A Database-oriented Workflow Scheduler with Historical Data and
Resource Substitution Possibilities
Tibor Dulai and
Agnes Werner-Stark
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Pannonia,
Egyetem str. 10, Veszpr´em, Hungary
Database, Workflow Scheduler, Resource Substitution, Historical Data.
This paper presents the database of a novel workflow scheduler that is able to handle resource substitution
and takes into account historical data. The generated schedule can be optimized either in time or cost. The
scheduler enables a resource substitution in case of an immediate event or when cost- or time-efficiency-related
reasons necessitates it. The underlying database is able to handle complex workflows, represents the fleet of
various resources and supports data mining from the data of the logged execution of the schedule in order to
further improving the schedule. The database and the scheduler is a part of a complex project which schedules
workflows described in XPDL by an agent system taking into account the real-time events and historical data
served by process mining. Our scheduler system is intended to be applied both in business and industrial
Scheduling has huge importance for several reasons:
companies are to increase their productivity with
maintain their cost as low as possible. Nowadays the
serious impact of some industrial processes is also re-
alized, that’s why the reduction of environment pollu-
tion is also an important goal of production planning.
Suitable scheduling reduces the redundant use of pol-
luting resources resulting greener processes. These
factors motivated us in our work. We intend to de-
velop a system which ensures effectivescheduling ca-
pabilities both for business and industrial processes.
Next to the usual functionalities of schedulers e.g.,
resource allocations and optimization for time or cost
domain our system makes possible to take into ac-
count resource substitution possibilities an the expe-
riences of previous executions. Resource substitution
can take place in case of immediate events, e.g., when
a resource breaks down and is not able to carry out its
previously assigned tasks. The experiences from the
previous executions are collected by the tools of pro-
cess mining: historical data may improve the schedul-
ing by using information e.g., about the trustworthi-
ness or power of the resources in different circum-
For reaching our goals we had to create an ap-
propriate data-model based database which has cen-
tral role during the flexible and adaptive scheduling
process. The database has to support the solution of
wide-scale of scheduling problems where
the processes to schedule haveappropriate in the
database interactively predefined (via the user in-
terface) – structure of jobs,
each job may have arbitrary precondition(s),
whose possible values have to be previously de-
fined in the database,
every resources of the problem have to be prede-
fined in the database arbitrarily via the user inter-
all the possible resource-job pairs with their prop-
erties (e.g. cost, operation time, resource opera-
tion mode, capacity, resource failure probability
has to be previously defined in the database,
all the entity types (e.g. process, job, resource
type, resource) which can be related to a mined
knowledge has to be previously defined in the
The goal of this paper is to introduce the structure of
the database and the thoughts behind it, that made the
creation of the adaptive scheduler possible.
Scheduling is widely investigated topic related to
the execution of processes on computers or computer
networks. Moreover,in case of business process plan-
ning and industrial production processes scheduler al-
gorithms also have huge roles. Although, these algo-
Dulai T. and Werner-Stark Á..
A Database-oriented Workflow Scheduler with Historical Data and Resource Substitution Possibilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0005204803250330
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2015), pages 325-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-075-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rithms are mainly applied before the processes starts,
in offline manner. When circumstances change and
an immediate event happens, the previously produced
schedule is not usable or is not optimal any more.
These cases necessitate real-time schedulers. Adap-
tive real-time schedulers are a relatively new top-
ics of OR, see e.g., (Nandanwar and Shrawankar,
2012). Mainly these schedulers are constructed to ap-
ply them in multiprocessor computer systems (Rat-
tanatamrong and Fortes, 2010), (Rattanatamrong and
Fortes, 2011). We intend our system to respond to
immediate events by taking into account the possible
substitution of resources. Literature review showed
that cooperation between the resources increases the
effectiveness of the schedule, see e.g., (Murthy et al.,
1997). Resource allocation and the whole scheduling
can be improved when experiences from the past are
used (Gregg et al., 2011). (Li, 2006) used data min-
ing for collecting historical data about the behaviour
of the schedule in the past. We acquire information
about experiences of past executions also by applying
process mining methods. (Ejarque, 2010) used histor-
ical data for predicate the behaviour of the tasks and
resources in the system and for collecting information
about the failures in the past. Next to these goals in
our work we apply historical data for increasing the
optimality of the prepared schedule.
