show that it is possible to verify the effectiveness
and efficiency of DCOP algorithms in the proposed
To take the DCOP approach into application,
the problem size should at least be increased to 22
vessels, 8 terminals. In addition, the constraints from
the perspective of terminal operators should be taken
into consideration for future work.
Although the layered problem solving decreases
computation and communication cost , addressing
the problem in a layered way may lead to finding
sub-optimal solutions. The reason is that some
values are selected for the common variables in the
upper level and these selections may impose extra
constraints on these common variables in the lower
layer DCOPs. Lower layer DCOP then have to
keep previously selected values unchanged. On the
hand, considering the reduction of communication
and computation complexity of the layered approach,
in dynamic situations when DCOP algorithms do
not have enough time to reach the optimal solution,
the benefit of using a layered approach strongly
outweighs its costs drawback.
This research is supported by the China Scholarship
Council under Grant 201206680009 and the VENI
project “Intelligent multi-agent control for flexible
coordination of transport hubs” (project 11210) of the
Dutch Technology Foundation STW, a subdivision
of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Re-
search (NWO). The authors would also like to thank
Dr.Thomas L
e for his constructive suggestions
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