The paper provides a new approach to develop
new AOSE methodology for development of
systems with certain characteristics. It is done not by
specializing a general purpose methodology and
adapting the techniques used there, but by taking
more specific methodology and identifying the steps
that are too specific and generalizing them. The
advantage of this approach is the fact that the
specific methodology has been validated in the
development of systems with similar characteristics.
It was chosen to leave the methodology
implementation platform specific, so limiting the use
of the methodology, because as it was concluded in
(Padgham and Winikoff, 2004) and (Lavendelis and
Grundspenkis, 2009a) the methodologies that are not
implementation platform specific have very weak
support of the implementation phase, because it is
not possible to support transition from the design
time concepts into all possible implementations. An
example of such methodology is Gaia (Zambonelli
et al, 2005). Contrary, the choice of the
implementation platform at the design time enables
easy transition to the implementation. In the
MASITS methodology this transition is supported
by code generation algorithms and MASITS tool
implementing them.
One of the directions of the future work is to
develop more case studies of the extended version of
the methodology. The case study in the
transportation and logistics domain is currently
under development at Riga Technical University.
The work has been partly supported by Latvian
National Research Programmes IMIS and SOPHIS.
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