Design Considerations and Evaluation Methodology for Adapted
Navigational Assistants for People with Cognitive Disabilities
Javier Gomez and Germ´an Montoro
Department of Computer Engineering, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Assistive Technologies, Mobile Navigation, Interface Design Recommendation, Evaluation Methodology,
Cognitive Disabilities.
Assisting pedestrians with cognitive disabilities in their movements through a city is not a simple task. Despite
of the new mobile navigational software available in the market, many of these users (and their caregivers) are
still resistant to use them. In some cases, due to the lack of adaptation to their needs. This issue motivated us
to elaborate a set of design considerations to keep in mind when designing navigational assistants for people
with cognitive disabilities. Besides, we developed a navigational prototype for smartphones that was evaluated
with two users with Down syndrome. Therefore, we also propose some hints about how the evaluation should
be carried out.
How can I get from my position to some other place?
This question can be answered thanks to our mobile
phone and a navigational software. However, it could
be more difficult if the user had some kind of dis-
ability. In this paper we focus on locating, giving
directions and helping users with cognitive disabili-
ties, and more specifically Down syndrome, in their
walking movements through the city. By means of
the smartphone as a location and information presen-
ter device, we want to promote their independence,
autonomy and self-confidence, besides giving support
to caregivers.
The particular necessities of these people make
even more difficult to understand the maps or direc-
tions that current navigational software provides. Not
only their cognitive condition may limit them to un-
derstand complex instructions, but they usually also
have some other disabilities, e.g. dyslexia, aphasia,
vision problems, etc. that should also be considered
when designing any assistive resource.
Current navigational software provides adaptation
mechanisms, such as different palettes for day or
night light, adding oral interaction or even adapting
the route depending on the means of transportation
(car, walking, public transport or bike) or the traffic
status in real time. Nevertheless, they do not take into
consideration the different cognitive load required for
users with special necessities, such as Down syn-
drome people.
In order to address the design and evaluation
processes of the assistive navigational software, we
present a set of considerations based on the litera-
ture and the experimental research. These could be
useful to ease the development and evaluations of fu-
ture approaches. These considerations have been put
into practice to design and develop an assistive navi-
gational prototype for pedestrians with cognitive dis-
abilities. The prototype has been evaluated with two
users with Down syndrome in a real environment.
This paper is organized as follows: after review-
ing the backgroundof this topic and the current frame,
we extract a set of design considerations. Then, we
describe the prototype of a mobile client. Next, we
present a case study, and finally we propose some
design considerations and suggest a methodology for
evaluating this kind of assistive software.
In the recent years, the interest of the research com-
munity on technologies and services specifically de-
signed and developed to help people with special
needs has grown. Not only caused by human or per-
sonal factors, but also supported by governments and
institutions. Evidence of this is the ISO 9999 (ISO,
2011) that defines Assistive Technologies (AT in for-
ward) that are “any device, equipment, instrument
Gomez J. and Montoro G..
Design Considerations and Evaluation Methodology for Adapted Navigational Assistants for People with Cognitive Disabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0005203603440351
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2015), pages 344-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-068-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
or software produced to prevent, compensate, moni-
tor, calm or neutralize disabilities in the body struc-
tures or their functionalities, restrictions in activities
or social participation”. Or the Assistive Technol-
ogy Act of 1998 (ATA/1998) (105th Congress of the
United States, 1998) which also defines the AT as
“product, device, or equipment, whether acquired
commercially, modified or customized, that is used to
maintain, increase, or improve the functional capabil-
ities of individuals with disabilities”.
Both definitions are very similar but they bring a
common framework that can be assessed from differ-
ent faces. In general, giving assistance depends on the
user necessities and capabilities. Thus, the problem
faced in this case study, giving navigational support,
as an assistive technology artifact depends directly
on the user’s disability as well. For example, when
calculating a route and giving directions to a person
with motor disabilities (e.g. she needs a wheelchair to
move), it would more interesting to suggest an acces-
sible route, without stairs or narrow pavements, than
the fastest path. On the other hand, in the case of
people with cognitive disabilities it would be prefer-
able to adapt the route in terms of cognitive load, i.e.
reduce the number of decision points and their com-
plexity. Therefore, before studying, designing and de-
veloping any assistive artifact, user necessities should
be stated.
