This should be considered in order to propose a valid
Typical call centers models consider a queuing
system for which the arrival process is Poisson with
known mean arrival rates (Gans et al., 2003). Since
the data of the problem are forecasts of arrival rates,
the accuracy of this deterministic approach is lim-
ited. Indeed, these estimations of mean arrival rates
may differ from the reality. Uncertainty is taken into
account in several papers, with various approaches.
Several published works consider that input parame-
ters of the optimization program follow known distri-
butions. Some deal with continuous distributions (Ex-
coffier et al., 2014), discrete distributions (Luedtke
et al., 2007) or discretizations of a continuous distri-
bution into several possible scenarios (Robbins and
Harrison, 2010), (Liao et al., 2012) or (Gans et al.,
2012). However it can be difficult to estimate which
distribution is appropriate. (Liao et al., 2013) for call
centers and (Calafiore and El Ghaoui, 2006) for gen-
eral problems consider a distributionally robust ap-
proach. The problem deals with minimizing the fi-
nal cost considering the most unfavorable distribution
of a family of distributions whose parameters are the
given mean and variance. In (Liao et al., 2013), the
statistic is used to build the class of possibles dis-
crete distributions, with a confidence set around the
estimated values. (Calafiore and El Ghaoui, 2006)
consider the set of radial distributions to characterise
the uncertainty region, but do not solve the final opti-
mization program for this set. Moreover they do not
focus on a specific problem and do not consider inte-
ger variables.
In the optimization program, we need to take into
account and manage the risk of not respecting the
objective service level. (Liao et al., 2012) and (Rob-
bins and Harrison, 2010) choose to penalize the non
respect of the objective service level with a penalty
cost in the objective function of the optimization
program. (Gurvich et al., 2010) and (Excoffier et al.,
2014) use a chance-constrained model, in which the
constraints are probabilities to be respected with the
given risk level. (Gurvich et al., 2010) focus on the
staffing problem but not the scheduling problem, and
consider only one period of time.
The contributions of this paper are the follow-
ing: first we model our problem with uncertain mean
arrival rates and a joint chance-constrained mixed-
integer linear program. This approach corresponds
well with the real requirements of the scheduling
problem in call centers. Indeed, forecasts are a use-
ful indication of what can happen in reality but can
not be considered as enough. This approach is in con-
trast with most previous publications whose risk man-
agement rely on a penalty cost. This penality can be
difficult to estimate.
Second we consider the risk level on the whole
horizon of study instead of period by period with joint
chance constraints. It enables to control the Quality
of Service on the whole horizon of study, which is
a critical benefit. Managers demand to have a weekly
vision of the call center, and not only for short periods
of time. Moreover we propose a flexible sharing out
of the risk through the periods in order to guarantee
minimization of the costs. As far as we know, this
consideration is only used in (Excoffier et al., 2014)
for the staffing and scheduling problem in call centers.
Finally we focus on a distributionally robust ap-
proach, considering that we only know the first two
moments of the continuous probability distributions.
Since we do not know in reality what is the ade-
quate distribution, we investigate a way of solving the
problem for unknown distributions. Unlike other pro-
posed distributionally robust approaches ((Liao et al.,
2013) in particular), we consider continuous distribu-
tions instead of discrete distributions. This allows to
a better representation of the reality. Moreover, (Liao
et al., 2013) focus on the uncertainty on the parame-
ters of a known gamma distribution whereas we focus
on the uncertainty of the distribution with known pa-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we present the formulation of the prob-
lem. At first, we propose the staffing model used
for computing the useful data of the scheduling prob-
lem. Then we introduce the distributionally robust
chance-constrained approach. In Section 3 we pro-
pose computations leading to the deterministic equiv-
alent of the distributionally robust program. We also
present the piecewise linear approximations leading
to the final programs whose solutions are lower and
upper bounds of the initial optimal solution. Section
4 gives an illustrative example of our approach. Fi-
nally in Section 5 we give numerical results.
2.1 Staffing Model
The shift-scheduling problem is induced by the fact
that we consider whole number of human agents
working according to manpower constraints. We have
to consider that agents can not come and work for
only a few hours and need to follow working shifts
of full-time or part-time jobs. These shifts are made