task. One of the most effective algorithms is called
the PID-controller (Proportional-Integral-Derivative
Controller), where P - means cross track error, D - is
the difference of cross track error between iterations
of control, and I takes into account the overall error
of movement. In mobile robotics it has been proven
that part PD is enough for proper control, so in our
experiments we use PD controller.
The history of this controller dates back to the
1890s, and one of the first theoretical studies was
conducted in 1922 (Minorsky, 1922). The detail his-
tory of applications of PID controllers could be found
among others in (Bennett, 1993).
2.2 Path Planning
Another necessity for the implementation of the
robotic guide in the building is the path planning al-
gorithm. One of the most popular is A* algorithm
(Hart et al., 1968), which enables us to find the opti-
mal path between a given starting point and a speci-
fied goal with the assumption that we have as an input
a complete known map of the building. If we want
to get the optimal path to goal from all points on the
map, the A* doesn’t seems to be effective. A better
choice is to use the dynamic programming algorithm
(Roy and Thrun, 2002). Dynamic Programming (DP)
provides us with a tool for getting a universal mov-
ing policy, the optimal path from all points on the
map to the fixed goal. Based on the DP algorithm,
we could choose the solution which is closest to the
optimal one. The DP programming algorithm con-
sists of the following steps: 1) We propagate the cost
of reaching the goal from the goal field to all avail-
able fields of the grid; 2) We have fixed the policy of
movement with the choice of the best direction with
minimal effort for reaching the goal.
In summary, the DP algorithm needs a known
map, a fixed cost of motion, a fixed goal position, and
the strategy of tie resolution during the search for op-
timal move direction.
2.3 Robot Localization
In this section we present one of the most popular
method of robot localization (Dellaert et al., 1999) -
the histogram filtering. First of all we make the as-
sumption that we have a fully known map, and we
have a robot supported by the required sensors. The
general idea is refreshing the probability of robot lo-
cation after movement and senses from the sonars.
Location can be achieved by subsequent refreshing
of probability by multiple movement and sense indi-
vidually. With the assumption that moving is a lit-
Figure 1: Real map coordinates and grid north direction val-
tle imprecise, the robot loses information regarding
position after movement and gains information af-
ter sense. In refreshing of the location after sense,
the histogram filtering use Bayes Rule, P(x
|Sense) =
, where P(Sense|x
) is the probability of
sense (precision of sense), P(x
) is the probability of
location before update, P(Sense) is the sum of proba-
bilities from all fields of the map, the value by which
we normalize all values of the map. The next step of
filtration consists of an update after movement (con-
volution of probability) - it depends on precision of
movement. In the real world the motion is uncer-
tain. Update after movement consists of computing
total probability, P(x
) =
) This is the
probability of location in the field x
after movement
from the fields x
with fixed precision of motion.
For experimental reason we have chosen the corri-
dor of a real building and described it in the follow-
ing way. The corridor was split into eight distinctive
available areas - see Fig. 1. Because of magnetic dis-
turbance we consider the map of north direction read-
ings - see Fig. 1. The basic map consists of readings
in four directions (north, south, east and west) from
sonar from central points of all the selected areas, see
Fig. 2 and Tab. 1. Additionally we use the map of
field boundaries which is useful in the convolution of
histogram filtering, which is shown in Fig. 3 and Tab.
3.1 The Disturbance of Sonar Readings
Caused by Magnetic Deviation
In the localization on the real map we encounter the