A scheduler system is created for reaching all of
these goals. We intend to include handling of real-
time events, cooperation of the resources, adaptiv-
ity as well as mining and using of historical data
into our interactive scheduler. The proposed system
makes possible for the users to give different input
data (workflow, resource properties, product types,
etc.) via a graphical interface. It is capable to handle
workflows in XPDL. Our sub-team gets these data in
Json format and creates an agent system for dealing
with them. As Figure 1 represents, there is a special
agent for scheduling the resources which are repre-
sented by separate agent, there is an agent for mining
data from the log entries of the previous executions,
and there is an agent which deals with the database
connection and operations.
The database of the system has a central role
in supporting the process model representation, the
scheduling and process mining functionalities in an
easily usable way. In this paper this database is high-
lighted and the main functions are introduced based
on its structure. Section 2 describes the structure and
the intended content of the database. Based on the
tables of the database and their relations Section 3
shows how we implement the two main function of
the system: scheduling and process mining. Finally,
Section 4 concludes our work.
Figure 1: Overview of our scheduler system.
The database of the system was created to make the
resource-related data handling, the preparation of the
schedule and process mining easy. The structure of
the database is based on the formal model of the
scheduler, which was presented in our former paper
(Dulai et al., 2013).
The tables of the database can be clustered into
three main groups:
tables related to the workflow
tables related to the resources
tables related to process mining
These groups are introduced in the following subsec-
2.1 Workflow-related Tables of the
The workflow-related tables (see Figure 2) contain the
workflow-model and the processes of the real execu-
tions, too, in the same structure. Each workflow be-
longs to a project, ensuring that users from different
companies are able to use the system without mixing
up their data. Project table contains the names of the
different projects and its entries are linked to the data
of the different users (companies).
The main goal of these table is to represent the
structure of the actions in the processes. Important
information of the processes like e.g., its start and
its latest possible finish time are stored in the Pro-
cess table. The elements of the processes are the ac-
tions, its main properties e.g., its name, the real start
time of the action, whether it is a pause, on which
product type is it carried out, how many pieces of the
product type are involved into this action, what is the
maximal pause after executing the action which is tol-
erated, how the default operation time and cost are
Figure 2: The workflow-related tables of the database.
scaled by the user can be found in the Action table
of the database. Actions of a process may have dif-
ferent relations with each others (e.g., an action may
have 4 different direct following actions where all of
them have to be executed or there is only one follow-
ing action in direct sequential relation or there may
be any other relation between the actions of a pro-
cess). This flexibility has to be ensured by the data
representation in the database, too. It is done by the
PrevActions and NextActions tables which have to
be handled together. These tables are for describing
the neighbouring actions of a process, while a spe-
cial table (RelType) represents the relation type of the
neighbouring actions. This way the possible relation
types can be defined arbitrarily.
There may exist a special case: an empty action,
the pause. During pause there is no need for resource
in the process execution, we only have to wait. The
pause is represented by a special action, which has
only one important property: its length, which is con-
tained in the PauseLength table.
There are cases when actions may be executed
only when some preconditions are satisfied. The
database makes possible to define arbitrary precondi-
tions in its Precondition table. These can be assigned
to the actions of processes via creating entries in Ac-
tionPrecondition table. It makes possible to define
actions without precondition, while there may exist
different actions which have the same precondition.
2.2 Resource-related Tables of the
This section describes the part of the database which
belongs to the concrete schedule and execution of the
processes. When a process is scheduled, its model
is concretized by assigning its actions to concrete re-
sources with concrete parameters. The same can be
stated for the case of executed processes, too. These
tables for containing concrete resource-related and
process execution related information can be seen in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: The resource-related tables of the database.
The system we created deals with resource types.
Companies can determine how many pieces of the dif-
ferent resource types they have, what is their name
and in case of failure how long are they unusable.
These properties of a resource type can be found in
the ResType table. Table Accessibility describes how
many resource of a given resource type is available –
in fact this table contains the timestamps when the
availability of a resource changes and the cardinality
of the set of the available resources of the referred
type starting from the timestamp. In some cases re-
source type is not enough, we have to refer a concrete
resource for information assignment (e.g., by apply-
ing process mining different efficiency can be deter-
mined for different resources of the same type). Table
ResItem makes possible the identification and char-
acterization of a concrete resource.