Thus, in this case study we focused on giving di-
rections to people with cognitive disabilities. These
disabilities may come from birth or acquired later,
for example, brain injury after a stroke. Moreover,
depending on the clinical profile, necessities may be
different. Therefore, in order to provide a precise vi-
sion of the problem, we restrict this study to address
the issues concerning to give directions to people with
Down syndrome in their walking movements through
the city.
The state of the art offers a considerable number
of studies, developments and open questions regard-
ing different disabilities. However, when focusing
on users with cognitive disabilities they reduce dras-
tically. The complexity of the brain and the dif-
ferences between subjects make this research area
difficult but challenging at the same time. Brad-
dock et al. evidenced this issue in (Braddock et al.,
2004): ATs have been traditionally designed for peo-
ple with different disabilities, such as motor control
(robotic prostheses) or communication (augmented
and alternative communication devices). But they
rarely studied or developed to assist people with cog-
nitive disabilities. Despite of this hurdle, literature
reviews still provide interesting projects and stud-
ies. In particular, many of them are focused on
assisting people with cognitive disabilities in their
daily lives, such as GUIDE (O’Neill and Gillespie,
2008), COACH (Mihailidis et al., 2000), Autonoma-
mente (Barbieri et al., 2010), ePAD (Mihailidis et al.,
2010), ATHENA (Hidalgo et al., 2011), or 2D-Tasks
(Caballero-Hern´andez et al., 2012).
Particularly, we focus on navigational assistants,
which are rarely prepared for people with cognitive
disabilities. In this sense, mobile application mar-
kets offer a significant number of navigational sys-
tems, supported by big technological companies e.g.
Google, Apple, Microsoft or some other specialized
in navigation and maps, e.g. Tom Tom, Garmin, etc.
Besides, almost all of them provide some adaptation
mechanisms. Regarding the interface they usually of-
fer different languages, daylight/night mode, 2D or
3D maps, etc. But also the route calculation is usually
adapted to the means of transportation or the traffic.
However, in most cases the cognitive load is not con-
sidered when adapting both the interface and the inter-
action. A map with an icon to represent the user and a
highlighted route is the most common view. Around
this map a lot of extra information is included, such as
speed, the next instruction, GPS signal quality, time
to destination, etc. These screens, full of informa-
tion, continuously updated and, in many cases, not so
easy to understand make these applications not suit-
able for guiding people with special needs. Besides,
according to Boisvert et al. (Boisvert et al., 2009),
when designing mobile aids for people with cognitive
disabilities, the cognitive load should be reduced, by
means of offering customized experience, multimodal
information, giving regular feedback and preventing
errors. Related to interface design, some important
notes are given in (Cole, 2011). In the paper the au-
thor introduces the Patient Centered Design approach
that integrates User-Centered Design and Participa-
tory Design to develop assistive systems adapted to
patients necessities (in this case users with cognitive
Anyway, there are some interesting research pa-
pers in this topic such as MAPS, by S. Carmien
(Carmien, 2006) (Carmien, 2003), which is a prompt-
ing PDA software to assist people with special needs.
Moreover, if it’s combined with a GPS coordinates
server, it can be programmed to guide the user in out-
doors movements. Another interesting research is the
one done by Richter (Richter et al., 2010), that em-
ployed user models to improve the user experience
and (Richter and Duckham, 2008), a discussion on
how instructions should be given. Finally, Liu et al.
presented in (Liu et al., 2009) the design process and
the evaluation of a guiding system, exploring the suit-
ability of visual widgets and directions for users with
cognitive disabilities. On the other hand, authors such
as Beeharee and Steed (Beeharee and Steed, 2006),
Fickas et al. (Fickas et al., 2008), Liu et al. (Liu
et al., 2009), Lemoncello et al. (Lemoncello et al.,
2010) explored different mechanisms to give direc-
tions to people with cognitive impairments, namely
using arrows, audio prompts, maps and landmarks. In
general, all authors agreed that the use of landmarks
is the best way to orient and guide these particular
users. Additionally, Garcia et al. (Garc´ıa de Marina
et al., 2012) explain some other issues, such as the
difficult to distinguish between left and right (when
using textual instructions) and the confusion that pro-
duced the difference between the actual view and the
picture shown, i.e. elements that appear or do not ap-
Therefore this is a challenging topic, moreover if
we consider that, according to (Carmien, 2010) peo-
ple with cognitive disabilities usually present limita-
tions on spatial navigation skills that makes more dif-
ficult to guide them.
