ity. In a second approach we used the distance matrix
as an adjacency matrix of a fully connected graph and
applied Kruskal’s algorithm (Kruskal, 1956) to obtain
the MST (Fig. 2C). Also this method allows to dis-
cover physically related sequences by grouping them
at neighboring leaves in the tree.
3.3 Experiment 3 – Automatic Quality
To demonstrate a potential application of the pro-
posed framework we compute the distance matri-
ces for N = 216 data sets from the BraTS 2014
training data (data set 2) and use the Isomap algo-
rithm (Tenenbaum et al., 2000) to perform a 2D em-
bedding (Fig. 3A). Based on the distance to the clus-
ter centers we were able to identify outliers. This is
shown for four cases (numbered 1 to 4 in Fig. 3A). To
confirm our hypothesis that the outliers correspond to
impaired data sets that do not meet quality standards,
we manually inspected them. Case 1 corresponds to
data set brats tcia pat313 1. This data set contains
no native T1 - instead the T2-FLAIR image was en-
closed twice. Case 2 (brats tcia pat216 1) misses
again a native T1 weighted image. Instead a contrast
enhanced image with spherical artifacts was included
(Fig. 3B left). Case 3 (brats tcia pat230 2) displays
severe motion artifacts in T1 (Fig. 3B right). Case 4
corresponds to brats tcia pat250 1 and does not con-
tain a native T1, instead a T1CE was included twice.
Note, even if only one channel is corrupted this
leads to changes of multiple entries in the distance
matrix and thus can affect the position of (all) other
channels in the low dimensional embedding.
We present an information theoretic framework that
allows to infer the relationship of MRI sequences
purely based on voxel intensities. It is shown that the
Crutchfield information metric (Crutchfield, 1990) is
a suitable distance measure for MRI sequences and
is able to capture the following relationship: the
greater the (physical) distance between two MRI se-
quences, the less information they share. We ma-
nipulated images by adding noise (Fig. 1A), blending
two MRI sequences (Fig. 1B) and purposefully apply-
ing a rigid transform to them (Fig. 1C). In all cases
the Crutchfield distance increased monotonically with
the amount of manipulation and showed only a small
standard deviation across data set 1 (N = 17). If we
measure the information distance between all com-
binations of sequences (D = 171) of data set 1, we
can construct a distance matrix which already shows
a structure that corresponds to the intrinsic physical
relationship of the sequences (Fig. 2A). This relation-
ship becomes more explicit if we perform a low di-
mensional (2D) embedding (Fig. 2B) or compute the
MST (Fig. 2C).
Usually the physical relationship of the MRI se-
quences is known or can be obtained from the DI-
COM header. What is the benefit of the proposed
method? This objection is certainly valid, however,
consider for instance data from a multicenter study
which is designated for an automatic evaluation. Even
if the data sets are acquired with similar parameters
(e.g. TE and TR) they still originate from different
scanners and thus might not be located in the same
informational space. It also is very likely, as known
from clinical routine, that some of the channels are
affected by motion artifacts, which would also al-
ter the informational structure. We demonstrated for
N = 216 data sets that the proposed framework in-
deed can be used as an automated screening method
for impaired images (Fig. 3). Employing the Crutch-
field metric for quality control allows to identify data
sets which are not located in the same informational
space, e.g. are affected by motion artifacts (Fig. 3B
right). Admittedly, so far this is a very coarse ap-
proach and it still has to be validated on a finer level
with controlled experiments that determine sensitivity
and specificity of the method.
Another potential application is to utilize this
method for the assembly of standardized multipara-
metric MRI sequences. The information distance can
be used as guideline for radiologists to select opti-
mal subsets of the available sequences by e.g. prun-
ing the MST to minimize the aquisition of redundant
information. Further applications include MRI se-
quence optimization by choosing parameters of a set
of sequences to maximize the coverage in information
space, i.e. reducing redundancy within the sequences.
Yet, this still requires a thourough study of the depen-
dence of the Crutchfield distance on the differences in
physical parameters of MRI sequences.
We demonstrated that the Crutchfield information
metric in combination with methods for dimension-
ality reduction or from graph theory are suitable for
discovering the physical relationship of various MRI
sequences solely based on their voxel intensities. Ini-
tial experiments confirm that the proposed framework
can be used for automatic MRI sequence quality con-
trol. This has to be validated in future work.