyt 1110854, DGIP-
UTFSM, MECESUP and CONICYT. The work of C.
Moraga was partially supported by the Foundation for
the Advance of Soft Computing, Mieres, Spain, and
by the CICYT Spain, under project TIN 2011-29827-
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