As it was stated in the previous section, current navi-
gational applications do not present adaptation mech-
anisms for cognitive impaired people. However, some
previous studies offered interesting ideas, such as
the use of landmark-based instructions, which pro-
duced better results in the experiments. On the other
hand, simple and clean interfaces are usually valu-
able guidelines when designing applications for peo-
ple with cognitive disabilities. Additionally, studies
like (Kr¨uger et al., 2004) or (Ishikawa et al., 2008)
stated that, in some cases, the assistive device could
act as a distractor. Therefore, the design of the inter-
face is a key task.
Besides, it is very important to take into consider-
ation the necessities of the caregivers. Providing as-
sistance with an adapted system should decrease the
effort necessary to do it by traditional methods. Adap-
tation of the system to the environment and the users
should facilitate this task.
Considering these previous works and relevant
ideas extracted from the researched literature, and
with the assistance of experts and caregivers, we pro-
pose a set of considerations that may help when devel-
oping assistive navigational software for people with
cognitive disabilities:
The less possible information on the screen, the
better. Interfaces should be clean and simple.
Users should only receive relevantinformation for
their goal. For instance, for an advanced user it
would be interesting to know the subsequent de-
cision points. For cognitive disabled people, this
information could be confusing or distract them
of their goal.
Destination points should be selected from a pre-
viously created list. Regular uses, in many occa-
sions, employ their navigation systems to go to
new and unknown places. Nevertheless, people
with cognitive disabilities, and more specifically
Down syndrome, do not usually move alone to
new places. The places they are usually allowed to
go by themselves are restricted to a certain num-
ber. This way, the destinations should be con-
strained to a previously set up list. Additionally,
this also relieves the user to look for places (us-
ing searching boxes) or remembering additional
information about the destination (e.g. exact ad-
Real images of the landmarks should be combined
with atomic instructions. Studies like (Richter
and Duckham, 2008) demonstrated that the per-
formance is related to the way that directions are
given. In this sense, atomic instructions i.e. “con-
tinue straight” or “turn left” in combination with
landmark identification fit better with the user ne-
cessities and help them in the learning process.
This way, showing an image of the landmark and
telling the user to “continue straight until you see
this” may lead to a better user experience and an
improvement in the learning process. Addition-
ally, the cognitive load is reduced since these in-
structions are easier to understand than combined
instructions, such as “turn the second on the left
and then right”.
A navigation system should promote their auton-
omy. The most immediate task of these systems
is to guide users to the destination but, addition-
ally, they should promote their independence. To
employ such systems should not only provide the
knowledge for a concrete route, but also to help
users to learn new routes and landmarks identifi-
cation. Since users have to pay attention to real
environment landmarks that makes them familiar
with their surroundings and what they find in their
The system should provide additional information
to assist users in the process to identify the land-
marks. This can be done by notifying them about
the distance to the next decision point or land-
mark. This information can be presented in dif-
ferent ways, but it should consider how to reduce
the cognitive load. Therefore, instead of show-
ing measures like meters or a scale, the system
may be provided of a coloured filling bar. This
is an easy-to-understand and friendly interface.
Besides, using colors provides another source of
feedback, since variations in color attract user at-
tention effectively (Brown, 1999). Additionally,
as Garc´ıa–Herranz et al. demonstrated in (Garc´ıa-
Herranz et al., 2012), people with cognitive dis-
abilities usually relate colors to states in the same
way as users without disabilities. Green means
good, red bad and amber in the middle. This way,
a green bar that fills as the user walks or turns in
the correct point provides useful and simple infor-
The system should have mechanisms to prevent
and solve errors. People with cognitive disabili-
ties present lower error acceptance so prevention
should be dealt by means of awareness. The sys-
tem should be aware of users’ position and dis-
tance, and notify them when they are reaching
a decision point or if they are taking a wrong
direction. On the other hand, getting or feel-
ing lost may produce a stressful situation. Keep-
calm messages or communication channels with
the caregiver should be considered for these situ-
Caregivers and relatives should be kept in mind.
Therefore, communication and supervision tools
should be provided. Particularly, it would be in-
teresting for the caregiver to be able to locate the
user at any time, or study the routes followed to
analyze her performance.
Before developing a new system focused on a specific
group of users it is very important to be sure of how
you should face their problems and design the inter-
face they are going to use. This is how, with the de-
sign considerations presented in the previous section,
we designed a first prototype to validate the function-
ality of such a system. The employed architecture is
irrelevant for this study and only a general description
of it is presented.
In a nutshell, thanks to the current on-line services
(such as Google Maps) that provides tools to model
environments, calculate routes and counts with huge
street level pictures databases, we were able to de-
crease the time caregivers have to spend to model new
environments and take photographs of the landmarks.
In order to process and adapt all this available infor-
mation to our mobile client, a middle server was de-
Once the user chooses the destination point (from
a previously loaded list, stored in the server), the
server requests the map service for the route between
the two points, split it, and asks for the images associ-
ated to each landmark. Finally, all this is information
is sent to the user’s phone in a proper format.
5.1 Mobile Client
The mobile application is the most important element
of this study. From the user’s point of view it is the
module that she has to deal with. So, considering
the user’s special needs, the graphical interface and
means of interaction have to be carefully designed.
Therefore, following the previously stated ideas we
decided to develop the interface shown in Figure 1.
As can be seen, the interface is divided into different
sections (from top to bottom):
Figure 1: Interface screenshot.
The application name is in white font over dark
grey background. These colors were intentionally se-
lected to make it clear that this is not an active part of
the interface. Under it, the instruction is displayed
in black font over light green background. Apart
from the text, the instruction is read aloud as the in-
terface loads. Then, we find a red button with the
text “Help”. Again, colors are intentionally selected,
meaning “something is wrong”. This button provides
the prevention and error correction mechanisms. This
is, if the user feels lost or in panic, she can press
the button and the caregiver would be automatically
notified about the stress situation and the location of
the user. After that, in the middle of the interface,
as the most important element, the system presents
the real picture of the landmark that the user has to
find. In this case it is a street-level view extracted
from Google Street View Service. Right under the im-
age, the distance bar is showed. It is slightly filled of
green, which means that the user is still “far” from the
decision point and, therefore, from that image. This
feedback mechanism helps the user to be aware of her
performance. Additionally, once the bar gets almost
full, the phone rings and vibrates to notify the user
that the decision point is close. Finally, two naviga-
tion buttons are placed at the bottom part of the in-
terface. Regarding the design we did not change any
color or shape, and placed them as regular buttons.
The one on the left, with the text “Previous” is used in
case the user wants to go back and repeat from the last
decision point to make sure of the route. The other
one, “Next”, is pressed when the user reaches a de-
cision point and wants to receive the next instruction
and its associated landmark picture.
As it was said in previous sections, instructions
have to be simple and easy to understand. This is why
these systems should split the route into atomic steps.
For this case study prototype every decision point is
divided in two parts: first, the user is asked to con-
tinue straight until she finds the picture shown in the
interface. Once she is at that decision point, she is
asked to turn left or right and, then, a new street-level
picture of the next landmark is shown. Finally, she is
asked again to continue straight until she reaches the
decision point showed in the picture.
In order to illustrate it, in Figure 2 we sketched an
example route. In this case the user has to go from
the post station (blue circle with a white envelope) to
the bank (green circle with a white dollar symbol in-
side). The proposed route follows the red numbered
dots (from 1, starting point, to 5, destination point).
As it can be seen, the other red dots correspond to
decision points. Besides, for every decision point we
present two pictures: the first one to provide the user
with a view of the landmark and, the second one, to
help her in the turns. Pictures are adapted to the turn-
ing direction. This is, they are showed according to
the point of view of the user.
Figure 2: Route sketch to go from the post station to the
bank. The decision points has been highlighted with num-
bered red dots.
In order to evaluate our navigation assistance concept
and the proposed design considerations, we ran a first
case study experiment with two participants. They
both were Down syndrome youngmen. As they stated
in the interviews, they were not used to going alone to
near places, although their relativeswanted them to do
it. This prototype tried to fit their needs.
The experiments took place in their home town
and users were required to walk a route of 600 meters
between two main landmarks: the train station and
the City Hall. To reach the destination, they had to
perform two 90 degrees turns to the left. As they did
not live in the city center, the route was completely
new for them.
6.1 Methodology Proposal
To evaluate the system it is important to define a pre-
cise methodology. For this study, and following the
literature, we decided to divide the experiment in dif-
ferent sessions and tests. In first place, both users
were asked to complete two questionnaires. The first
one about personal information, technology and inter-
net habits. The second one to evaluate their self-report
about navigational tasks.
This way, with the first test, we were able to get
an initial idea of their capabilities, needs and relation
with technology. Besides, they also had a first train-
ing session with the prototype, so that they could get
familiar with the system.
Then, they were asked to answer the Santa Bar-
bara Sense Of Direction Scale (SBSODS) test by
Hegarty et al. (Hegarty et al., 2002), in order to get
their self-report on how they considered themselves
about giving and understanding directions or maps.
This test consists of 15 questions to be answered in a
1 to 7 Likert scale (1 strongly agree, 7 strongly dis-
agree). Nevertheless, in order to provide a reliable
and neutral test, we proposed 8 questions written in
a positive way (e.g. “I am very good at giving di-
rections”) and another 7 questions in a more negative
sense (e.g. “I have trouble understanding directions”).
Therefore, positive answers scores should be inverted
so that higher values can correspond to better results.
After that, in a new session, participants were
asked to walk through the proposed route, using a
phone equipped with the navigation assistant proto-
type. In order to gather first-person thoughts, the
“think aloud” procedure (Lewis, 1982) was carried
out to get extra subjective information about user’s
feelings and opinions. Besides, according to (Lepist¨o
and Ovaska, 2004) these techniques provide more in-
formation than usability tests or questionnaires. To
do that, each participant was asked to wear a head-
mounted camera and a voice recorder.
Finally, after the walk, participants were asked to
take two additional tests and a short interview. The
first test consisted of a sequence of real images of the
decision points. With them, they were asked about
the direction they had taken. This is a widespread
mechanism to measure the spatial knowledge (Siegel
and White, 1975). After that, the USE Questionnaire
(Lund, 2001) was given to the users to evaluate the us-
ability of the system and ask them their opinion. This
test provides user’s opinion of four topics, namely
“Usefulness”, “Ease of use”, “Ease of Learning” and
“Satisfaction”. Finally, a short oral interview was car-
ried out to ask them about the things they liked most
and least.
6.2 Results
The experiments yielded interesting results to define
and complete the previously presented design consid-
erations and methodology for evaluation:
First of all, we checked that the guidance ap-
proach worked: splitting a complex direction in
atomic instructions and presenting street level im-
ages to identify landmarks made users to find the
route easily and arrive at their destination.
Moreover, thanks to the progress bar they were
able to estimate the remaining distance to the next
decision point without effort. In fact, according
to the subsequent interviews, the progress bar was
the most valuable part of the application, followed
by the real images.
Regarding to user’s performance we can highlight
that both users reached the destination in an ac-
ceptable time (less than tree times the calculated
time) without any external assistance besides the
navigational software.
According to the later study of the recordings,
their performance was slightly different, but they
shared some common attitudes. For example,
both participants paid more attention to the phone,
looking for the landmark, as they got closer to it.
This is important since it demonstrates the impor-
tance of the use of alarms to help them to identify
the landmarks.
In contrast, the required time to identify land-
marks and directions at the decision points was
different. Participant 1 needed less time on av-
erage. When asked about landmarks identifica-
tion, none of the users answered right to all the
questions, but again their responses were differ-
ent. This shows how important it is that the sys-
tem adapts to each specific user as well as how
they need to repeat the same route multiple times
in order to get confident with its steps.
On the other hand, according to the interviews,
the users and their caregivers, found the prototype
very interesting. They were eager to use them
again in future routes as a way to find their way
without the need of external help.
7.1 Design Considerations
From the carried out evaluation, we confirmed and ex-
tended the design considerations that should be fol-
lowed in the process of developing mobile assistive
navigational software for people with cognitive dis-
abilities. The following are the characteristics that a
navigation assistant should satisfy in order to fit these
users needs:
Regarding the interface design:
Users and caregivers should be included in the de-
sign process. This way we ensure that we design a
prototype to solve problems without creating new
ones. By including experts (i.e. therapists, educa-
tors, tutors, etc.) in the design process we may
avoid future errors and develop the appropriate
adapted software.
It should be simple and clean, avoiding distract-
ing information. To do that, the design should be
friendly, iconographic and minimalist in order to
catch user’s attention.
Multimodality should be supported (texts, images
and voice) in order to overcome reading or vi-
sion problems. Many users present some other
disabilities, such as low vision, which should be
considered while designing the interface. In or-
der to overcome some of these other disabilities,
providing the information in different ways could
allow the application to be used by a wider range
of users.
Colors usually have the same meaning for users
with special necessities that for users without dis-
abilities. Nevertheless, and related to the previous
point, color blindness should be taken into consid-
eration to chose a proper palette.
