We proposed a video saliency detection method
based on using SVM to learn weights for combining
features represented by superpixel clusters. The
process of combining features in the new algorithm
performs better than any individual feature. The
saliency flow from a video sequence generates a
better saliency map than single frame maps. We
compared our new method to other state-of-the-art
methods using publically available data sets and
showed that the new method has better performance.
The reported result is the first known application of
temporal superpixels for video saliency detection.
Our ongoing work is in visual tracking, in which we
find the most salient object along with temporal
linkage. The saliency map with salient objects can
also be used to guide video segmentation.
The authors thank the reviewers whose suggestions
improved the manuscript. This work was supported
in part by the Louisiana Board of Regents through
grant no. LEQSF (2011-14)-RD-A-28.
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