trajectory changes direction along a perpendicular
axis to the task axis. In Figure 3, there are four
Figure 4: Path sampling.
MV is the standard deviation of the distances of
the sample cursor positions to the task axis. It
represents the extent to which the cursor positions
lie in a straight line along an axis parallel to the task
axis. Considering the task axis is transformed so that
it is equal to y = 0 (see Figure 4), y
is the distance
between a sample cursor position and the axis, is
the mean distance of the sample cursor positions to
the axis, and n is the number of sample positions:
ME is the average deviation of the sample cursor
positions from the task axis, irrespective of whether
the points are above or below the axis. If the task
axis is y = 0, then:
MO is the mean deviation of the sample cursor
to the task axis. If the task axis is y = 0, then:
2.3 Leap Motion Studies
(Weichert, Bachmann, Rudak, & Fisseler, 2013)
analysed the accuracy and robustness of the leap
motion controller. They performed an experiment
where a robotic arm would hold a pen in its hand
and was programmed to place the tip in several real
world known positions. These positions would then
be compared to the ones acquired by the LM
controller, being the difference between each other
the precision. These measures were repeated several
times in order to find repeatability, for two cases:
static and dynamic (with a moving pen). They found
the accuracy of the LM to be less than 0.2mm for the
static case and less than 1mm for the dynamic case.
Weichert et al. focused on the accuracy of device
itself; in this paper we focus on the accuracy of the
user performing a task with the device.
(Vikram, Li, & Russell, 2013) present a new
type of user input for writing, using the LM. Using
the finger position data from the LM they are able to
identify characters and words written “in the air”.
They propose an algorithm that is capable of
recognizing gestures without pen down/pen up
gestures to mark the beginning and end of a gesture.
Although their interaction technique relies on users
performing finger gestures, their analysis is
concerned with the gesture recognition algorithm. In
this paper, we address the issue of the performance
of doing the gestures (for simple pointing tasks).
(Nabiyouni, Laha, & Bowman, 2014) performed
a usability testing in order to find which of the
implemented 3D travel techniques was the most
efficient in bare-hand interaction. Five techniques
were tested in a set of 3 tasks and the interaction was
performed through the use of the LM controller. The
techniques developed were based on a “Camera-in-
hand” metaphor, where the Leap Motion workspace
was directly mapped to the virtual world, and an
“Airplane” metaphor, that, similar to driving a
vehicle, had the camera always moving
straightforward being the user responsible for
controlling its velocity and orientation (the
orientation was the same as the hand). A 3D virtual
scenario, modelled as a city, was used to perform the
tests. This is an example of a task that is out of the
scope of our evaluation since it uses LM-specific
features that are outside of the WIMP paradigm.
(Manolova, 2014) describes a system for
touchless interaction with medical images in surgery
rooms using the LM device. Surgeons could
manipulate image data using the open source
Medical Imaging Toolkit (MITO). The system
provided several functions such as scaling, zooming,
and rotating, but also allowed the operator to
manipulate the imaging software with traditional
WIMP tasks: “When the operator pointed one or two
fingers towards the screen, the system drew a cursor
on the screen so that the operator could point items
or buttons in the imaging software, and when the
operator moved the finger farther towards the
screen, the pointed item was selected (similar to a
mouse click)” (Manolova, 2014, p. 5). This is the
type of interaction that is the focus of the current
paper: applications that take advantage of the LM’s
gesture recognition for non WIMP interactions but
that also allow the user to use the LM as a standard
mouse, avoiding the use of a separate device
(mouse) to control the software’s functions.
The experiment was a 3 × 5 × 8 within-subjects
factorial design: