also applies to organisational learning routines.
Emerging specialisation in medicine regarding more
specialised disciplines (e.g. geriatrics as a
specialisation of internal medicine) or occupational
profiles (e.g. case management, palliative care
nurses) and enforced inter-profession cooperation
between physicians, nursing and other professions
have changed organisational learning routines like
the multi-professional geriatric team session. The
scope of organisational learning has also changed,
starting from learning routines inside hospital
boundaries up to inter-organisational (between
several hospitals) and even inter-sectoral (between
hospitals, rehabilitation organisation and ambulatory
Well-described learning routines have been
proven in the field but also new ideal-typical
organisational learning routines have been identified
and have been introduced in detail. The
demonstrated organisational learning routines have
been modelled from field observations and can be
stated as ideal-typical routines.
5.2 Outlook
In a next step the velocity of knowledge
dissemination will be measured and factors
influencing the velocity will be identified, e.g. how
long does it take to use the knowledge from a
consultation report in the patient treatment process.
These measurements and influencing factors will
be the basis for remodelling proposals. These
proposals could focus on remodelling the learning
routine itself by rearranging the process steps,
eliminating negative influencing factors, or
reinforcing positive influencing factors. New
process steps or links between actors are possible.
The authors would like to thank the Metropolregion
Bremen-Oldenburg (reference number: 23-03-13)
for partly supporting this work.
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