that it is easier to find a feasible solution, or even an
optimal one, when handling terminals operating with
a mixed mode. Moreover, our experiments provide
insight into the number of gates to be changed from
exclusive to mixed in order to guarantee the best per-
For future research, it may be interesting to inves-
tigate the special case of the problem with p
= p.
The complexity of Pm|r
, p
= p|
is open
((Kravchenko and Werner, 2011)) and this problem is
a special case of our problem with p
= p : take |I| = 1
with i ∈ I, define
= r
+ p
such that s
= r
and de-
fine for all o ∈ O, r
= max{r
+ p
} and w
= w
Another interesting problem is an extension in
which trailers are allowed to remain at the gate longer
than strictly needed for loading or unloading. In this
way, the number of direct transfers from inbound to
outbound trailers can be augmented and consequently,
the usage of the storage area can be decreased.
This research was part of ROCKS project supported
by CNRS/INS2I (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique/Institut des Sciences de l’Information et
de leurs Interactions), PICS action n 6421.
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