solution using WSNs and UAVs. We proposed a sys-
tem’s architecture together with a theoretical frame-
work and two schemes for monitoring the air pollu-
tion in 3D spaces. Furthermore, we showed the imple-
mentation of our approach with which the automatic
monitoring of the ambient air can be facilitated. We
have extended the capabilities of airborne systems by
coupling them with WSNs. In particular, we imple-
mented the AIRWISE system which is able to moni-
tor pollutants in the air such as: NH
, CH
, CO
, the
percentage and environmental parameters such as
temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. We
developed the system, we run experiments with it and
lastly we evaluated and compared our schemes and
algorithms in a real deployment scenario.
Our future work plans include scaled up experi-
ments with more drones and sensors acting in a col-
laborative way. In addition, we plan to investigate
the direct interconnectivity between the wireless node
and the autopilot system of the drone.
This work was partially supported by the EU/FIRE
IoT Lab project - STREP ICT-610477.
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