fails its value is really low or even zero.
In spite of these problems, the obtained results are
valuable because they demonstrate that the election
of the dissimilarity measure along with the clustering
algorithm is important for the classification perfor-
mance. This fact should be taken into account in an-
other clustering applications of FTIR data, where only
the Euclidean distance is commonly utilised (Sec. 1).
A methodology for studying the ability of five dissim-
ilarity coefficients to correctly separate hyperspectral
data was carried out. For this purpose three different
clustering algorithms were used to gather eighty five
spectra in their corresponding types of cell. These
spectra belonged to two different groups due to the
two different protocols used in the acquisition step.
As a novelty, a new spectral representation model
has been described. This method extracts the main
features enclosed in the principal peaks of the spec-
trum and translates them into a signal that can be more
robust against scattering and sensor’s artefacts.
As main conclusion of this study, not only the op-
timal dissimilarity measure is data dependent, but also
the optimal clustering algorithm. It is necessary to ex-
tend this study to new spectral data to be able to gener-
alise the results. Nevertheless, the Spectral Informa-
tion Divergence has obtained the best overall results
in the classification task when is applied over the pro-
posed Gaussian model in both treatment protocols.
The future steps will be the comparison of other
dissimilarity coefficients and more complex cluster-
ing algorithms in new FTIR datasets containing more
samples. As inputs of the algorithms, new ways to
represent the main information of spectra (PCA and
Sparse Representation) will be studied and compared
with the proposed Gaussian model, which will be im-
proved to contain other significant signal properties.
This research has been supported by the European
Commission through the Framework Seven project
MINERVA (317803; www.minerva-project.eu).
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