are formulas α,β such that not {α,∼α} |= β. In the
case of LTL, this implies that there is a model M and a
position i of a sequence σ = t
,... of time-points
in M with not [(M, i) |= (α∧ ∼α)→β].
It is known that logical systems with paraconsis-
tency can deal with inconsistency-tolerant and uncer-
tainty reasoning more appropriately than systems that
are non-paraconsistent. For example, we do not desire
that (s(x)∧∼s(x))→d(x) is satisfied for any symptom
s and disease d where ∼s(x) means “person x does
not have symptom s” and d(x) means “person x suf-
fers from disease d”, because there may be situations
that support the truth of both s(a) and ∼s(a) for some
individual a but do not support the truth of d(a).
If we cannot determine whether someone is
healthy, then the vague concept healthy can
be represented by asserting the inconsistent for-
mula: healthy( john) ∧ ∼healthy( john). This is
well-formalized in PSLTL because the formula:
healthy( john) ∧ ∼healthy( john)→hasCancer( john)
where hasCancer( john) means John has cancer is
not valid in PSLTL (i.e., PSLTL is inconsistency-
tolerant). On the other hand, the formula
healthy( john) ∧ ¬healthy( john)→hasCancer( john)
where ¬ is the classical negation connective is valid
in classical logic (i.e., inconsistency has undesirable
consequences). For more information on paraconsis-
tency, see e.g., (Priest, 2002).
Some sequence modal operators (Kamide and
Kaneiwa, 2009; Kamide, 2010; Kaneiwa and
Kamide, 2010; Kaneiwa and Kamide, 2011; Kamide,
2013a; Kamide, 2013b) used in PSLTL can suitably
be expressed sequential information. A sequence
modal operator [b] represents a sequence b of sym-
bols. The notion of sequences is useful to represent
the notions of “information,” “trees,” and “ontolo-
gies”. Thus, “sequential (ordered or hierarchical) in-
formation” can be represented by sequences. This is
plausible because a sequence structure gives a monoid
0i with informational interpretation (Wansing,
1993): (1) M is a set of pieces of (ordered or prior-
itized) information (i.e., a set of sequences), (2) ; is
a binary operator (on M) that combines two pieces
of information (i.e., a concatenation operator on se-
quences), and (3)
0 is the empty piece of information
(i.e., the empty sequence).
A formula of the form [b
; b
;· · · ; b
]α in PSLTL
intuitively means that “α is true based on a sequence
; b
;· · · ; b
of (ordered or prioritized) informa-
tion pieces.” Further, a formula of the form [
0]α in
PSLTL, which coincides with α, intuitively means
that “α is true without any information (i.e., it is an
eternal truth in the sense of classical logic).” Using a
sequence modal operator, we can express the formula
[ john ; student ; human]F(happy∧ ∼happy) which
means “a human student, John, will be both happy
and unhappy sometime in the future.” In this formula,
the sequence modal operator [ john ; student ; human]
represents the hierarchy John ⊆ student ⊆ human.
The structure of this paper is then presented as fol-
lows. In Section 2, PSLTL is introduced as a seman-
tics by extending (a semantics of) LTL with a para-
consistent negation connective and some sequence
modal operators. Firstly in this section, LTL is pre-
sented as the standard semantics, and next, SLTL is
presented as the semantics with some sequence modal
operators. Finally, PSLTL is obtained from SLTL by
adding a paraconsistent negation connective similar
to that of N4. In Section 3, a Genten-type sequent
calculus PSLT
for PSLTL is introduced extending a
Gentzen-type sequent calculus LT
for LTL. Firstly
in this section, a Gentzen-type sequent calculus LT
which was introduced by Kawai (Kawai, 1987), is
presented, and next, a Gentzen-type sequent calcu-
lus SLT
for SLTL is presented based on (Kamide,
2010; Kaneiwa and Kamide, 2010). Finally, PSLT
is obtained from SLT
by adding some inference
rules concerning the paraconsistent negation connec-
tive. In Section 4, the cut-elimination, complexity and
completeness theorems for PSLTL (and PSLT
) are
proved using two theorems for semantically and syn-
tactically embedding PSLTL (and PSLT
) into SLTL
) and LTL (LT
). In Section 5, this paper is
Formulas of LTL are constructed from countably
many propositional variables, → (implication), ∧
(conjunction), ∨ (disjunction), ¬ (negation), X (next),
G (globally) and F (eventually). Lower-case letters
p,q,... are used to denote propositional variables, and
Greek lower-case letters α,β,... are used to denote
formulas. An expression α ↔ β is used to denote
(α→β)∧(β→α). We write A ≡ B to indicate the syn-
tactical identity between A and B. The symbol ω is
used to represent the set of natural numbers. Lower-
case letters i, j and k are used to denote any natural
numbers. The symbol ≥ or ≤ is used to represent a
linear order on ω.
Definition 2.1. Formulas of LTL are defined by
the following grammar, assuming p represents
propositional variables: α ::= p | α ∧ α | α ∨
α | α→α | ¬α | Xα | Gα | Fα
Definition 2.2 (LTL). Let S be a non-empty set of
states. A structure M := (σ, I) is a model if