neurons on the MEA was further verified.
Figure 6: A spontaneous neuronal spike recorded from
electrode 11 in Figure 5.
Dielectrophoresis is used, with increasing frequency,
in combination with microdevices, to manipulate
biological cells. However, it is important to
understand the impact the implementation of DEP
may have on the viability of cells. In this work we
have investigated the viability of mouse
hippocampal neurons positioned on the electrodes of
microfabricated multi-electrode arrays after the
implementation of pDEP. We showed that neurons
maintained high viability after short-term exposure
to cell-trapping solution, which contained, primarily,
10% sucrose. With electric signal of appropriate
frequency and amplitude (such as 6Vpp and 10MHz),
neuron membrane breakdown was prevented during
the DEP process. Most importantly, we have
obtained electrical signals from the neurons
positioned on the MEA, 12 hours after using positive
dielectrophoresis, further confirming the health and
electrically active properties of neurons.
This work was partially funded by National Science
Foundation (NSF) grant NSF ECCS-1321356 and a
grant to Lehigh University from the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute (HHMI) through the Precollege
and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
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