shown that an innovative and novel use of pervasive
technology has improved usability compared to the
small keyfobs. SmartATRS thereby meets a
functionality metric defined by Metsis et al. (2008),
stating that “an assistive technology must perform
correctly in order to serve its purpose”.
The user feedback obtained at the Mobility
Roadshow highlighted the need to improve the
usability of the keyfobs. A SmartATRS prototype
was developed that provided a smartphone
independent solution that integrated a relay board
and embedded web server into the standard ATRS
system architecture. The SUS results proved that
SmartATRS by touch had ‘Excellent’ and borderline
‘Best Imaginable’ usability, compared to the keyfobs
that achieved ‘OK’ usability. Completing NASA
TLX on the interaction methods showed that
SmartATRS by touch was less mentally and
physically demanding than keyfobs. Despite joystick
control having higher levels of demand than touch, it
was concluded to also be an improved interaction
method over keyfobs. Safety of ATRS was enhanced
through an emergency stop function that allowed all
functions to be immobilised with a single command
button, producing dramatically reduced emergency
stop times than keyfobs.
The development of SmartATRS has been an
initial step to creating a SmartPowerchair. In order
to achieve this, future user evaluations will be
conducted to identify the most suitable pervasive
computing technologies to apply. Through the
successful integration of such technologies, a
SmartPowerchair is anticipated to further enhance
the quality of life and independence of people with
The authors would like to thank the experimentation
participants, Keith Whittington and Jane Merrington
for their support with the experimentation.
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