In this paper we proposed two exploration approaches
based on the query reformulation and the Nearest
Neighbor paradigms. The main goal attained by the
proposed mechanisms is to be able to explore the fea-
ture space around the images labeled as being rel-
evant by the user, thus following the user’s explo-
rative behavior during a session of image search into
a visual database. Reported results show that the
proposed approach succeeded in showing the user a
greater number of new relevant images during the first
few iterations, in comparison with other techniques
either based on “classification”, or “exploration” ap-
proaches. We believe that the effectiveness of CBIR
systems strongly depends on its adaptive behavior in
response to relevance feedback. Accordingly, fur-
ther experiments aimed at testing the system with real
users are needed in order to assess the effectiveness
of the proposed approach compared to other state-of-
the-art relevance feedback mechanisms.
We would like to thank Dr. M. Arevalillo-Herrez
and Dr. F. J. Ferri for providing us with the details
of the results reported in (Arevalillo- Herra ez and
Ferri, 2013). This work has been partly supported
by the Regional Administration of Sardinia (RAS),
Italy, within the project Advanced and secure sharing
of multimedia data over social networks in the future
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