an application using our framework. We observed
that all the programmers had some initial difficulties
to understand the proposed life-cycle and all its
specifications. We quickly concluded that the given
documentation and example was insufficient to
completely understand the life-cycle. At the end, all
participants have stated that a more complete
documentation would have eased the task.
One programmer suggested to divide
onResume() on two different callbacks, in a similar
way to the Android platform: one callback for the
first time the application is put on the screen, and
another for when the application is resumed from
paused. For this developer this would make the code
easier to read and would give programmers an easy
way to determine if the application was being put on
the display for the first time.
Another programmer suggested that the
releaseMe() callback could also be available from
the paused state (currently it is only available from
the resumed state). This would allow applications to
unload themselves if an error occurs while paused.
Overall, however, all programmers stated that it
was easy or very easy to create an application for
our public display system.
We have presented a new run-time life-cycle model
for public display applications that allows a better
resource management for display systems that have
to handle a high number of independent
applications. The model allows applications to load
their resources before they are displayed, allows
applications to transition and terminate gracefully,
allows rapid pausing and resuming, and allows
applications to request and relinquish display time.
We have implemented this model as a Google
Chrome Extension where each application is
assigned a browser tab. Our implementation
manages the life-cycle of each application
determining which tab should be displayed at any
time. We support three types of applications:
foreground, background, and legacy applications.
Our system provides a priority mechanism that
allows display owners to control which applications
can be interrupted by which applications.
Our tests with this system have revealed some
issues regarding the user experience when
applications are paused very near their end, and
when they are interrupted for a long time. The best
approach to deal with these issues is still an open
question that we plan to research in the future.
Our system is, to the best of our knowledge, the first
to specifically address the problem of resource
management within a multi-application public
display system. We believe this line of research can
result in more efficient public display systems that
provide a better user experience. Our system is
available as an open-source project at (Cardoso,
This paper was financially supported by the
Foundation for Science and Technology — FCT —
in the scope of project PEst-OE/EAT/UI0622/2014.
A “work-in-progress” version of this work has been
presented in the ICIW 2014 conference (Perpétua,
Cardoso, and Carlos C. Oliveira, 2014).
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