the suggested improvements by the users, we con-
cluded that the lack of safety and the difficulty in nav-
igating the powered wheelchair were the most limit-
ing factors, in general, and also the most suggested
(57,14%) to be improved. The ANS was tested both
in simulated environment conditions and in real con-
ditions. The promising results show that the collab-
orative controller and other modules of the ANS ar-
chitecture compose a structure on which it is worth
continuing to devote research effort.
Future work includes adding short range sensors
for close distances, improving the collaborative con-
trol methodology to allow safe navigation in human
environments, and also solving other remaining issues
pointed out by powered wheelchair users. Getting a
larger user sample could also point us toward future
research directions.
This work has been supported by the FCT project
”AMS-HMI2012 - RECI/EEI-AUT/0181/2012” and
project ”ProjB-Diagnosis and Assisted Mobility
- Centro-07-ST24-FEDER-002028” with FEDER
funding, programs QREN and COMPETE.
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