More work has to be developed for answering
some questions that have risen, namely at the room
humidity and temperature level, which reveled some
influence on the on the process but that was not able
to be monitor at the time.
About the tube baking, there is the need to
understand why, in this system, the residues left on
the tube in the first growth are essential and improve
the results in the next sessions and what residues are
those. An approach to “see” inside the tube should
be created in order to evaluate the substances
remaining in the tube after the growths and how they
behave to contribute to reducing the heights
The universal protocol proposed in this paper is
only an initial model, which still needs to be
improved by solving the raised questions and by
enhancing the parametric study developed.
The authors wish to thank FCT – Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, for the financial
support provided under the project PTDC/EEI-
The authors would like to acknowledge INESC-
MN for the deposition of catalysts thin-films.
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