An important property of the resource types
which makes possible them to substitute other re-
source types is that a resource type may have dif-
ferent operation modes. The database makes possible
to define operation modes in OpMode table and to as-
sign them to resources by writing ResOpMode table.
In our system the basic properties of the process-
ing of an action by a resource is determined by four
different factors:
the resource (or the type of the resource)
the applied operation mode of the resource
the activity which is carried out by the resource
the product type the action is applied on its
names are stored in table ProdType
This quartet determines the main properties of the
concrete execution of an action, like the duration of
the operation, its cost, its failure probability, and the
capacity of the resource. These data are stored in
the Task table. One more property belongs here,
which is important in real-time scheduling: it indi-
cates whether the action is suspendable during the ex-
ecution without starting it from its beginning again.
Users may name the concrete executed actions, this
data is placed into table Activity.
Some actions require additional resources during
the part (or the whole time) of their execution. These
needs are stored in the AddResNeed table, where
next to the ID of the additional resource and its opera-
tion mode the starting time and duration of the needed
usage can also be set.
In the creation of optimal schedule table Subst has
huge importance. This table stores the basic informa-
tion about the substitution capability of the resource
types. Of course different resource types may carry
out the same action with different efficiency, e.g., re-
source B needs twice more time or cost for doing the
same action on a product than resource A. This rela-
tion of the substitutable resource types is also stored
in the table.
Similarly to the workflow-related data, resource-
related basic data are also project-dependent, they are
assigned to the entries of table Project.
2.3 Process Mining-Related Tables of
the Database
Process mining algorithms are used for extracting im-
portant historical data from former process execution
logs. Then, these data are used to refine the schedule.
The database is prepared for supporting process min-
ing and the storage of the mined information. Figure
4 shows the tables which are responsible for dealing
with historical data.
Log table stores the event log entries. The main
purpose of this block was to be general enough be-
cause of the wide usability. In this table the timestamp
of the log entry, its description and status are stored,
together with the identification of the related action.
This action has further information about the circum-
stances of the formation of the log entry in the Task
table whose relevant entry is referenced in the Action
Figure 4: The process mining-related tables of the database.
After process mining algorithm processed the log
entries, mined knowledge is issued. This knowledge
is stored in the MinedKnowledge table. As the mined
information can be varied, the structure of its storage
has to be flexible. We store general property-value
pairs in the table. Of course we should know which
entity (action, resource, etc.) the mined knowledge
refers. The type of the referred entity (which has to be
previously declared in the EntityType table) and its
ID are also stored together with the mined knowledge
in the table. Finally, the origin of the mined knowl-
edge (which log entry or log entries are they origin
from) can be assigned in the LogMined table.
Based on our previously introduced database, in this
section we briefly present the main functions of the
scheduler system: how the scheduler algorithm works
taking into account the possible resource substitution
and how historical data are used for improving the
schedule. Finally, we collect the advantages of our
approach, these advantages origin from the structure
of the database.
3.1 Basic Scheduling Method Built on
Resource Substitution Possibilities
The initial state our scheduling system is count on that
the basic data are written into the database. These data
are the types of the resources which are at service at
the company; the properties – like possible operation
modes, cost, operation time, etc. of these resource
types; the activities which have to be carried out, etc.
After these data are entered via the GUI, the sys-
tem can handle the workflows as follows:
A model of the workflow has to be created by the
user. It has to express the desirable operation of
the workflow. It means the identification of the
proper sequence of the actions of the workflow
and the desires resource allocation. In this phase
the user does not have to deal with the availability
of the resources.
Based on the workflow model and the basic data
of the resources stored in the database, the sched-
uler allocates the proper resources to the proper
actions of the workflow. In our case it is done fol-
lowing the goal that an action has to be started as
soon as possible. If the resource which was as-
signed in the model is not available – it has to be
verified in the Accessibility table of the database
, then the scheduler looks for a possible substitute
based on the Subst table of the database. When
there is not free resource to carry out the action,
then the beginning of the action has to be shifted
in time forward while a resource becomes free
which can carry out the action. Following these
steps for action to action, the final schedule will
be prepared.
