These results show that higher experience levels
with CPOE is not equivalent to being an expert and
proficient in using a CPOE. These results may also
assist CPOE vendors in improving the user interface
for physicians to use the CPOE effectively, which
may increase physicians’ performance by reducing
errors caused from poor usability of the system.
Including users in the development or redesign of
CPOE may assist in user performance. For example,
testing the language in the menus with actual
physician users in a group session may help to
identify best terms to use in menu items that users
may find more natural. This redesign may improve
physicians’ accuracy when completing tasks in the
CPOE. This pilot provides sufficient preliminary
data for a larger, evaluative study of usability issues
of CPOE including multiple institutions and CPOE
vendors. Future studies should include a larger
sample of physicians and broaden the scope to
specialty physicians.
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