obtained. However, the same analysis for nega-
tive videos doesn’t show significant differences.
An increase in brain activity was recorded when
positive emotions are stimulated.
• The quantification of the brain activity has been
performed using GFP. As a result, an emotional
classification of the videos was made taking into
account the average number of peaks across the
subjects for each stimulus. As it was shown in
previous question, an increase in cerebral activity
occurs while the positive videos are displayed.
• Using the Zscore index obtained from the GFP, it
is possible to analyse frame by frame each video
in order to study the moments of the video where
the subject shows higher cerebral activity (key
frames). Zscore in theta and beta bands presents
different distribution of peaks, occurring at differ-
ent frames. The key frames detected for most of
the subjects were the same, showing similar pat-
terns. Celebration of goals and titles by players
and fans were the frames where the highest brain
activity was measured.
In conclusion, the football videos analysed in this
study provoked an increase in the cerebral activity in
relation to the viewing of the documentary. More-
over, during the visualization of positive videos the
subjects experimented on average an increase in cere-
bral activity higher than the experimented during the
visualization of negative videos.
In future research, observations and conclusions
of this work will be widely validated. The human be-
haviour in diverse audiovisual content will be evalu-
ated in order to understand better the emotions and
feelings processed in the brain.
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of Valencia C.F S.A.D. with i3bh/LabHuman re-
search group and partially by projects Consolider-C
(SEJ2006 14301/PSIC), “CIBER of Physiopathology
of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII” and
Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Gener-
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