When the real execution of the workflow takes
place, the steps of the execution are written into
the database the same way as in case of the work-
flow model. Next to the fixation of the real se-
quence of the actions and the resources which
were involved into the execution, the logs of the
actions are prepared, too, and are written into the
Log table of the database. Of course, immediate
events may result that the real execution differs
from the schedule.
Based on the time to time updated content of the
log table, the process miner agent collects data
which are written into the MinedKnowledge table
of the database. These collected information can
be used by the scheduler agent in later schedules
and for improving recent schedules, too.
3.2 Usage of Historical Data for
Improving Scheduling
The Process Mining agent collects experiences about
the real executions of workflows which can be use-
ful for later schedules. These experiences are infor-
mation which characterize the different elements of
the process execution: the resources, the actions, etc.
Mined information are stored in the MinedKnowledge
table of the database. We collect information for get-
ting knowledge about:
Which resource is the most time- or cost-effective
in average in carrying out a given action?
Which resources are overloaded?
Does the direct previous action of a resource influ-
ence its time- or cost-efficiencyduring performing
an action?
Does the simultaneous operation of two resources
influence their time- or cost-efficiency during per-
forming actions?
Does the absolute time of the work influence the
time- or cost-efficiency of performing an action
by a resource?
How the failure-probability or other important
properties – of the resources change over time?
Which action resulted the most failure?
These information can be used by the scheduler
agent in resource selection for carrying out an action.
Historical data may be talkative about the expectable
performance of the resources.
In the future we intend to implement more sched-
uler algorithms (e.g., heuristic schedulers) and com-
pare their efficiency. Moreover, our goal is to collect
several information of the past workflow executions
and implementing more and more process mining al-
gorithms for improving the final schedule, while ver-
ifying the impact of the application of the mined in-
formation on the efficiency.
3.3 Advantages of the Approach which
origin of the Database Structure
and Content
The database presented in Section 2 makes the reach
of our goals possible: the inclusion of the wide spec-
tra of improvementsinto our scheduler,related to both
the reaction to the immediate dynamic events, the
cooperation of the resources and the improvements
helped by mined historical data. The structure and
the content of the database ensure the following pos-
The system is able to handle several separate
projects parallel.
the suspendability of the activities can be taken
into account during the creation of the schedule.
It may result that an ongoing action can be sus-
pended to share its resource with an action which
begins later without starting the former action
again from its beginning.
Possibility of resource failure can be taken into
account during schedule preparation.
Experiences of the ongoing execution can influ-
ence in real-time the parameters of the schedule.
Different operation modes of the same resource
can be taken into account.
The substitutability of resources and its scale – the
difference of different resources performing the
same action – can be handled.
Preconditions can be assigned to the actions.
More than one action can have the same precon-
dition, too.
Historical data can be stored.
The results of process mining can be identified,
collected, their relation with their origin and sub-
ject can be expressed.
These advantages ensure that a flexible and up-
to-date scheduling system can be created which meet
with our exceptions.
This paper presented an ongoing research of a work-
flow scheduler which takes into account resource sub-
stitution possibilities and historical data which origin
from past executions. This scheduler is a part of a
complex system which is developed for scheduling
business processes, however, we intend to apply it for
other processes, too.
The paper places the database of the scheduler into
the centre. This database stores properties of the re-
sources, stores the model of the workflow and after
scheduling its result is also written into the database.
Moreover during the real execution, log entries and
the possible changes are also fixed in the database.
The paper details the structure of the database, and
highlights the relation of the main functions of the
scheduler and the database tables. For extracting use-
ful information of historical data we implement pro-
cess mining algorithms. We intend to analyze their
effect on the efficiency of the scheduler. Moreover,
implementing more scheduler algorithms we want to
use our system for comparing them in the future.
This publication/research has been supported by the
European Union and Hungary and co-financed by the
European Social Fund through the project TAMOP-
4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0004 National Research
Center for Development and Market Introduction
of Advanced Information and Communication Tech-
We acknowledge the financial support of the
Hungarian State and the European Union under the
The authors wish to thank Prof. Katalin M. Han-
gos from Computer and Automation Research Insti-
tute, Budapest, Hungary, for her advices during the
creation of this paper.
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