initial hamming distance = 4.5, number of iterations
= 6, so 4.5/6 = 0.75. This value represents the
decrease of the hamming distance in each iteration.
The case that the value is higher than 1 appears
when, in each iteration, not only the manually
imposed labelling is amended but also other ones.
Note that this situation appears in the cases when
there is an important reduction of the cost, and so,
the “human distance” is consistent with the “model
Table 1: Cost function respect of the number of iterations
of the Hotel and House dataset.
F50 F60 F70 F80
0.75 0.94 1.44 1.08
0.33 0.50 0.70 0.91
We have presented an interactive and structural
pattern recognition model based on the Bayes
classifier for image registration. Some fully
automatic systems for image registration do not
achieve the desirable quality due to high distortion
on the images, bad quality of these images or simply
that the systems do not capture the main local
features of the objects to be compared. The main
idea of this model is that a specialist is very good at
finding some correspondences between local parts.
Then, we have designed a very easy-to-use model
that with some interactions, the possibly wrong and
automatically obtained labellings are amended.
Experiments show that with few user interactions the
system obtains the ideal labelling.
This is the first time that an interactive model has
been presented and modelled through the Bayes
theorem that explicitly modifies the labelling
between local parts. We believe that the task of
finding a labelling between images based on local
parts is costless for humans although it has been
shown to be a very difficult task for machines. This
model can be used in a great amount of applications
in which there is a specialist that verifies the final
result such as medical diagnosis or fingerprint
This research is supported by the CICYT project
DPI2013-42458-P and TIN2013-47245-C2-2-R.
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