is measurable and eventually becomes certain and in-
Identifying critical position of a progressing com-
puter game involve comprehending the computer
players tendencyof changing its strategy during a par-
ticular moment of the game play. In other words,
knowing the right moment of based on this critical
position at a certain state of the game enables the pos-
sibility of applying speculative play which essentially
produces interesting outcome of the game (Ramon
et al., 2002). Thus, identifying this critical position
is highly dependent on the quantifying capabilities of
the indicator. Therefore, a suitable search algorithm
that acts as an indicator during the games progress is
necessary in order to identify its critical position.
A well-known search indicators studied by sev-
eral researchers in the late-80s is the Conspiracy-
Number Search (CNS). Introduced by McAllester
(McAllester, 1985; McAllester, 1988), CNS is a best-
first search algorithm for minimax tree framework,
which determines the cardinality of the smallest set of
leaf nodes which have to “conspire” to change their
values in order to change the minimax value of the
root. This present a suitable opportunity for determin-
ing the moments for applying speculative play (e.g.
opponent model), thus acts as the motivating factor of
selecting CNS for this study. One of the ideas under-
lying CNS is that the distribution of the values over
the leaf nodes of the tree, and the shape of the tree,
should influence the selection of the next node to be
investigated (Kishimoto et al., 2012). However, fo-
cus on CNS as a search algorithm in computer-games
research was faced with discouraging results (Lorenz
et al., 1995; Schaeffer, 1989; Elkan, 1989; Schaef-
fer, 1990; van der Meulen, 1990). Later, Allis et al.
(Allis et al., 1994) derived and specialized CNS con-
cepts to the AND/OR tree framework where the study
matured into Proof-Number Search (PNS). Although
CNS is different compared to PNS, CNS’s conceptual
frameworks bear certain correlation to PNS.
This study concerns a matter of critical position
identification, not a matter of program strength im-
provement in games (See some approaches, e.g., done
by Jonathan Schaeffer). Hence, we have chosen a
game as simple as possible in order to clearly explain
the proposed idea. Further investigation would be, as
suggested, to implement the proposed idea in more
complicated games such as chess. To our best knowl-
edge, no other research has been done with CNs to
identify critical positions instead of using as game-
tree search heuristics (stability of the root node’s min-
imax value). In this paper, any part of speculativeplay
is not described. However, the relation between CN
and strategic change at critical position (in case where
the position is going to be disadvantageous position)
should be very important in the context of speculative
In the minimax tree framework, the first player tries
to maximize his or her advantage, while the second
player tries to minimize it (Neumann and Morgen-
stern, 1947; Shannon, 1950). CNS searches the tree
in a manner that at least c > 1 of the leaf values
have to change in order to change the decision at the
root (Lorenz et al., 1995). Intuitively, when expand-
ing a minimax tree further, the accuracy and stabil-
ity of the root value depend on how much it changes.
Major changes on the root value make it unreliable
(McAllester, 1988). Therefore, the concept of con-
spiracy is used to measure the root value’s stability
and its likelihood to change by narrowing the range
of the plausible values of the root (Schaeffer, 1989).
The likelihood of the root taking a particular value is
reflected in that value’s associated conspiracy num-
ber. This conspiracy number measures the size of the
“conspirators” needed to bring about a certain change
in root value; the more conspiratorsneeded for a given
change, the less likely the change (McAllester, 1988).
This is done by keeping track so the number of leaf
nodes whose value must be changed (when searched
deeper) to change the root’s node value by a certain
amount or taking on that new value. A change in the
value of a certain set of leaf nodes is called conspiracy
between those leaf nodes.
The algorithm is a probabilistic search in nature
where there is no guarantee that the correct solution
will be found when it terminates, but the most likely
one instead. The conceptual framework behind the
CNS is to grow search trees for which one has con-
fidence by measuring the number of value through
the conspiracy numbers. The search is guided in a
best first manner, where the tree searched so far is
kept in memory. An example is probably the best
way to illustrate the function of a conspiracy number.
The following is taken from (Schaeffer, 1989; Lorenz
et al., 1995): Assume that the branching factor is 2,
the range of values are from 1 to 6, the root node is
the MAX node, inside the nodes are their names and
their minimax values, and the simple tabular for stor-
ing conspiracy numbers of the root. From Fig. 1, it
can be observed that the leaves or terminal node have
to at least change their value to cause the value of the
root to become 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6. For example, only
leaf E has to change its value to 5 in order for the root