Figure 12: Chromatic aberration correction. On the left,
the images were rendered using the same index of refrac-
tion of water for all channels (n = 1.333); on the right,
= 1.333, n
= 1.3338, n
= 1.3365. Notice the
reduced rainbow effect around the edges of the black bars
(the differences are subtle so these images are best viewed
dices of refraction for the red, green and blue color
channels, the aberration can be almost completely
neutralized, improving the visual quality of rendered
images (see Figure 12).
The final stitched panoramas are shown in Figure
10, along with the raw images captured by each cam-
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method of computing the forward projection through
refractive media, and shown how visually pleasing
stitched panoramas may be generated. The calibra-
tion data and images generated can then be used for
tracking and analyzing a swimmer’s movements in
and above the water. An example of the output of
the full system is shown in Figure 11.
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