sue actually bridges a gap between experimental data,
and higher-level computational simulations. The
mesh representation we obtain constitutes a ready-to-
process object, including local shape information as
well as tissue-scale topological relations. It opens the
way to a great deal of potential applications, from
fast shape feature extraction using discrete geome-
try, to statistical computations (average shapes, ex-
tended to average tissue) or physical and mechani-
cal growth simulations. Using growing real-world ex-
amples rather than hand-built model structures would
constitute a major step for the validation of such bio-
physical development models.
All of this of course holds only if the provided re-
construction presents the properties needed to make
these applications possible and sensible. Our opti-
mization process guarantees that the produced mesh
reconstructs faithfully the experimental data, with a
complexity that will make processing times reason-
able, and by geometrical elements regular enough to
expect correct simulations. The quantitative quality
evaluation framework we designed ensures that the
compromise between these hardly consonant aspects
fulfills the necessary criteria. It additionally provides
an objective and complete measure of the quality of
a SAM tissue mesh, that could be used to compare
different methods.
A further improvement in mesh quality could
be reached by optimizing simultaneously the mesh
topology along with its geometry, and perform oper-
ations of vertex insertion and suppression based on
the same energy minimization process. Such an ap-
proach would allow to dynamically improve the local
topology (that now may still lead to noisy cell edges)
and optimize the mesh lightness along with the other
quality criteria.
The performance reached by the mesh optimiza-
tion method we described is already enough to con-
sider that the step of converting an image in a higher-
level representation is crossed, and the ensuing ap-
plications in computation and simulation at reach. It
constitutes in any way an additional tool of great in-
terest for the better understanding of plant morpho-
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