general (Ahlbrecht et al., 2014) or adding some
optimization support for executing them on parallel
processors (e.g. Sano et al., 2014), shortest-path
searches remain one of the most cost-intensive
operations of the agents in logistic scenarios.
Therefore, we investigated and compared several
modeling options for shortest-path searches in the
PlaSMA simulation platform.
The implemented shortest-path algorithm is a
state-of-the-art algorithm, which applies Hub-
Labeling with Contraction Hierarchies. As Hub-
Labeling algorithms apply read-only operations for
answering search requests, several agents can share
the same (static) algorithm and perform their queries
concurrently. The results reveal that slightly
restricting the autonomy of agents by applying a
single algorithm saved in a static variable (which is
part of all the agents) leads clearly to the lowest
runtime of the simulation and lowest memory
As long as all agents run on the same machine
(and same JVM), the disadvantage of less autonomy
in this modeling approach is of more theoretical
meaning than practically relevant. For instance, the
robustness could even be guaranteed by a second
redundant static instance of the algorithm. The
privacy is also guaranteed, because the agents must
not reveal their search queries to any other agent.
However, if the “full” autonomy of the agents
has to be guaranteed, another option is to create
several routing agents that receive routing requests,
perform shortest-path searches, and provide the
results. Although this approach consumes more time
for the whole simulation, i.e., because of the
increased time for message transfer and
synchronization of agents, it can still profit from
concurrent calculations as long as the number of
routing agents is equal or lower than the number of
available cores. Otherwise, the redundant algorithms
consume a high amount of memory (in particular if
the shortest-path searches are performed on large
graphs), and time for communication and
computation, because shortest paths are not
performed physically concurrently. In an extreme
case it is even preferable that each consumer agent
has its own algorithm. In this case the autonomy of
the agents is maximized and less communication is
In conclusion, applying a static Hub-Labeling
algorithm in MABS, which is part of all agents,
allows for concurrent calculations, improves the
runtime performance of the simulation significantly,
and reduces the memory usage. In contrast to the
other established modeling approaches, this
facilitates the simulation of large real-world
scenarios with less hardware requirements.
Future research will focus on the application of
shortest-path algorithms on several distributed
machines. For instance, the PlaSMA simulation
platform supports the simulation of multiple agents
that run on containers located on different machines.
Moreover, we will investigate the behavior of
shortest-path algorithms for dynamically changing
graphs. In this case, the Hub-Labels have to be
updated after the preprocessing is finished.
The presented research was partially funded by the
German Research Foundation (DFG) under
reference number HE 989/14-1 (project Autonomous
Courier and Express Services) at the University
Bremen, Germany.
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