and accurate health and medical history of a patient
is of prime importance.
EHR systems usually organize clinical
documents into hierarchical structures that simplify
the search of documents, e.g., grouping together the
documents by episode, clinical specialty or time
period. Further, each clinical document is stored as a
stand-alone artefact, meaning that each document is
complete and whole in itself, including context
information such as who created it, when and where
and for what purposes. Without such contextual
information in some cases it may be a risk to
interpret some values of the data included on a
On the other hand, considering each document
only as a complete and a whole in itself also has its
drawback. The problem here is that the efficient
usage of patients’ health documentation often is data
centric, meaning that data should be extracted from
various documents and then integrated according to
specific criteria. For example, a physician may be
interested to know the average blood pressure and/or
cholesterol level during the time periods the patient
was using a drug for blood pressure. Hence the
medical summaries such as the CCD documents are
of prime importance. However, maintaining the
consistency of the CCD documents is not an easy
task as it requires the interoperation of several
The key point in our presented solution for
achieving the consistency of CCD documents’
medication list is the semantic interoperability
between the prescription holding store and the EHR
system. Yet medication list is just a component of an
EHR. Ensuring the consistency of the other
components of the EHR is equally important. This
suggests that the semantic interoperability of the
EHR system and other systems that produce clinical
documents for the EHR is also of prime importance.
In our future research we will focus on this topic.
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