rithms are mainly applied before the processes starts,
in offline manner. When circumstances change and
an immediate event happens, the previously produced
schedule is not usable or is not optimal any more.
These cases necessitate real-time schedulers. Adap-
tive real-time schedulers are a relatively new top-
ics of OR, see e.g., (Nandanwar and Shrawankar,
2012). Mainly these schedulers are constructed to ap-
ply them in multiprocessor computer systems (Rat-
tanatamrong and Fortes, 2010), (Rattanatamrong and
Fortes, 2011). We intend our system to respond to
immediate events by taking into account the possible
substitution of resources. Literature review showed
that cooperation between the resources increases the
effectiveness of the schedule, see e.g., (Murthy et al.,
1997). Resource allocation and the whole scheduling
can be improved when experiences from the past are
used (Gregg et al., 2011). (Li, 2006) used data min-
ing for collecting historical data about the behaviour
of the schedule in the past. We acquire information
about experiences of past executions also by applying
process mining methods. (Ejarque, 2010) used histor-
ical data for predicate the behaviour of the tasks and
resources in the system and for collecting information
about the failures in the past. Next to these goals in
our work we apply historical data for increasing the
optimality of the prepared schedule.
A scheduler system is created for reaching all of
these goals. We intend to include handling of real-
time events, cooperation of the resources, adaptiv-
ity as well as mining and using of historical data
into our interactive scheduler. The proposed system
makes possible for the users to give different input
data (workflow, resource properties, product types,
etc.) via a graphical interface. It is capable to handle
workflows in XPDL. Our sub-team gets these data in
Json format and creates an agent system for dealing
with them. As Figure 1 represents, there is a special
agent for scheduling the resources which are repre-
sented by separate agent, there is an agent for mining
data from the log entries of the previous executions,
and there is an agent which deals with the database
connection and operations.
The database of the system has a central role
in supporting the process model representation, the
scheduling and process mining functionalities in an
easily usable way. In this paper this database is high-
lighted and the main functions are introduced based
on its structure. Section 2 describes the structure and
the intended content of the database. Based on the
tables of the database and their relations Section 3
shows how we implement the two main function of
the system: scheduling and process mining. Finally,
Section 4 concludes our work.
Figure 1: Overview of our scheduler system.
The database of the system was created to make the
resource-related data handling, the preparation of the
schedule and process mining easy. The structure of
the database is based on the formal model of the
scheduler, which was presented in our former paper
(Dulai et al., 2013).
The tables of the database can be clustered into
three main groups:
• tables related to the workflow
• tables related to the resources
• tables related to process mining
These groups are introduced in the following subsec-
2.1 Workflow-related Tables of the
The workflow-related tables (see Figure 2) contain the
workflow-model and the processes of the real execu-
tions, too, in the same structure. Each workflow be-
longs to a project, ensuring that users from different
companies are able to use the system without mixing
up their data. Project table contains the names of the
different projects and its entries are linked to the data
of the different users (companies).
The main goal of these table is to represent the
structure of the actions in the processes. Important
information of the processes – like e.g., its start and
its latest possible finish time – are stored in the Pro-
cess table. The elements of the processes are the ac-
tions, its main properties – e.g., its name, the real start
time of the action, whether it is a pause, on which
product type is it carried out, how many pieces of the
product type are involved into this action, what is the
maximal pause after executing the action which is tol-
erated, how the default operation time and cost are