partial or occluded data is available for recognition.
Scenarios, like the one described in the last section,
where faces are purposely occluded may be an inter-
esting area to explore.
Besides from the conceptual advantages of the
proposed algorithm, a few technical details may be
improved in further works. Exploring further color
channels besides the RGB space could bring benefits
to the proposed algorithm. Regarding fusion, explor-
ing individual specific parameters instead of a global
parametrization, would enable the algorithm to be
trained to counter the Doddington zoo effect. As not
all people are as easy to identify, fitting the properties
of the designed classification block to adapt to dif-
ferent classes of individuals seems like an interesting
Finally, and regarding the training setup, some
questions might be worthy of a more thorough re-
search. In the case of voice recognition it is com-
mon to train two separate UBMs for male and fe-
male speakers. Extrapolating this idea to image-based
traits, multiple UBMs trained on homogeneous sets
of equally or similarly zoomed images might improve
the results when more realistic and dynamic condi-
tions are presented to the acquisition system. In a re-
lated topic it is also not consensual whether the left
and right eyes, due to the intrinsic symmetry of the
face, should be considered in a single model or as
separate entities. All the aforementioned questions
demonstrate how much the present results can be im-
proved, leaving some promising prospects for future
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