the communication between the patient and the
caregiver. This function could have a vital role in
people lives. After process data, the mobile device is
responsible for sending it to a remote server where
caregivers can follow up the health status of users
through a web application. This system takes
advantage from the communication interfaces and
processing power of handheld devices like a
smartphone to create a low cost and user-friendly
monitoring system.
The use of devices for personal health
monitoring systems is an emergent area of research.
Related to this work we can enumerate projects that
have some common goals and projects with a
broader scope. The eCAALYX project (Boulos et
al., 2011) inserted in the AAL programme offers
solutions for prevention and management of chronic
conditions in elderly people. This project is based on
a t-shirt with integrated biosensors and
communication of bio signals into a smartphone
application with a simple and intuitive interface. The
accessible parameters in the application are
respiratory rate, temperature and activity type
(walking, standing or lying).
Other work based on a t-shirt is the VitalJacket
(BioDevices S.A., 2008). This device uses wearable
technology for continuously monitoring heart rate
and ECG waves. The data is saved in the device
attached to the t-shirt and then analysed by a
physician. Another work with identical goals is the
WIHMD (Kang et al., 2006). The wrist-worn
integrated health monitoring device is a multi-
parameter wristlet that includes 5 bio-signals and a
fall detector. The bio-signals measured by WIHMD
are ECG (single lead), blood pressure, SPO2,
respiration rate, and body temperature. This device
communicates with a mobile phone giving to the
system tele-reporting functions to advise a caregiver
in emergency situations. The Oxitone device
(Oxitone Medical Ltd., 2013) is a wristband based
device developed by an Israeli Company to monitor
Heart Rate and oxygen saturation (SPO2). The
Oxitone device uses a PPG sensor to perform these
measures and has the ability of sending this data via
Bluetooth® to a given application. The application
performs data analysis and alerts the treating
Related to mobile applications there are a lot of
them in the market but the vast majority are focused
on fitness activities and doesn’t have the feature of
monitoring multiple bio-signals. Recently, some of
these applications are changing their focus for health
records like TactioHealth (Tactio Health Group,
2014). This application has connectivity to several
electronic health devices and is used to control a set
of parameters like weight, blood pressure, lifestyle,
heart rate, cholesterol and glucose.
The KeepSafe® system has similarities with the
presented works but we intend to differentiate it by
creating an innovative and complete system that
works autonomously (no other device or application)
and automatically alerts formal or informal
This article contains 3 more sections. In section 2
the method is explained describing the KeepSafe®
device, signal acquisition and required processing to
compute heart rate. Section 3 presents experimental
results and discussion. Finally, section 4 refers
conclusions and future work.
In this section we will describe in detail the
KeepSafe® device and signal acquisition.
2.1 KeepSafe
The device is composed mainly by 5 blocks:
accelerometer/gyroscope, a PPG sensor combined
with an analog front-end (AFE4490, Texas
Instruments, USA) for pulse oximeter applications, a
processor unit, an emergency button and a
Bluetooth® unit.
The selected accelerometer (MPU9150,
InvenSense, USA) has an integrated gyroscope too,
this component allows to perform activity
recognition tasks through patterns analysis. This was
important to correlate heart rate measurement with
activity level and it provides extra information about
user daily life. The accelerometer could also be
helpful to estimate the error in PPG signal. This
information makes possible to use adaptive filtering
techniques to improve signal-to-noise ratio.
The PPG sensor and front-end is one of the
central features once heart rate is the critical factor
to monitor. The analog front-end allows controlling
LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) to pulsate light,
periodically, through the wrist. Then the sensor will
capture the reflected light which is quantified by the
front-end. All the data is sent to the mobile
application using the Bluetooth® smart unit. Figure
2 illustrates the PPG sensor with the LEDs placed at
each side. The SOS button is an extra safety for the
user: in case of an emergency episode, users can
press the button and the alert will be sent by
Bluetooth®. All alerts (manual or dynamic) are
forwarded to the caregiver through the mobile