of funds / goods. We assume that the price is propor-
tional to the amount of funds and inversely propor-
tional to the amount of goods at each node. Further-
more, the volume of trade is assumed to depend on
the price difference between cities. As a result, the
flow of money and goods is determined by the market
principles, and thus the equilibrium price can be ex-
plained reasonably. Furthermore, it confirms that the
inflation / deflation depends on the amount of funds
as long as the amount of goods is constant.
Related Work. The classical theory of price deter-
mination in microeconomics is introduced, e.g., in (J.
E. Stiglitz, 2006; N. G. Mankiw, 2012), and a sur-
vey is in (T. A .Weber, 2012). We review the theory
from multiagent points of view. Though several eco-
nomic network models have been already known(L.
E. Blume, 2009; E. Even-Dar and S. Suri, 2007; S.
M. Kakade and S. Suri, 2004), such models contain
a bipartite structure(E. Even-Dar and S. Suri, 2007;
S. M. Kakade and S. Suri, 2004) or traders who play
intermediary roles (L. E. Blume, 2009). Agent-based
stabilization has been discussed in (J. Beauquier and
E. Schiller, 2001; S. Dolev and J. L. Welch, 2006;
S. Ghosh, 2000; T. Herman and T. Masuzawa, 2001).
Unlike our agents, their ideas are to use mobile agents
for the purpose of stabilization. It is useful in design-
ing protocols by what price we should make a bid.
Several kinds of game theoretic flavors have appeared
in self-stabilization, e.g., time complexity analysis(S.
Dolev and S. Moran, 1995), strategies with optimal
complexity(S. Dolev and P. Tsigas, 2008), relation-
ships between Nash equilibria and stabilization(A.
Dasgupta and S. Tixeuil, 2006; M. G. Gouda and H.
B. Acharya, 2009). Our protocol in Section 3 can
be considered as a kind of consensus algorithm. The
consensus algorithm in decentralized systems is de-
scribed in (N. A. Lynch, 1996), and its self-stabilizing
version is described in (S. Dolev, 2000; S. Dolev and
E. M. Schiller, 2010).
Contributions. We consider an inflation / deflation
network model, where the price is proportional to the
amount of funds, and is inversely proportional to the
amount of goods at each node. First, we present a pro-
tocol in which each agent always offers a fixed price
without considering other bidders’ strategies. Then,
we show that an equilibrium price is determined by
the total amount of funds and goods, and confirm that
inflation / deflation is determined by the amount of
funds. Next we focus on path networks and reveal the
price of each node and the amount of funds of each
node at each time. Finally, we show that the injection
of funds from two points is more effective than that
from a single point.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 states our model. Section 3 shows that
our protocol can stabilize distinct goods prices. Sec-
tion 4 analyzes the behavior of our protocol in de-
tail. Section 4.1 investigates an equilibrium price in
an arbitrary network. Then, Section 4.2 estimates the
amount of funds at any node at any time for path net-
works. Furthermore, it suggests an effective fund-
injection method for a central bank. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
Our system can be represented by a connected net-
work G = (V,E), consisting of a set of nodes V and
edges E. In the network G, an arbitrary pair of
nodes i ∈ V and j ∈ V represent cities and an edge
(i, j) ∈ E between them, called neighbors, represents
direct transportation. Let N
be a set of neighboring
nodes of i ∈V, and let N
= N
∪{i}. We assume that
each node i ∈V has goods and their initial price may
be distinct. Let p
(t), or denoted by p
, be the price of
goods at node i for the time step t ∈ T = (0,1, 2,...).
Each node i ∈V has exactly one representative agent
who always stays at i and can buy goods in the
neighborhood N
. Each agent a
has funds f
, that is,
the total amount of money at i, and the quantity q
goods at i. The price p
is determined by the rela-
tionship between the quantity of goods and the pur-
chasing power, or called supply-demand balance. So
we simply assume that the price is proportional to the
amount of funds for constant goods (Figure 1(a)), and
is inversely proportional to the amount of goods for
constant funds (Figure 1(b)) at each node, that is,
. (1)
The buy operation is executed as follows. Each
agent a
assigns a value v
(t), or denoted by v
, to
the goods of any neighboring node j ∈ N
, where the
value means the maximum amount an agent is willing
Figure 1: Price determined by funds and goods at each