Feedback should be provided, but not acting as a
distractor. Users need to know whether they are
doing right or not, but in a non-intrusive way that
does not require full attention.Besides, the sys-
tem should be aware of user’s progression and be
proactive, notifying whenever it is needed.
Due to the lower error acceptance of these users,
prevention mechanisms should be included.
Regarding the route calculation and guidance:
In order to save human and time resources, space
modeling, route calculation and landmark images
should be as automatically processed as possible.
The use of images to identify landmarks is ac-
cepted as an accurate way for guiding. The more
realistic and updated the images are, the easier
will be to identify landmarks.
Atomic instructions (continue straight or turn
left/right) seem to work properly. Therefore, to
divideroutes into these instructions is a good tech-
To provide continue and accurate feedback con-
tributes directly to the user’s performance.
7.2 Methodology for Evaluation
In section 6.1, we proposed a methodology for evalu-
ating these systems. After the case study, we noticed
some aspects that we could highlight:
Participants should not be overwhelmed. Putting
the user in unpleasant or uncomfortable situations
without a reason may affect her opinion or per-
formance. Asking and listening to caregivers and
even given them the opportunity to participate
may become the environment more familiar. This
will facilitate that the user can interact and partic-
ipate actively.
Performance relies on users’ capabilities. There-
fore, the more we know about them, the better. In
other words, personal data or habits are valuable
information that may provide a first idea of the
possible user performance. However, large tests
or interviews may make users get tired, affecting
their mood, answers or performance.
In general, Likert scale tests do not work well with
these users. Their answers are usually biased to
the extremes so they should be avoided. Instead
of them, more open questions, which let users ex-
plain their thoughts will be better. Furthermore,
the “think aloud” method has demonstrated to be
particularly useful when evaluating systems with
cognitive disabled people.
Although SBSODS is widely known as a good
measurement of users’ self-opinion about naviga-
tional tasks, they should be adapted for cognitive
disabled people.
Recording users’ point of view provides valu-
able information, both qualitative and quantita-
tive. Head mounted cameras or camera-equipped
glasses are affordable choices.
Time and location registries are another source of
analysis of users performance. The more precise
is the gathered information, the deeper the studies
will be able to be.
In this paper we have presented a set of design rec-
ommendations to take into consideration for the de-
velopment of new adapted navigational assistants for
people with cognitive disabilities. Besides we pro-
pose a methodology as long as recommendations for
evaluating these systems. In order to validate these
ideas, we developed a navigational prototype to assist
pedestrians with cognitive disabilities in their walking
movements through the city.
This prototype was tested with two users with
Down syndrome in an open environment. Since the
number of tests is not big enough to validate the sys-
tem it becomes a first case study that can support the
initial ideas presented in this paper as long as offer
new considerations to take into account.
The design guidelines were based, at the begin-
ning, in literature review. But, thanks to the field trial
and the experience gathered with these first users, we
have been able to have an initial confirmation and ex-
tension of our proposals. The same happened with the
evaluation methodology.
Since this is a first case study we consider that it
can already provide some useful considerations about
the design and evaluation processes in the develop-
ment of adapted navigational assistants for people
with cognitive disabilities, as stated in previous sec-
tions. Therefore, for future work the prototype should
be tested with more users, re–adapting the interface,
design guidelines and evaluationmethodologiesto the
results obtained with a wider variety of users and sit-
This work has been partially funded by “Fundaci´on
Vodafone” and “Fundaci´on de la UAM” accessi-
ble technologies project titled: AssisT-Out: a mo-
bile guiding tool for outdoors movements adapted to
people with cognitive disabilities” and “e-Training
y e-Coaching para la integraci´on socio–laboral”
105th Congress of the United States (1998). Assistive tech-
nology act of 1998. Pub.L. 105?394, 112 Stat. 3627,
S. 2432, enacted November 13, 1998.
Barbieri, T., Bianchi, A., Fraternali, P., and Tacchella, C.
(2010). Autonomamente project-design, implemen-
tation and evaluation of a multimodal domotic appli-
cation to support persons with cognitive disabilities.
In e-Health Networking Applications and Services
(Healthcom), 2010 12th IEEE International Confer-
ence on, pages 1–6. IEEE.
Beeharee, A. K. and Steed, A. (2006). A natural wayfind-
ing exploiting photos in pedestrian navigation sys-
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