Table 2: Recognition comparison on Gavab database.
An effective 3-D shape matching scheme for pose
and expression-invariant face recognition has been
presented in this paper. The key contribution of the
proposed work is to use isometric embedding shape
representation and statistical modelling techniques to
achieve accurate dense point correspondences and
generate appropriate shapes for new 3-D face data.
From the experimental results on the Gavab and BU-
3DFE database, it can be concluded that the LPP-
based approach offers a recognition rate that can be
as high as nearly 100% and is more expression-
invariant compared with the existing benchmark
approaches. The research will be extended further by
taking into consideration more practical factors. One
possible extension for the work is to evaluate the
ability of the proposed algorithm using more
databases that are produced by different devices
operated under various acquisition environments.
The missing data problem can also be introduced
and dealt with by modifying the shape matching
scheme. Finally, more sophisticated pattern
recognition methods can be applied to increase the
overall performance of the proposed method.
The work presented in this paper was supported by
the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (Grant numbers EP/D077540/1 and
EP/H024913/1) and the EU FP7 Project
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