a new alliance is started, all enemy player states are
changed to war, thus reducing their trust ratio and in-
creasing aggressiveness towards them.
4.3 Advisers
Advisers are the components of DipBlue that assess
possible orders and determine what to do. Each of
them is individual and can be used without the others,
providing modularity and extensibility to the archi-
tecture. In the process of determining which actions
to perform, the opinions of all advisers are taken into
A ranking of possible orders for each unit is cre-
ated. The method used to calculate the value assigned
to each action is a weighted accumulation similar to
a voting system, considering the numerical evaluation
each adviser provides (see Eq. 1, where n is the num-
ber of advisers, w
is the weight of Adviser i and v
is the value Adviser i assigns to Order).
While accumulating values, these can actually be
either summed or multiplied, as for some advisers the
assigned value has no meaning by itself (e.g. the prob-
ability of an order being successful), and should be
interpreted as a scaling factor – the adviser is simply
increasing or decreasing the importance of the order.
This also means that the order of execution of advisers
is important.
Finally, the best order for each unit is selected, en-
suring they do not collide with each other. This verifi-
cation is important because, for instance, if two units
happen to attack the same region, a conflict arises
and neither unit is successful, nulling out each other
Initially, advisers have equal weights, which can
then be adjusted in order to fine-tune the bot. Along
with these weights, advisers themselves have intrinsic
parameters that can be adjusted for obtaining differ-
ent behavior variations. The adjustment of these pa-
rameters allows the creation of behavioral archetypes
and personality, such as aggressive, naive, friendly or
vengeful players. An optimization approach may be
used to find out the optimal performance, following
the approach in (Jonge, 2010).
We now provide short descriptions of the advisers
illustrated in Figure 3.
MapTactician is the base adviser, serving as a
starting point for all the following advisers to work
upon. It is based on the behavior of DumbBot (see
Section 3.2). This adviser performs an assessment of
the map in terms of raw power, amount of enemy units
and their positions, following a province destination
value heuristic (see Section 3.3).
FortuneTeller takes into account the basic rules
for resolving actions in Diplomacy to predict if an
action will succeed, giving a probabilistic view of
the evaluated move actions. Since Diplomacy has a
complex set of rules with many exceptions and prece-
dences between them, determining if one action in a
given set is going to be successful is not a trivial task.
Given the size of the search tree, it can also be quite
time consuming. In order to alleviate this problem,
FortuneTeller disregards the possibility of chain ac-
tions that may nullify each other, thus often obtaining
optimistic probabilities of success.
The role of TeamBuilder is to promote support
actions. Supports related with move actions that are
highly ranked have their value increased, as a way to
increase the probability of success of the move. Fur-
ther in the process of choosing the actions for each
unit, with this adviser a unit may forfeit its highest
ranked action to support some neighbor with a high
need for support, particularly when the move of such
neighbor has a value higher than the original action
of the supporting unit. Changing the weight of this
adviser results in a higher cooperation in attacking
moves, thus enhancing team play.
AgreementExecutor takes into account the deals
made by DipBlue and decides how they should be per-
formed. The value of each deal is assessed by taking
into account the trust ratio with the deal counterpart.
Given the dynamics of the game, a deal may be pro-
posed or accepted when the powers are in a friendly
state but then be poorly rated because of the decrease
of trust between both parties.
WordKeeper is the adviser in charge of reflect-
ing the influence of trust/friction regarding each op-
ponent. WordKeeper scales the value of the actions
according to the trust ratio of the player the action is
directed to. This way, the value associated with an at-
tack to an ally is reduced, while the value associated
with an attack to an enemy is increased.
4.4 Archetypes
Throughout the development of the DipBlue bot some
distinct aspects were created, such as the ability to
negotiate, propose deals and perform trust reasoning.
In order to test some of these aspects individually,
some different bots were created according to generic
archetypes. Each archetype is defined by the set of ad-
visers it uses and by the way the bot reacts to certain
events, such as peace and action requests. Archetypes
can be seen as different configurations of DipBlue,
and were defined to overcome the lack of DipGame